Timus 1120. Sum of Sequential Numbers 数学题

There is no involute formulation concerning factitiously activity of SKB Kontur in this problem. Moreover, there is no formulation at all.


There is the only number N, 1 ≤ N ≤ 109.


Your program is to output two positive integers A and P separated with a space such that:

  1. N = A + (A + 1) + … + (A + P ? 1).
  2. You are to choose a pair with the maximal possible value of P.


input output
2 4


发现自己的数学水平还是不行,要继续修补。-- 这些数学思想其实早就学过的,不过使用的不多,故此容易忘记。

N = A + (A + 1) + … + (A + P ? 1) 求出公式:N=(A+A+p-1)*p/2;

2*N=P*(2A+P-1) 然后是分解因子得到:x=P; y=(2A+P-1)




void SumofSequentialNumbers1120()
	long long S = 0;
	S <<= 1;
	for (int p = (int)sqrtl(S); p >= 0 ; p--)
		if (S % p == 0)
			int y = int(S / p);
			int a = y + 1 - p;
			if (a % 2 == 0)
				cout<<a/2<<‘ ‘<<p;

Timus 1120. Sum of Sequential Numbers 数学题,码迷,mamicode.com

时间: 2024-12-28 17:01:25

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