







因为一般情况下,我们的应用会声明各种权限,这里有必须说明一点,要区别<uses-featrue>和<uses-permisstion>,你声明了一个<uses-featrue android="android.hardware.camera" />并不代表你就可以不写<android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/>权限说明了,我在第1点其实已经说了,<uses-featrue>其实是供GooglePlay用的,而<uses-permisstion>是供你的Android系统使用的,你想使用某个硬件设备或者软件功能就必须申请这个权限。

好了,扯多了,接着前面的说了,我举例子说明,这样最好理解,比如我在程序清单描述了使用照相机的权限,但是没有描述相应的<uses-feature>,则GooglePlay自动的认为你描述了对应与照相机的相应的<uses-feature>,即<uses-featrue android="android.hardware.camera" />。

但是可能有特殊情况,虽然我使用了照相机功能,但是可能这只是我的程序的一个辅助功能,可有可无的那种,那么你肯定希望不希望被GooglePlay把你的程序列为<uses-featrue android="android.hardware.camera" />,为什么看第1点说明,所以这个时候我们有必要明确的说明<uses-featrue android="android.hardware.camera" android:requied="false"/>,相信你能看得懂哈。





If minSdkVersion is ... or targetSdkVersion is Result

<=4 (or uses-sdk is not declared) <=4 A:Google Play will not filter the application from any devicesbased on their reported support for theandroid.hardware.bluetoothfeature.

<=4 >=5 B:Google Play filters the application from any devices that do not support theandroid.hardware.bluetooth feature (includingolder releases).

>=5 >=5



* 这个应该比较重要吧,如果你的程序应用到了蓝牙,需要注意下这个点。





<manifest ...>

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" />

<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="3" />







<manifest ...>

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" />

<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="3" android:targetSdkVersion="5" />






<manifest ...>

<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.bluetooth" />

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" />

<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="3" android:targetSdkVersion="5" />






<manifest ...>

<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.bluetooth" android:required="false" />

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" />

<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="3" android:targetSdkVersion="5" />








1.需要一个未前面的apk文件包,如果你使用的Eclipse和ADT插件来开发程序,那么你应该知道怎么导出吧!好吧,再说一次吧。选中你的工程,右击,选择Android Tools > Export Unsigned ApplicationPackage.选择你要导出的路径和文件名等,然后点击finish就可以了。

2.定位到你的aapt工具所在路径下,如果你没有把它配置到环境变量中的话,如果你使用的SDK Tools版本是r8或者更高版本的,那么在<你的SDK路径>/platform-tools/下,你最好使用最新的aapt工具,如果你没有最新的,请到这里下载最新的,Android SDK Manager。


$ aapt dump badging <path_to_exported_.apk>




$ ./aapt dump badging BTExample.apk

package: name=‘com.example.android.btexample‘ versionCode=‘‘ versionName=‘‘





application: label=‘BT Example‘ icon=‘res/drawable/app_bt_ex.png‘

launchable activity name=‘com.example.android.btexample.MyActivity‘label=‘‘ icon=‘‘



supports-screens: ‘small‘ ‘normal‘ ‘large‘

locales: ‘--_--‘

densities: ‘160‘



Feature Type Feature Descriptor Description Comments

Audio android.hardware.audio.low_latency The application uses a low-latency audio pipeline on the device andis sensitive to delays or lag in sound input or output.

Bluetooth android.hardware.bluetooth The application uses Bluetooth radio features in the device.

Camera android.hardware.camera The application uses the device‘s camera. If the device supports multiple cameras, the application uses the camera that facing away from the screen.

android.hardware.camera.autofocus Subfeature. The application uses the device camera‘s autofocus capability. These subfeatures implicitly declare theandroid.hardware.camera parent feature, unless declared withandroid:required="false".

android.hardware.camera.flash Subfeature. The application uses the device camera‘s flash.

android.hardware.camera.front Subfeature. The application uses a front-facing camera on the device.

Location android.hardware.location The application uses one or more features on the device for determininglocation, such as GPS location, network location, or cell location.

android.hardware.location.network Subfeature. The application uses coarse location coordinates obtained froma network-based geolocation system supported on the device. These subfeatures implicitly declare theandroid.hardware.location parent feature, unless declared withandroid:required="false".

android.hardware.location.gps Subfeature. The application uses precise location coordinates obtainedfrom a Global Positioning System receiver on the device.

Microphone android.hardware.microphone The application uses a microphone on the device.

NFC android.hardware.nfc The application uses Near Field Communications radio features in the device.

Sensors android.hardware.sensor.accelerometer The application uses motion readings from an accelerometer on thedevice.

android.hardware.sensor.barometer The application uses the device‘s barometer.

android.hardware.sensor.compass The application uses directional readings from a magnetometer (compass) onthe device.

android.hardware.sensor.gyroscope The application uses the device‘s gyroscope sensor.

android.hardware.sensor.light The application uses the device‘s light sensor.

android.hardware.sensor.proximity The application uses the device‘s proximity sensor.

Screen android.hardware.screen.landscape The application requires landscape orientation.

For example, if your app requires portrait orientation, you should declare<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.screen.portrait"/> so that only devicesthat support portrait orientation (whether always or by user choice) can install your app. If yourapplication supports both orientations, then you don‘t need to declare either.

Both orientations are assumed not required, by default, so your app may be installedon devices that support one or both orientations. However, if any of your activities request thatthey run in a specific orientation, using the android:screenOrientation attribute, then this also declares that the application requires thatorientation. For example, if you declare android:screenOrientation with either "landscape", "reverseLandscape", or"sensorLandscape", then your application will be available only to devices that supportlandscape orientation. As a best practice, you should still declare your requirement for thisorientation using a <uses-feature> element. If you declare an orientation for youractivity using android:screenOrientation, but don‘t actually require it, you can disable therequirement by declaring the orientation with a <uses-feature> element and includeandroid:required="false".

For backwards compatibility, any device running a platform version that supports only APIlevel 12 or lower is assumed to support both landscape and portrait.

android.hardware.screen.portrait The application requires portrait orientation.

Telephony android.hardware.telephony The application uses telephony features on the device, such as telephonyradio with data communication services.

android.hardware.telephony.cdma Subfeature. The application uses CDMA telephony radio features on thedevice. These subfeatures implicitly declare theandroid.hardware.telephony parent feature, unless declared withandroid:required="false".

android.hardware.telephony.gsm Subfeature. The application uses GSM telephony radio features on thedevice.

Television android.hardware.type.television The application is designed for a television user experience. >This feature defines "television" to be a typical living room television experience: displayed on a big screen, where the user is sitting far away and the dominant form of input is be something like a d-pad, and generally not through touch or a mouse/pointer-device.

Touchscreen android.hardware.faketouch The application uses basic touch interaction events, such as "click down", "clickup", and drag.

When declared as required, this indicates that the application is compatible with a deviceonly if it offers an emulated touchscreen ("fake touch" interface), or better. A device that offersa fake touch interface provides a user input system that emulates a subset of touchscreencapabilities. For example, a mouse or remote control that drives an on-screen cursor provides a faketouch interface. If your application requires basic point and click interaction (in otherwords, it won‘t work with only a d-pad controller), you should declare this feature.Because this is the minimum level of touch interaction, your app will also be compatible withdevices that offer more complex touch interfaces.

Note: Because applications require the android.hardware.touchscreen feature by default, if you want your application to be available todevices that provide a fake touch interface, you must also explicitly declare that a touch screen isnot required by declaring <uses-featureandroid:name="android.hardware.touchscreen" android:required="false"/>

android.hardware.faketouch.multitouch.distinct The application performs distinct tracking of two or more "fingers" on a fake touchinterface. This is a superset of the faketouch feature.

When declared as required, this indicates that the application is compatible with a deviceonly if it supports touch emulation for events that supports distinct tracking of two or morefingers, or better.

Unlike the distinct multitouch defined by android.hardware.touchscreen.multitouch.distinct, input devices that support distinct multi-touchwith a fake touch interface will not support all two-finger gestures, because the input isbeing transformed to cursor movement on the screen. That is, single finger gestures on such a devicemove a cursor; two-finger swipes will result in single-finger touch events; other two-fingergestures will result in the corresponding two-finger touch event. An example device that supportsdistinct multi-touch with a fake touch interface is one that provides a trackpad for cursor movementwhich also supports two or more fingers.

android.hardware.faketouch.multitouch.jazzhand The application performs distinct tracking of five or more "fingers" on a fake touchinterface. This is a superset of the faketouch feature.

When declared as required, this indicates that the application is compatible with a deviceonly if it supports touch emulation for events that supports distinct tracking of five or morefingers.

Unlike the distinct multitouch defined by android.hardware.touchscreen.multitouch.jazzhand, input devices that support jazzhand multi-touchwith a fake touch interface will not support all five-finger gestures, because the input is beingtransformed to cursor movement on the screen. That is, single finger gestures on such a device movea cursor; multi-finger gestures will result in single-finger touch events; other multi-fingergestures will result in the corresponding multi-finger touch event. An example device that supportsdistinct multi-touch with a fake touch interface is one that provides a trackpad for cursor movementwhich also supports five or more fingers.

android.hardware.touchscreen The application uses touchscreen capabilities for gestures that are more interactivethan basic touch events, such as a fling. This is a superset of the basic faketouch feature.

By default, your application requires this. As such, your application is notavailable to devices that provide only an emulated touch interface ("fake touch"), by default. Ifyou want your application available to devices that provide a fake touch interface (or even devicesthat provide only a d-pad controller), you must explicitly declare that a touch screen is notrequired, by declaring android.hardware.touchscreen with android:required="false".You should do so even if your application uses—but does not require—a realtouch screen interface.

If your application does require a touch interface (in order to perform touchgestures such as a fling), then you don‘t need to do anything, because this is required by default.However, it‘s best if you explicitly declare all features used by your application, so you shouldstill declare this if your app uses it.

If you require more complex touch interaction, such as multi-finger gestures, youshould declare the advanced touch screen features below.

android.hardware.touchscreen.multitouch The application uses basic two-point multitouch capabilities on the devicescreen, such as for pinch gestures, but does not need to track touches independently. Thisis a superset of touchscreen feature. This implicitly declares the android.hardware.touchscreen parent feature, unlessdeclared with android:required="false".

android.hardware.touchscreen.multitouch.distinct Subfeature. The application uses advanced multipoint multitouchcapabilities on the device screen, such as for tracking two or more points fullyindependently. This is a superset of multitouch feature. This implicitly declares the android.hardware.touchscreen.multitouchparent feature, unless declared with android:required="false".

android.hardware.touchscreen.multitouch.jazzhand The application uses advanced multipoint multitouchcapabilities on the device screen, for tracking up to five points fullyindependently. This is a superset of distinct multitouch feature.

USB android.hardware.usb.host The application uses USB host mode features (behaves as the host and connects to USBdevices).

android.hardware.usb.accessory The application uses USB accessory features (behaves as the USB device and connects to USBhosts).

Wifi android.hardware.wifi The application uses 802.11 networking (wifi) features on the device.


Feature Attribute Value Description Comments

Live Wallpaper android.software.live_wallpaper The application uses or provides Live Wallpapers.

SIP/VOIP android.software.sip The application uses SIP service on the device.

android.software.sip.voip Subfeature. The application uses SIP-based VOIP service on the device. This subfeature implicitly declares the android.software.sip parent feature,unless declared with android:required="false".


Category This Permission... Implies This Feature Requirement

Bluetooth BLUETOOTH android.hardware.bluetooth

(See Special handling for Bluetooth feature for details.)

BLUETOOTH_ADMIN android.hardware.bluetooth

Camera CAMERA android.hardware.camera and


Location ACCESS_MOCK_LOCATION android.hardware.location

ACCESS_LOCATION_EXTRA_COMMANDS android.hardware.location

INSTALL_LOCATION_PROVIDER android.hardware.location

ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION android.hardware.location.network and


ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION android.hardware.location.gps and


Microphone RECORD_AUDIO android.hardware.microphone

Telephony CALL_PHONE android.hardware.telephony

CALL_PRIVILEGED android.hardware.telephony

MODIFY_PHONE_STATE android.hardware.telephony

PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS android.hardware.telephony

READ_SMS android.hardware.telephony

RECEIVE_SMS android.hardware.telephony

RECEIVE_MMS android.hardware.telephony

RECEIVE_WAP_PUSH android.hardware.telephony

SEND_SMS android.hardware.telephony

WRITE_APN_SETTINGS android.hardware.telephony

WRITE_SMS android.hardware.telephony

Wifi ACCESS_WIFI_STATE android.hardware.wifi

CHANGE_WIFI_STATE android.hardware.wifi

CHANGE_WIFI_MULTICAST_STATE android.hardware.wifi

时间: 2024-07-29 23:09:12



无意之中看了几个小时的官方英文文档,关于<uses-feature>的介绍.有必要在这里记录一下,应该有很多人不知道<uses-feature>到底是做什么用的,因为我们平时根本就没有用到它,用的最多的就是<uses-permisstion>. 官方的文档现在需要翻墙才能访问到,所以国内有些许公司或个人做了一个镜像,挺好的,大家可以来这里看官网文档:http://www.android-doc.com/guide/topics/manifest/uses-feature

关于QT for Android生成的AndroidManifest.xml学习说明

<?xml version="1.0"?> <manifest package="org.qtproject.example" xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:versionName="1.0" android:versionCode="1" android:installLocation

Android 基础 一 AndroidManifest.xml

一.概述 AndroidManifest.xml是Android应用的入口文件,它描述了package中暴露的组件(activities, services, 等等),他们各自的实现类,各种能被处理的数据和启动位置. 除了能声明程序中的Activities, ContentProviders, Services, 和Intent Receivers,还能指定permissions和instrumentation(安全控制和测试). 二.结构 <?xmlversion="1.0"e

android 权限大全AndroidManifest.xml

android权限大全 访问登记属性 android.permission.ACCESS_CHECKIN_PROPERTIES ,读取或写入登记check-in数据库属性表的权限 获取错略位置 android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION,通过WiFi或移动基站的方式获取用户错略的经纬度信息,定位精度大概误差在30~1500米 获取精确位置 android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION,通过GPS芯片接收卫星的定位信息,定位

Android笔记(十一) Android中的布局——AndroidManiFest.xml

AndroidManiFest.xml清单文件是每个Android项目所必须的,它是整个Android应用的全局描述文件.AndroidManiFest.xml清单文件说明了该应用的名称.所使用的图标以及包含的组件等等. AndroidManiFest.xml清单文件通常包含如下信息: 1. 应用程序的包名,该包名将会作为该应用的唯一标识 2. 应用所包含的组件,如Activity.Service.BroadcastReceiver和ContentProvider等 3. 应用程序兼容的最低版本

Android Studio中的AndroidManifest.xml文件分析

一.关于AndroidManifest.xml AndroidManifest.xml清单文件是每个Android程序中必须的文件,它是整个Android程序的全局描述文件,除了能声明程序中的Activities,Content Providers,Services,和Intent Receivers,还能指定应用的名称.使用的图标.包含的组件以及permissions和instrumentation(安全控制和测试). 二.Hello World工程中的清单文件分析 <?xml version

Android学习之 Manifest中meta-data扩展元素数据的配置与获取

在AndroidManifest.xml清单文件中 我们有时会看到如下类似的<meta-data ... >元素开始的配置内容: <meta-data android:name="com.google.android.maps.v2.API_KEY" android:value="AIzaSyBhBFOgVQclaa8p1JJeqaZHiCo2nfiyBBo" /> <meta-data android:name="com.g


先占个位置,过会儿来翻译,:p Unlike other programming paradigms in which apps are launched with a main()method, the Android system initiates code in an Activity instance by invoking specific callback methods that correspond to specific stages of its lifecycle. Th


一.界面跳转 1.定义一个新的Activity步骤: 1)定义一个布局视图(activity2_main.xml文件), 2)定义一个继承Activity的子类(在MainActivity2.java文件) 3)在MainActivity2类中重写生命周期方法onCreate() 调用setContextView()把视图(xml,硬编码)绑定给该Activity子类 setContentView(R.layout.activity2_main); 4)将该Activity子类注册到Androi