Data manipulation in python (module 3)

1. Visualization wheel dimensions

Abstraction - Figuration

  • boxes and charts(abstraction) or real-world physical objects(figuration)

Functionality - Decoration

  • No embellishments or artistic embellishments

Density - Lightness

  • Must be studied in depth or understandable at a glance

Multidimensional - Unidimensional

  • Different aspects of phenomena or single or few items of phenomena

Originality - Familiarity

  • Novel methods of visualization or established and well understood methods of visualization

Novelty - Redundancy

  • Explaining each item once or encoding multiple explanations of the same phenomena

Qualities of a visualization

  • truthful
  • functionality
  • beauty
  • insightful
  • enlightening

2. Data ink ratio

Data ink ratio is defined as the non-erasable core of a graphic.

3. Chart junk

non-data creative graphics

4. Spark Lines & lie factor

A small graph embeded within the context of discussion like a time series line graph could convey so much more information quickly

Lie factor is the size of an effect  in the graphic divided by the size of the effect actually in the data

时间: 2024-08-21 23:43:48

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