Software Testing, Lab 1

Software Testing, Lab 1


  1. Install Junit(4.12), Hamcrest(1.3) with Eclipse
  2. Install Eclemma with Eclipse
  3. Write a java program for the triangle problem and test the program with Junit.

a)       Description of triangle problem:

Function triangle takes three integers a,b,c which are length of triangle sides; calculates whether the triangle is equilateral, isosceles, or scalene.



从网上下载junit-4.12.jar 和 hamcrest-all-1.3.jar文件。


1)在Eclipse中新建项目 (File - new - javaproject)

右键点击项目,选择Build Path - Configure Build Path

然后点击Libraries - Add External JARs,选择jar包打开,确认


在菜单栏选择Help - Eclipse Marketplace,搜索Eclemma,点击Install安装,重启Eclipse



package hw;

public class triangle {

public static void main(String[] args) {

// TODO Auto-generated method stub


public int tri(int a,int b,int c){

int m=0;


if(a==b&&b==c) m=1;  //equilateral

else if(a==b||b==c||a==c) m=2;  //isosceles

else m=3;  //scalene


else m=-1;

return m;




package hw;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

import org.junit.Test;

public class triangleTest {

triangle t = new triangle();


public void test() {

int f = t.tri(1,1,1);

assertEquals( 1 , f );

f = t.tri(2,2,3);

assertEquals( 2 , f );

f = t.tri(2,3,4);

assertEquals( 3 , f );

f = t.tri(1,1,4);

assertEquals( -1 , f );





equilateral triangle返回1, isosceles triangle返回2,scalene triangle返回3,不能构成三角形则返回-1



时间: 2024-12-09 00:55:34

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