World Wind Java开发之六——解析shape文件(上)


上一篇博客:World Wind Java开发之五——读取本地shp文件只讲了如何加载shp文件,没有涉及到shp文件的解析,我们这篇博客紧接上一篇博客,利用WWJ来解析shp文件。首先来看用到的源码包和相关类,如下图所示。解析shp文件主要用到Shapefile(shapefile文件类)、ShapefileRecord(shape文件记录类)、DBaseRecord类以及DBaseField(字段类)




	 * Opens a Shapefile from an InputStream, and InputStreams to its optional
	 * resources.
	 * <p/>
	 * The source Shapefile may be accompanied optional streams to an index
	 * resource stream, an attribute resource stream, and a projection resource
	 * stream. If any of these streams are null or cannot be read for any
	 * reason, the Shapefile opens without that information.
	 * <p/>
	 * This throws an exception if the shapefile's coordinate system is
	 * unsupported.
	 * @param shpStream
	 *            the shapefile geometry file stream.
	 * @param shxStream
	 *            the index file stream, can be null.
	 * @param dbfStream
	 *            the attribute file stream, can be null.
	 * @param prjStream
	 *            the projection file stream, can be null.
	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
	 *             if the shapefile geometry stream <code>shpStream</code> is
	 *             null.
	 * @throws WWRuntimeException
	 *             if the shapefile cannot be opened for any reason, or if the
	 *             shapefile's coordinate system is unsupported.
	public Shapefile(InputStream shpStream, InputStream shxStream,
			InputStream dbfStream, InputStream prjStream)
		this(shpStream, shxStream, dbfStream, prjStream, null);

输入文件流分别对应着.shp .shx .dbf .prj文件


	 * Opens an Shapefile from a general source. The source type may be one of
	 * the following:
	 * <ul>
	 * <li>{@link}</li>
	 * <li>{@link}</li>
	 * <li>{@link File}</li>
	 * <li>{@link String} containing a valid URL description or a file or
	 * resource name available on the classpath.</li>
	 * </ul>
	 * <p/>
	 * The source Shapefile may be accompanied by an optional index file,
	 * attribute file, and projection file. To be recognized by this Shapefile,
	 * accompanying files must be in the same logical folder as the Shapefile,
	 * have the same filename as the Shapefile, and have suffixes ".shx",
	 * ".dbf", and ".prj" respectively. If any of these files do not exist, or
	 * cannot be read for any reason, the Shapefile opens without that
	 * information.
	 * <p/>
	 * This throws an exception if the shapefile's coordinate system is
	 * unsupported, or if the shapefile's coordinate system is unsupported.
	 * @param source
	 *            the source of the shapefile.
	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
	 *             if the source is null or an empty string.
	 * @throws WWRuntimeException
	 *             if the shapefile cannot be opened for any reason.
	public Shapefile(Object source)
		this(source, null);



String shpFilePath = "D:\\Users\\wwj_data\\states.shp";
		String shxFilePath = "D:\\Users\\wwj_data\\states.shx";
		String dbfFilePath = "D:\\Users\\wwj_data\\states.dbf";
		String prjFilePath = "D:\\Users\\wwj_data\\states.prj";

		Shapefile shapefile = new Shapefile(shpFilePath);


String shpFilePath = "D:\\Users\\wwj_data\\states.shp";
		String shxFilePath = "D:\\Users\\wwj_data\\states.shx";
		String dbfFilePath = "D:\\Users\\wwj_data\\states.dbf";
		String prjFilePath = "D:\\Users\\wwj_data\\states.prj";

		InputStream shpInputStream = new FileInputStream(shpFilePath);
		InputStream shxInputStream = new FileInputStream(shxFilePath);
		InputStream dbfInputStream = new FileInputStream(dbfFilePath);
		InputStream prjInputStream = new FileInputStream(prjFilePath);

		// 实例化一个shapefile类
		 Shapefile shapefile = new Shapefile(shpInputStream, shxInputStream,
		 dbfInputStream, prjInputStream);
		System.out.println(shapefile.getShapeType()); // shape类型

这里需要说明的一点是,一开始的时候我是用的Shapefile(Object source)方法,但是报错:Source is NULL,不知是什么原因;用下面这种方法就可以,这个可以不必太纠结。


在shapefile.java文件中可以找到 attributeFile字段,包含shapefile文件的属性信息,但是其权限是protected,只需在原java文件中添加一个方法返回改字段值即可。改完源码,重新导出jar文件覆盖引用即可。

protected DBaseFile				attributeFile;
	 * @方法名称: getAttributesTable ;
	 * @方法描述:  获取属性表 ;
	 * @参数 :@return
	 * @返回类型: DBaseFile ;
	 * @创建人:奔跑的鸡丝 ;
	 * @创建时间:2014-12-1 下午12:55:33;
	 * @throws
	public DBaseFile getAttributesTable()
		return this.attributeFile;


	// 获取shp属性表
		DBaseFile dBaseFile = shapefile.getAttributesTable();
		int fieldCount = dBaseFile.getNumberOfFields(); // 字段数
		int recordsCount = dBaseFile.getNumberOfRecords(); // 记录数
		System.out.println("字段数为:" + fieldCount);
		System.out.println("记录数为:" + recordsCount);
		System.out.println(shapefile.getShapeType()); // shape类型
		DBaseField [] dBaseFields=dBaseFile.getFields();

		for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++)




// 解析shape文件
			while (shapefile.hasNext())
				ShapefileRecord record = shapefile.nextRecord(); // 获取一条记录
				DBaseRecord dBaseRecord = record.getAttributes(); // 获取该记录的属性信息

				Object[] values = dBaseRecord.getValues().toArray();//获取字段值集合

				for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++)
		catch (Exception e)
			WWIO.closeStream(shapefile, shpFilePath);
			WWIO.closeStream(shapefile, shxFilePath);
			WWIO.closeStream(shapefile, dbfFilePath);
			WWIO.closeStream(shapefile, prjFilePath);






	 * @方法名称: shapeFileReader ;
	 * @方法描述: 读取sh文件 ;
	 * @参数 :@throws FileNotFoundException
	 * @返回类型: void ;
	 * @创建人:奔跑的鸡丝 ;
	 * @创建时间:2014-12-1 下午12:50:11;
	 * @throws
	private void shapeFileReader() throws FileNotFoundException
		String shpFilePath = "D:\\Users\\wwj_data\\states.shp";
		String shxFilePath = "D:\\Users\\wwj_data\\states.shx";
		String dbfFilePath = "D:\\Users\\wwj_data\\states.dbf";
		String prjFilePath = "D:\\Users\\wwj_data\\states.prj";

		InputStream shpInputStream = new FileInputStream(shpFilePath);
		InputStream shxInputStream = new FileInputStream(shxFilePath);
		InputStream dbfInputStream = new FileInputStream(dbfFilePath);
		InputStream prjInputStream = new FileInputStream(prjFilePath);

		// 实例化一个shapefile类
		 Shapefile shapefile = new Shapefile(shpInputStream, shxInputStream,
		 dbfInputStream, prjInputStream);

		// 获取shp属性表
		DBaseFile dBaseFile = shapefile.getAttributesTable();
		int fieldCount = dBaseFile.getNumberOfFields(); // 字段数
		int recordsCount = dBaseFile.getNumberOfRecords(); // 记录数
		System.out.println("字段数为:" + fieldCount);
		System.out.println("记录数为:" + recordsCount);
		System.out.println(shapefile.getShapeType()); // shape类型
		DBaseField [] dBaseFields=dBaseFile.getFields();

		for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++)
			System.out.print(dBaseFields[i].getName()+"    ");
		// 解析shape文件
			while (shapefile.hasNext())
				ShapefileRecord record = shapefile.nextRecord(); // 获取一条记录
				DBaseRecord dBaseRecord = record.getAttributes(); // 获取该记录的属性信息

				Object[] values = dBaseRecord.getValues().toArray();//获取字段值集合

				for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++)
					System.out.print(values[i].toString()+"        ");
		catch (Exception e)
			WWIO.closeStream(shapefile, shpFilePath);
			WWIO.closeStream(shapefile, shxFilePath);
			WWIO.closeStream(shapefile, dbfFilePath);
			WWIO.closeStream(shapefile, prjFilePath);



时间: 2024-12-19 19:07:59

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