POJ 2653 Pick-up sticks (线段相交)





using namespace std;
#define eps 1E-8
#define Sgn(x) (x<-eps? -1 :x<eps? 0:1)//x为两个浮点数差的比较,注意返回整型
#define Cvs(x) (x > 0.0 ? x+eps : x-eps)//浮点数转化
#define zero(x) (((x)>0?(x):-(x))<eps)//判断是否等于0
#define mul(a,b) (a<<b)
#define dir(a,b) (a>>b)
typedef long long ll;
typedef unsigned long long ull;
const int Inf=1<<28;
const ll INF=1ll<<60;
const double Pi=acos(-1.0);
const int Mod=1e9+7;
const int Max=100010;
struct point
    double x,y;
struct line
    point a,b;
double xmult(point p1,point p2,point p0)
    return (p1.x-p0.x)*(p2.y-p0.y)-(p2.x-p0.x)*(p1.y-p0.y);
int isIntersected(point p1,point p2,point l1,point l2)
    return (max(p1.x,p2.x)>=min(l1.x,l2.x)) &&
           (max(p1.y,p2.y)>=min(l1.y,l2.y)) &&
           (max(l1.x,l2.x)>=min(p1.x,p2.x)) &&
           (max(l1.y,l2.y)>=min(p1.y,p2.y)) &&
           (xmult(l1,p2,p1)*xmult(p2,l2,p1)>0) &&
           (xmult(p1,l2,l1)*xmult(l2,p2,l1)>0) ;
line sti[Max];
int ans[Max],vis[Max];
int Solve(int n)
    int coun=0;
    for(int i=1;i<=n;++i)
        for(int j=i+1;j<=n;++j)
    for(int i=n;i;--i)
    return coun;
int main()
    int n;
        for(int i=1;i<=n;++i)
            scanf("%lf %lf %lf %lf",&sti[i].a.x,&sti[i].a.y,&sti[i].b.x,&sti[i].b.y);
        int coun=Solve(n);
        printf("Top sticks: ");
        for(int i=coun-1;~i;--i)
            printf("%d%s",ans[i],i?", ":".\n");
    return 0;
时间: 2024-12-06 09:45:47

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