App Store--紧急审核通道

申请地址 :


1.We have a product launch in the coming days. Considering that it‘s a media event and  we can‘t afford any risk about this, we put great effort to improve the APP‘s  quality at many aspects. For example, we replaced the old payment channel, fixed  some system errors, added more tips...all the things we done is to optimize the user  experience. Now everything is prepared, except that our product is still not  available in the APP STORE. So we apply for the expedited review, your courtesy will  be appreciated, thanks.

2.Our app has encountered some unexpected problems related to accounting system. In order to solve these bugs as soon as possible, we tried everything to investigate the root cause, to reproduce the bugs, to optimize the workflow and to enhance the performance. Now all the known bugs have been fixed and have been tested more than one time. We aim to improve our user experience and benefit them to create value. So, we need the expedited review. Please kindly approve.

3.Fixed bugs related to registration, enable auto-refresh function, improve the voucher exchange experience, solve the software crash problem, and enhance the performance, all of which makes our app more stable and easy to use. Besides, image-text is newly supported by our chat system, you can use illustrated words to express yourself now, welcome to download and experience.

4.We fixed some critical bugs, and implemented some new bank interfaces to enhance the account security. In order to ensure our user’s account safety, we need expedited service and hope our latest version can be published as soon as possible.

5.we fixed bugs on the former version and added some new features to make sure it can be well support the even/promotion on sep. 12th(our company anniversary).
so we now,apply for an emergency approval

时间: 2024-11-12 01:59:47

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1.We have a product launch in the coming days. Considering that it's a media event and  we can't afford any risk about this, we put great effort to improve the APP's  quality at many aspects. For example, we replaced the old payment channel, fixed  s

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