【转】删除已经存在的 TFS Workspace

删除已经存在的 TFS Workspace

分类: TFS2010-03-03 16:59 1239人阅读 评论(2) 收藏 举报



打开source control在创建workspace时出错


The Path <local path> is already mapped in workspace <machine name [old tfs server]>




参考Kevin Jones的博客文章,我们知道Client端的配置信息存储在

“C:/Documents and Settings/[user]/Local Settings/Application Data/Microsoft/Team Foundation/1.0/Cache/VersionControl.config”


好在Buck Hodges给出了较为明确的解释:

The reason that you hit this is due to switching servers. Every server has a unique identifier, which is a GUID. Each local path can only be mapped in a single workspace. You originally had a workspace on the first server that used the local path you wanted to use with the new server. Let‘s say that‘s c:/projects. When you create the new workspace on the new server (GUID2) that you also want to map to c:/projects, the client sees that the old server (GUID1) is already using that local path. Since the IDs for the servers do not match, the client complains that c:/projects is already mapped to the old workspace on the old server.

The solution is to clear the cache file, as described above. The problem will not occur if you upgrade the same server (i.e., you don‘t create a new server).

You can use the command "tf workspaces /remove:*" to clear out all of the cached workspaces (it only affects the cache file). You can specify /s:http://oldserver:8080 to just clear out the workspaces that were on the old server. The MSDN doc for the workspaces command are at http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/54dkh0y3.aspx.

嘿嘿,打开VS2008的CMD,输入"tf worksapces /remove:* /s:http://oldserver:8080"



"tf workspaces /remove:*"





时间: 2024-11-09 00:17:12

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