Nancy - 视图引擎

The concept of a view engine is quite simple - it takes a “template” and an optional “model” (the data) and outputs (usually) HTML to be rendered into the browser. By default, Nancy ships with a built in view engine known as the SuperSimpleViewEngine, which supports all the necessities such as layouts, partials, models, conditions and iterations. You can use this without any additional dependencies and it serves up .html and .sshtml files.

The following is an example of what a .sshtml file can look like


    <p>This content from the index page<p>
    <p>Login box below rendered via a partial view with no model.</p>
    <div id="login">
    <p>Box below is rendered via a partial with a sub-model passed in.</p>
    <p>The submodel is a list which the partial iterates over with Each</p>
    <div id="users">
        @Partial[‘user‘, Model.Users];
    <p>Model output can also be encoded:</p>

In addition to the built in engine, Nancy also supports Razor, Spark, NDjango and the dotLiquid view engines as separate packages. By adding a reference to them from your project Nancy will automatically be able to render views using their supported file extensions.

Rendering a view from a route action

To render a view you simply use the View indexer of the NancyModule with the appropriate parameters, which might sound complicated, but it really isn’t... honest! :-). There are three overloads which allow you to pass a view name, a model, or both and Nancy will take care of the rest for you, locating the view using a series of “conventions”, which we will discuss later:

Get["/products"] = parameters => {
    return View["products.html", someModel];

The view name offers you quite a bit of flexibility in terms of what information it can contain:

  1. Name of the view file with the file extension present (e.g. “products.html”)
  2. Name of the view file without the file extension present (e.g. “products”). If there are two, or more, views with the same name, but with different extensions, you will receive anAmbiguousViewsException with details on which conflicting views were located.
  3. A path, relative to the application root, where Nancy will look for the views (e.g.products/products.html).

To learn more on where Nancy looks for views, and how to customize the logic, check out View location conventions

Resolving the name of the view from the model

If you only pass in a model to the View indexer Nancy will attempt to infer the name and location of the view using another of the default conventions.

The convention strips “Model” off the end of the model type if it exists (e.g. ProductsModel becomes products), and then uses that name to attempt to locate the view.

In the following route, Nancy will try to locate a view called Products with a file extension that matches any of the installed view engines:

Get["/products"] = parameters => {
    return View[new ProductsModel()];

As part of the new Content Negotiation features in 0.12, if Nancy could not find your view, the server will return 406 Not Acceptable instead.

时间: 2024-11-13 16:06:00

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Razor 视图引擎 &ndash; ASP.NET MVC 4 系列

       Razor 视图引擎是 ASP.NET MVC 3 开始扩展的内容,并且也是默认视图引擎.        Razor 通过理解标记的结构来实现代码和标记之间尽可能顺畅的转换.下面的例子演示了一个包含少量视图逻辑的简单 Razor 视图: @{ // this is a block of code. For demonstration purposes, // we'll create a "model" inline. var items = new string[] {

ASP.NET Razor 视图引擎编程参考

ASP.NET Razor 视图引擎编程参考 转载请注明出处: Rasor 视图引擎    http:/


 一.什么是Razor? 要是你知道什么是ASPX,那我就告诉你:Razor是和ASPX 一样的另一种视图引擎.说到视图就明白了很多吧.既然都为视图引擎,都是MS的东西,两个视图引擎,一前一后,肯定有区别.那么接下来让我们来认识一下Razor吧. 首先,Razor是作为一种后起的视图模板被ASP.NET MVC3使用. 这就暴露了Razor的一个重要信息:界面设计灵活,比aspx视图引擎更专注于WEB前端页面的设计.因为MVC就是基于WEB开发所诞生的一个设计模式,主旨之一就是将页面和业务逻辑解

MVC Razor视图引擎

Razor 不是编程语言.它是服务器端标记语言. Razor 是一种允许您向网页中嵌入基于服务器的代码(Visual Basic 和 C#)的标记语法 当网页被写入浏览器时,基于服务器的代码能够创建动态内容.在网页加载时,服务器在向浏览器返回页面之前,会执行页面内的基于服务器代码.由于是在服务器上运行,这种代码能执行复杂的任务,比如访问数据库. Razor在减少代码冗余.增强代码可读性和VS智能感知方面,都有着突出的优势. Razor一经推出就深受所有ASP.Net开发者的喜爱. Razor 使

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