Listener refused the connection with the following error 错误解决

原文地址 :



  select count(*) from v$process;


  elect count(*) from v$session;


  select count(*) from v$session where status=‘ACTIVE‘;


  select sid,serial#,username,program,machine,status from v$session;


  select value from v$parameter where name = ‘processes‘;

  或者:show parameter processes;


  alter system set processes = 300 scope = spfile;



  shutdown immediate;



  select osuser,a.username,cpu_time/executions/1000000‘s‘ ,sql_fulltext,machine

  from v$session a,v$sqlarea b

  where a.sql_address = b.address

  order by cpu_time/executions desc;

  备注:UNIX 1个用户session对应一个操作系统process,而Windows体现在线程。


  su - oracle

  sqlplus system/pwd as sysdba //进入sql

  startup //启动数据库

  lsnrctl start //启动监听

  sqlplus "/as sysdba"

  shutdown immediate;

  startup mount;

  alter database open;



Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12519, TNS:no appropriate service handler found The Connection descriptor used by the client was:


可以先执行下 select count(*) from v$process ,看下现在系统有多少连接数,然后再查询 select value from v$parameter where name = ‘processes‘ ,看下oracle设置中设置了多少连接数,一般一个应用都会使用20个,所以如果你开了几个应用的话(web、pl/sql、……)就会出这个问题了,这时只需要执行下

alter system set processes = 300 scope = spfile;


时间: 2024-10-30 21:09:34

Listener refused the connection with the following error 错误解决的相关文章

java.sql.SQLException: Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor

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欢迎关注大数据和人工智能技术文章发布的微信公众号:清研学堂,在这里你可以学到夜白(作者笔名)精心整理的笔记,让我们每天进步一点点,让优秀成为一种习惯! 一次连接数据库怎么也连接不上,查了多方面资料,终于找到答案,总结 首先应该保证数据库的服务启动 在myeclipse的数据库视图中点 右键->new 弹出database driver的窗口, Driver template选择oracle(thin driver), Driver name 输入oracle   connection URL=j

Listener refused the connection with the following error: ORA-12528, TNS: listener: all appropriate instances

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java.sql.SQLException: Listener refused the connection with the following error

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出现listener refused the connection with the ORA-12505错误,解决方案: 1.首先重启一下电脑,释放被占用的1521端口 2.重启后打开Oracle Develpoer 3.然后运行cmd,打开命令提示符,输入命令lsnrctl先运行stop,然后再start 4.打开资源管理器,运行C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\BIN\tnslsnr.exe HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYS

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