python ftp学习

This module defines the class FTP and a few related items. The FTP class implements the client side of the FTP protocol. You can use this to write Python programs that perform a variety of automated FTP jobs, such as mirroring other ftp servers. It is also used by the module urllib to handle URLs that use FTP. For more information on FTP (File Transfer Protocol), see Internet RFC 959.

Here’s a sample session using the ftplib module:

>>>from ftplib import FTP
>>> ftp = FTP(‘‘)     # connect to host, default port
>>> ftp.login()                     # user anonymous, passwd [email protected]
‘230 Login successful.‘
>>> ftp.cwd(‘debian‘)               # change into "debian" directory
>>> ftp.retrlines(‘LIST‘)           # list directory contents
-rw-rw-r--    1 1176     1176         1063 Jun 15 10:18 README
drwxr-sr-x    5 1176     1176         4096 Dec 19  2000 pool
drwxr-sr-x    4 1176     1176         4096 Nov 17  2008 project
drwxr-xr-x    3 1176     1176         4096 Oct 10  2012 tools
‘226 Directory send OK.‘
>>> ftp.retrbinary(‘RETR README‘, open(‘README‘, ‘wb‘).write)
‘226 Transfer complete.‘
>>> ftp.quit()

The module defines the following items:

class ftplib.FTP([host[, user[, passwd[, acct[, timeout]]]]])

Return a new instance of the FTP class. When host is given, the method call connect(host) is made. When user is given, additionally the method call login(user, passwd, acct) is made (where passwd and acct default to the empty string when not given). The optional timeout parameter specifies a timeout in seconds for blocking operations like the connection attempt (if is not specified, the global default timeout setting will be used).

Changed in version 2.6: timeout was added.

class ftplib.FTP_TLS([host[, user[, passwd[, acct[, keyfile[, certfile[, context[, timeout]]]]]]]])

A FTP subclass which adds TLS support to FTP as described in RFC 4217. Connect as usual to port 21 implicitly securing the FTP control connection before authenticating. Securing the data connection requires the user to explicitly ask for it by calling the prot_p() method. context is a ssl.SSLContext object which allows bundling SSL configuration options, certificates and private keys into a single (potentially long-lived) structure. Please read Security considerations for best practices.

keyfile and certfile are a legacy alternative to context – they can point to PEM-formatted private key and certificate chain files (respectively) for the SSL connection.

New in version 2.7.

Changed in version 2.7.10: The context parameter was added.

Here’s a sample session using the FTP_TLS class:

>>> from ftplib import FTP_TLS
>>> ftps = FTP_TLS(‘‘)
>>> ftps.login()           # login anonymously before securing control channel
>>> ftps.prot_p()          # switch to secure data connection
>>> ftps.retrlines(‘LIST‘) # list directory content securely
total 9
drwxr-xr-x   8 root     wheel        1024 Jan  3  1994 .
drwxr-xr-x   8 root     wheel        1024 Jan  3  1994 ..
drwxr-xr-x   2 root     wheel        1024 Jan  3  1994 bin
drwxr-xr-x   2 root     wheel        1024 Jan  3  1994 etc
d-wxrwxr-x   2 ftp      wheel        1024 Sep  5 13:43 incoming
drwxr-xr-x   2 root     wheel        1024 Nov 17  1993 lib
drwxr-xr-x   6 1094     wheel        1024 Sep 13 19:07 pub
drwxr-xr-x   3 root     wheel        1024 Jan  3  1994 usr
-rw-r--r--   1 root     root          312 Aug  1  1994 welcome.msg
‘226 Transfer complete.‘
>>> ftps.quit()

Several methods are available in two flavors: one for handling text files and another for binary files. These are named for the command which is used followed by lines for the text version or binary for the binary version.

FTP instances have the following methods:


Set the instance’s debugging level. This controls the amount of debugging output printed. The default, 0, produces no debugging output. A value of 1 produces a moderate amount of debugging output, generally a single line per request. A value of 2 or higher produces the maximum amount of debugging output, logging each line sent and received on the control connection.

FTP.connect(host[, port[, timeout]])

Connect to the given host and port. The default port number is 21, as specified by the FTP protocol specification. It is rarely needed to specify a different port number. This function should be called only once for each instance; it should not be called at all if a host was given when the instance was created. All other methods can only be used after a connection has been made.

The optional timeout parameter specifies a timeout in seconds for the connection attempt. If no timeout is passed, the global default timeout setting will be used.

Changed in version 2.6: timeout was added.


Return the welcome message sent by the server in reply to the initial connection. (This message sometimes contains disclaimers or help information that may be relevant to the user.)

FTP.login([user[, passwd[, acct]]])

Log in as the given user. The passwd and acct parameters are optional and default to the empty string. If no user is specified, it defaults to ‘anonymous‘. If user is ‘anonymous‘, the default passwd is ‘[email protected]‘. This function should be called only once for each instance, after a connection has been established; it should not be called at all if a host and user were given when the instance was created. Most FTP commands are only allowed after the client has logged in. The acct parameter supplies “accounting information”; few systems implement this.


Abort a file transfer that is in progress. Using this does not always work, but it’s worth a try.


Send a simple command string to the server and return the response string.


Send a simple command string to the server and handle the response. Return nothing if a response code corresponding to success (codes in the range 200–299) is received. Raise error_reply otherwise.

FTP.retrbinary(command, callback[, maxblocksize[, rest]])

Retrieve a file in binary transfer mode. command should be an appropriate RETR command: ‘RETR filename‘. The callback function is called for each block of data received, with a single string argument giving the data block. The optional maxblocksize argument specifies the maximum chunk size to read on the low-level socket object created to do the actual transfer (which will also be the largest size of the data blocks passed to callback). A reasonable default is chosen. rest means the same thing as in the transfercmd() method.

FTP.retrlines(command[, callback])

Retrieve a file or directory listing in ASCII transfer mode. command should be an appropriate RETR command (see retrbinary()) or a command such as LIST, NLST or MLSD (usually just the string ‘LIST‘). LIST retrieves a list of files and information about those files. NLST retrieves a list of file names. On some servers, MLSD retrieves a machine readable list of files and information about those files. The callback function is called for each line with a string argument containing the line with the trailing CRLF stripped. The default callback prints the line to sys.stdout.


Enable “passive” mode if boolean is true, other disable passive mode. (In Python 2.0 and before, passive mode was off by default; in Python 2.1 and later, it is on by default.)

FTP.storbinary(command, file[, blocksize, callback, rest])

Store a file in binary transfer mode. command should be an appropriate STOR command: "STOR filename". file is an open file object which is read until EOF using its read() method in blocks of size blocksize to provide the data to be stored. The blocksize argument defaults to 8192. callback is an optional single parameter callable that is called on each block of data after it is sent. rest means the same thing as in the transfercmd() method.

Changed in version 2.1: default for blocksize added.

Changed in version 2.6: callback parameter added.

Changed in version 2.7: rest parameter added.

FTP.storlines(command, file[, callback])

Store a file in ASCII transfer mode. command should be an appropriate STOR command (see storbinary()). Lines are read until EOF from the open file object file using its readline() method to provide the data to be stored. callback is an optional single parameter callable that is called on each line after it is sent.

Changed in version 2.6: callback parameter added.

FTP.transfercmd(cmd[, rest])

Initiate a transfer over the data connection. If the transfer is active, send a EPRT or PORT command and the transfer command specified by cmd, and accept the connection. If the server is passive, send a EPSV or PASV command, connect to it, and start the transfer command. Either way, return the socket for the connection.

If optional rest is given, a REST command is sent to the server, passing rest as an argument. rest is usually a byte offset into the requested file, telling the server to restart sending the file’s bytes at the requested offset, skipping over the initial bytes. Note however that RFC 959 requires only that rest be a string containing characters in the printable range from ASCII code 33 to ASCII code 126. The transfercmd() method, therefore, converts rest to a string, but no check is performed on the string’s contents. If the server does not recognize the REST command, an error_reply exception will be raised. If this happens, simply call transfercmd() without a rest argument.

FTP.ntransfercmd(cmd[, rest])

Like transfercmd(), but returns a tuple of the data connection and the expected size of the data. If the expected size could not be computed, None will be returned as the expected size. cmd and rest means the same thing as in transfercmd().

FTP.nlst(argument[, ...])

Return a list of file names as returned by the NLST command. The optional argument is a directory to list (default is the current server directory). Multiple arguments can be used to pass non-standard options to the NLST command.

FTP.dir(argument[, ...])

Produce a directory listing as returned by the LIST command, printing it to standard output. The optional argument is a directory to list (default is the current server directory). Multiple arguments can be used to pass non-standard options to the LIST command. If the last argument is a function, it is used as a callback function as for retrlines(); the default prints to sys.stdout. This method returns None.

FTP.rename(fromname, toname)

Rename file fromname on the server to toname.


Remove the file named filename from the server. If successful, returns the text of the response, otherwise raises error_perm on permission errors or error_reply on other errors.


Set the current directory on the server.


Create a new directory on the server.


Return the pathname of the current directory on the server.


Remove the directory named dirname on the server.


Request the size of the file named filename on the server. On success, the size of the file is returned as an integer, otherwise None is returned. Note that the SIZE command is not standardized, but is supported by many common server implementations.


Send a QUIT command to the server and close the connection. This is the “polite” way to close a connection, but it may raise an exception if the server responds with an error to the QUIT command. This implies a call to the close() method which renders the FTP instance useless for subsequent calls (see below).


Close the connection unilaterally. This should not be applied to an already closed connection such as after a successful call to quit(). After this call the FTP instance should not be used any more (after a call to close() or quit() you cannot reopen the connection by issuing another login() method).

时间: 2024-08-30 10:59:17

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