select * from t_hq_ryxx;
select bianh,xingm from t_hq_ryxx;
--as 指定别名
select bianh as 编号, xingm as 姓名 from t_hq_ryxx t;
select bianh 编号 from t_hq_ryxx
select bianh ||xingm as 编号和姓名 from t_hq_ryxx ;
-- order by 按**排序
--desc 降序
--asc 升序 省略的时候默认升序
select bianh as 编号, t.* from t_hq_ryxx t order by bianh desc;
select bianh as 编号, t.* from t_hq_ryxx t order by xingb,bumbm;
select bianh as 编号, t.* from t_hq_ryxx t order by xingb desc,bumbm desc;
select bianh,xingb from t_hq_ryxx order by bianh,xingb;
--数据为空的放最上 last 为放在最下
select bianh as 编号, t.* from t_hq_ryxx t order by xingb,bumbm nulls first ;
-- 1 指第一列
select * from t_hq_ryxx t order by 1;
select * from t_hq_ryxx t order by bumbm || bianh;
select nianl,gongz,(nianl+gongz) as g from t_hq_ryxx t order by(nianl+gongz) desc;
select distinct bumbm from t_hq_ryxx t ;
select distinct bumbm,xingb from t_hq_ryxx t ;
select * from t_hq_ryxx where xingb = ‘1‘and bumbm = ‘102‘ ;
select * from t_hq_ryxx where bumbm = ‘103‘or bumbm = ‘102‘ ;
select * from t_hq_ryxx where (bumbm = ‘103‘or bumbm = ‘102‘) and xingb = ‘2‘ ;
select * from t_hq_ryxx where bumbm = ‘103‘or bumbm = ‘102‘ and xingb = ‘2‘ ;
--不可用 gongz = null
select * from t_hq_ryxx where gongz is not null;
select * from t_hq_ryxx where gongz != ‘0.00‘;
--模糊查询 %通配符 _ 通配一位
select * from t_hq_ryxx where xingm like ‘李%‘;
select * from t_hq_ryxx where xingm like‘%大%‘;
select * from t_hq_ryxx where xingm like‘%三‘;
select * from t_hq_ryxx where xingm like‘大_王‘;
select * from t_hq_ryxx where xingm like ‘李_‘;
select * from t_hq_ryxx where bianh in(‘101‘,‘103‘,‘105‘);
select * from t_hq_ryxx where bianh = ‘103‘or bianh = ‘101‘ or bianh = ‘105‘ ;
-- between and 为内包含
select * from t_hq_ryxx where gongz between 5000 and 10000;
select * from t_hq_ryxx where gongz >= 5000 and gongz <= 10000;
select * from t_hq_ryxx where bumbm in (select bumbm From t_hq_bm where lianxdh =‘10086‘);
--any 大于最小的 小于最大的(大于或小于子查询中的一个)
select * from t_hq_ryxx where gongz > any (select pinjgz from t_hq_bm);
select * from t_hq_ryxx where gongz < any (select pinjgz from t_hq_bm);
--all 大于最大的 小于最小的(大于或小于子查询的所有值)
select * from t_hq_ryxx where gongz > all (select pinjgz from t_hq_bm);
select * from t_hq_ryxx where gongz < all (select pinjgz from t_hq_bm);
select bumbm,count(1)as 数量 from t_hq_ryxx group by bumbm;
select bumbm,count(1)as 数量 ,avg(gongz) as 平均值,sum(gongz) as 合计 from t_hq_ryxx group by bumbm;
select bumbm,count(1)as 数量 ,avg(gongz) as 平均值,sum(gongz) as 合计 from t_hq_ryxx where bumbm is not null group by bumbm;
--having 过滤
select bumbm,count(1)as 数量 ,avg(gongz) as 平均值,sum(gongz) as 合计 from t_hq_ryxx group by bumbm having avg(gongz) > 5000;
-- 内连接 --inner 可以省略
select * from t_hq_ryxx t inner join t_hq_bm b on t.bumbm = b.bumbm ;
select * from t_hq_ryxx a,t_hq_ryxx b where a.bumbm=b.bumbm and a.xingb = ‘1‘;
select t.*,b.bummc from t_hq_ryxx t, t_hq_bm b where t.bumbm = b.bumbm ;
-- 内连接 inner 可以省略
select * from t_hq_ryxx t inner join t_hq_bm b on t.bumbm = b.bumbm ;
select * from t_hq_ryxx a,t_hq_ryxx b where a.bumbm=b.bumbm and a.xingb = ‘1‘;
select * from t_hq_ryxx t left join t_hq_bm b on t.bumbm = b.bumbm ;
select * from t_hq_ryxx t inner join t_hq_bm b on t.bumbm = b.bumbm(+) ;
select * from t_hq_ryxx t right join t_hq_bm b on t.bumbm = b.bumbm ;
select * from t_hq_ryxx t inner join t_hq_bm b on t.bumbm(+) = b.bumbm ;
select * from t_hq_ryxx t full join t_hq_bm b on t.bumbm = b.bumbm ;