0901 子查询

use lianxi0720
create table bumen
 bcode int primary key,--部门编号
 bname varchar(20),  --部门名称
 bceo varchar(20),   --部门负责人
 btel varchar(20)   --部门电话
create table renyuan
 code int primary key identity(10001,1),
 name varchar(20),
 sex varchar(10),
 age int,
 bc int

insert into bumen values(1001,‘财务部‘,‘张三‘,‘1234567‘)
insert into bumen values(1002,‘销售部‘,‘李四‘,‘2345678‘)
insert into bumen values(1003,‘人事部‘,‘王五‘,‘3456789‘)
insert into bumen values(1004,‘技术部‘,‘赵六‘,‘4567890‘)

select * from bumen
insert into renyuan values(‘张三‘,‘男‘,33,1001)
insert into renyuan values(‘李四‘,‘女‘,27,1002)
insert into renyuan values(‘王五‘,‘男‘,25,1003)
insert into renyuan values(‘赵六‘,‘女‘,24,1004)

insert into renyuan values(‘王祖蓝‘,‘男‘,38,1001)
insert into renyuan values(‘马蓉‘,‘女‘,33,1002)
insert into renyuan values(‘王宝强‘,‘男‘,36,1003)
insert into renyuan values(‘杨颖‘,‘女‘,28,1004)

insert into renyuan values(‘郑恺‘,‘男‘,29,1001)
insert into renyuan values(‘范冰冰‘,‘女‘,40,1002)
insert into renyuan values(‘张伟‘,‘男‘,30,1003)
insert into renyuan values(‘蔡依林‘,‘女‘,37,1004)

select * from renyuan

select MAX(age) from renyuan
select bc from renyuan where age=40
select bname from bumen where bcode=1002
select bname from bumen where bcode=
(select bc from renyuan where code=
(select code from renyuan where age =
(select max(age) from renyuan ))

select top 3 * from renyuan order by age
select top 3 * from renyuan where code not in
(select top 5 code from renyuan order by age)
order by age
--分页查询,要求    一页给显示5条数据
select top 5 * from renyuan
select top 5 * from renyuan where code not in(select top 5 code from renyuan)
select top 5 * from renyuan where code not in(select top 10 code from renyuan)

select CEILING( COUNT(*)/5.0) from renyuan
select * from renyuan where code in
(select code from renyuan where age>35 and bc=
(select bcode from bumen where bname=‘销售部‘)

select code , name, sex , age , (select bname from bumen where bumen.bcode= renyuan.bc)as 部门 from renyuan
select code , name, sex , age , (select bname from bumen where bumen.bcode= renyuan.bc)as 部门,
(select bceo from bumen where bumen.bcode= renyuan.bc) from renyuan

时间: 2024-12-23 15:48:53

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子查询的位置: select 中.from 后.where 中.group by 和order by 中无实用意义. 子查询分为如下几类: 1,标量子查询:返回单一值的标量,最简单的形式. 2,列子查询:返回的结果集是 N 行一列. 3,行子查询:返回的结果集是一行 N 列. 4,表子查询:返回的结果集是 N 行 N 列. 可以使用的操作符:= > < >= <= <> ANY IN SOME ALL EXISTS 标量子查询:是指子查询返回的是单一值的标量,如一个数字


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