《Peering Inside the PE: A Tour of the Win32 Portable Executable File Format》阅读笔记(未完)


The format of an operating system‘s executable file is in many ways a mirror of the operating system.


The PE format is documented (in the loosest sense of the word) in the WINNT.H header file.About midway through WINNT.H is a section titled "Image Format." This section starts out with small tidbits from the old familiar MS-DOS MZ format and NE format headers before moving into the newer PE information. WINNT.H provides definitions of the raw data structures used by PE files, but contains only a few useful comments to make sense of what the structures and flags mean. Whoever wrote the header file for the PE format (the name Michael J. O‘Leary keeps popping up) is certainly a believer in long, descriptive names, along with deeply nested structures and macros. When coding with WINNT.H, it‘s not uncommon to have expressions like this:

文章作者Matt Pietrek写了一个分析PE格式的程序,开源的,代码地址是:





Let‘s go over a few fundamental ideas that permeate the design of a PE file (see Figure 1). I‘ll use the term "module" to mean the code, data, and resources of an executable file or DLL that have been loaded into memory.

The first important thing to know about PE files is that the executable file on disk is very similar to what the module will look like after Windows has loaded it. The Windows loader doesn‘t need to work extremely hard to create a process from the disk file. The loader uses the memory-mapped file mechanism to map the appropriate pieces of the file into the virtual address space.(exe文件在磁盘上的存储格式和被加载到内存之后的存储格式很相似,所以使用一种memory-mapped机制将exe映射到虚拟地址空间即可)

For Win32, all the memory used by the module for code, data, resources, import tables, export tables, and other required module data structures is in one contiguous block of memory. All you need to know in this situation is where the loader mapped the file into memory. You can easily find all the various pieces of the module by following pointers that are stored as part of the image.

Another idea you should be acquainted with is the Relative Virtual Address (RVA). Many fields in PE files are specified in terms of RVAs. An RVA is simply the offset of some item, relative to where the file is memory-mapped. For example, let‘s say the loader maps a PE file into memory starting at address 0x10000 in the virtual address space. If a certain table in the image starts at address 0x10464, then the table‘s RVA is 0x464.

To convert an RVA into a usable pointer, simply add the RVA to the base address of the module. The base address is the starting address of a memory-mapped EXE or DLL and is an important concept in Win32. For the sake of convenience, Windows NT and Windows 95 uses the base address of a module as the module‘s instance handle (HINSTANCE).What‘s important for Win32 is that you can call GetModuleHandle for any DLL that your process uses to get a pointer for accessing the module‘s components.(基址加上RVA就得到可用地址,而基址就是DLL或EXE文件的module handle,可以通过GetModuleHandle获取)

The final concept that you need to know about PE files is sections.Unlike segments, sections are blocks of contiguous memory with no size constraints. Some sections contain code or data that your program declared and uses directly, while other data sections are created for you by the linker and librarian, and contain information vital to the operating system. In some descriptions of the PE format, sections are also referred to as objects. The term object has so many overloaded meanings that I‘ll stick to calling the code and data areas sections.

The PE Header

Like all other executable file formats, the PE file has a collection of fields at a known (or easy to find) location that define what the rest of the file looks like. This header contains information such as the locations and sizes of the code and data areas, what operating system the file is intended for, the initial stack size, and other vital pieces of information.As with other executable formats from Microsoft, this main header isn‘t at the very beginning of the file. The first few hundred bytes of the typical PE file are taken up by the MS-DOS stub. This stub is a tiny program that prints out something to the effect of "This program cannot be run in MS-DOS mode."

As in other Microsoft executable formats, you find the real header by looking up its starting offset, which is stored in the MS-DOS stub header. The WINNT.H file includes a structure definition for the MS-DOS stub header that makes it very easy to look up where the PE header starts. The e_lfanew field is a relative offset (or RVA, if you prefer) to the actual PE header. To get a pointer to the PE header in memory, just add that field‘s value to the image base:

Once you have a pointer to the main PE header, the fun can begin. The main PE header is a structure of type IMAGE_NT_HEADERS, which is defined in WINNT.H. This structure is composed of a DWORD and two substructures and is laid out as follows(PE头是一个IMAGE_NT_HEADERS结构类型):



The Signature field viewed as ASCII text is "PE\0\0".

Following the PE signature DWORD in the PE header is a structure of type IMAGE_FILE_HEADER. The fields of this structure contain only the most basic information about the file.


WORD Machine
The CPU that this file is intended for. The following CPU IDs are defined:

WORD NumberOfSections
The number of sections in the file.
DWORD TimeDateStamp
The time that the linker (or compiler for an OBJ file) produced this file. This field holds the number of seconds since December 31st, 1969, at 4:00 P.M.(以前思考过怎么获得exe文件的时间戳,原来PE文件中可以提取)
DWORD PointerToSymbolTable
The file offset of the COFF symbol table. This field is only used in OBJ files and PE files with COFF debug information. PE files support multiple debug formats, so debuggers should refer to the IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_DEBUG entry in the data directory (defined later).
DWORD NumberOfSymbols
The number of symbols in the COFF symbol table. See above.
WORD SizeOfOptionalHeader
The size of an optional header that can follow this structure. In OBJs, the field is 0. In executables, it is the size of the IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER structure that follows this structure.
WORD Characteristics
Flags with information about the file. Some important fields:

Other fields are defined in WINNT.H

The third component of the PE header is a structure of type IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER. For PE files, this portion certainly isn‘t optional.

The COFF format allows individual implementations to define a structure of additional information beyond the standard IMAGE_FILE_HEADER. The fields in the IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER are what the PE designers felt was critical information beyond the basic information in the IMAGE_FILE_HEADER.

All of the fields of the IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER aren‘t necessarily important to know about . The more important ones to be aware of are the ImageBase and the Subsystem fields. You can skim or skip the description of the fields.


WORD Magic
Appears to be a signature WORD of some sort. Always appears to be set to 0x010B.
BYTE MajorLinkerVersion
BYTE MinorLinkerVersion
The version of the linker that produced this file. The numbers should be displayed as decimal values, rather than as hex. A typical linker version is 2.23.
DWORD SizeOfCode
The combined and rounded-up size of all the code sections. Usually, most files only have one code section, so this field matches the size of the .text section.
DWORD SizeOfInitializedData
This is supposedly the total size of all the sections that are composed of initialized data (not including code segments.) However, it doesn‘t seem to be consistent with what appears in the file.
DWORD SizeOfUninitializedData
The size of the sections that the loader commits space for in the virtual address space, but that don‘t take up any space in the disk file. These sections don‘t need to have specific values at program startup, hence the term uninitialized data. Uninitialized data usually goes into a section called .bss.
DWORD AddressOfEntryPoint
The address where the loader will begin execution. This is an RVA, and usually can usually be found in the .text section.
DWORD BaseOfCode
The RVA where the file‘s code sections begin. The code sections typically come before the data sections and after the PE header in memory. This RVA is usually 0x1000 in Microsoft Linker-produced EXEs. Borland‘s TLINK32 looks like it adds the image base to the RVA of the first code section and stores the result in this field.
DWORD BaseOfData
The RVA where the file‘s data sections begin. The data sections typically come last in memory, after the PE header and the code sections.
DWORD ImageBase
When the linker creates an executable, it assumes that the file will be memory-mapped to a specific location in memory. That address is stored in this field, assuming a load address allows linker optimizations to take place. If the file really is memory-mapped to that address by the loader, the code doesn‘t need any patching before it can be run. In executables produced for Windows NT, the default image base is 0x10000. For DLLs, the default is 0x400000. In Windows 95, the address 0x10000 can‘t be used to load 32-bit EXEs because it lies within a linear address region shared by all processes. Because of this, Microsoft has changed the default base address for Win32 executables to 0x400000. Older programs that were linked assuming a base address of 0x10000 will take longer to load under Windows 95 because the loader needs to apply the base relocations.

DWORD SectionAlignment
When mapped into memory, each section is guaranteed to start at a virtual address that‘s a multiple of this value. For paging purposes, the default section alignment is 0x1000.
DWORD FileAlignment
In the PE file, the raw data that comprises each section is guaranteed to start at a multiple of this value. The default value is 0x200 bytes, probably to ensure that sections always start at the beginning of a disk sector (which are also 0x200 bytes in length). This field is equivalent to the segment/resource alignment size in NE files. Unlike NE files, PE files typically don‘t have hundreds of sections, so the space wasted by aligning the file sections is almost always very small.
WORD MajorOperatingSystemVersion
WORD MinorOperatingSystemVersion
The minimum version of the operating system required to use this executable. This field is somewhat ambiguous since the subsystem fields (a few fields later) appear to serve a similar purpose. This field defaults to 1.0 in all Win32 EXEs to date.
WORD MajorImageVersion
WORD MinorImageVersion
A user-definable field. This allows you to have different versions of an EXE or DLL. You set these fields via the linker /VERSION switch. For example, "LINK /VERSION:2.0 myobj.obj".
WORD MajorSubsystemVersion
WORD MinorSubsystemVersion
Contains the minimum subsystem version required to run the executable. A typical value for this field is 3.10 (meaning Windows NT 3.1).
DWORD Reserved1
Seems to always be 0.
DWORD SizeOfImage
This appears to be the total size of the portions of the image that the loader has to worry about. It is the size of the region starting at the image base up to the end of the last section. The end of the last section is rounded up to the nearest multiple of the section alignment.
DWORD SizeOfHeaders
The size of the PE header and the section (object) table. The raw data for the sections starts immediately after all the header components.
DWORD CheckSum
Supposedly a CRC checksum of the file. As in other Microsoft executable formats, this field is ignored and set to 0. The one exception to this rule is for trusted services and these EXEs must have a valid checksum.
WORD Subsystem
The type of subsystem that this executable uses for its user interface. WINNT.H defines the following values:
WORD DllCharacteristics
A set of flags indicating under which circumstances a DLL‘s initialization function (such as DllMain) will be called. This value appears to always be set to 0, yet the operating system still calls the DLL initialization function for all four events.





As in other Microsoft executable formats, you find the real header by looking up its starting offset, which is stored in the MS-DOS stub header. The WINNT.H file includes a structure definition for the MS-DOS stub header that makes it very easy to look up where the PE header starts. The e_lfanew field is a relative offset (or RVA, if you prefer) to the actual PE header. To get a pointer to the PE header in memory, just add that field‘s value to the image base:

时间: 2024-08-01 13:05:30

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