POSIX-Data Structure

strcut sigevent

The <signal.h> header shall define the sigeventstructure, which shall include at least the following members:

struct sigevent {
    int           sigev_notify;            //Notification type.
    int           sigev_signo;            //Signal number.
    union sigval  sigev_value;             //Signal value.
    void         (*sigev_notify_function)(union sigval); //Notification function.
    pthread_attr_t *sigev_notify_attributes;  //Notification attributes.


sigev_notify 的取值范围如下,只有3种情况(对应的宏在<signal.h>中定义)。

事件发生时,将sigev_signo 指定的信号(A queued signal)发送给指定的进程.


sigev_notify = SIGEV_SIGNAL 时使用,指定信号的种别(number).


sigev_notify = SIGEV_THREAD 时使用,作为sigev_notify_function 的参数.

union sigval
    int sival_int;
    void *sival_ptr;

(*sigev_notify_function)(union sigval)

函数指针(指向通知执行函数),在sigev_notify = SIGEV_THREAD 时使用, 其他情况下置为NULL.


指向线程属性的指针,在sigev_notify = SIGEV_THREAD 时使用,指定创建线程的属性, 其他情况下置为NULL.

struct timespec

The <time.h> header shall declare the timespecstructure, which shall include at least the following members:

struct timespec
    time_t tv_sec;        /* Seconds */
    long   tv_nsec;        /* Nanoseconds(纳秒:十亿分之一秒) */

strcut itimerspec

The <time.h> header shall also declare the itimerspecstructure, which shall include at least the following members:

struct itimerspec
    struct timespec it_interval;  /* Timer interval(timer循环时间间隔) */
    struct timespec it_value;     /* Initial expiration(timer初次到期时间) */


clockid_tis used for clock ID type in the clock and timer functions, 取值范围如下(前4个是POSIX定义的,灰色部分为Linux的扩展),

/* Identifier for system-wide realtime clock, Setting this clock requires appropriate privileges */
#define CLOCK_REALTIME        0
/* Monotonic system-wide clock, Clock that cannot be set and represents monotonic time since some unspecified starting point  */
#define CLOCK_MONOTONIC        1
/* High-resolution timer from the CPU.  */
#define 2
/* Thread-specific CPU-time clock.  */
/* Monotonic system-wide clock, not adjusted for frequency scaling.  */
#define CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW        4
/* Identifier for system-wide realtime clock, updated only on ticks.  */
/* Monotonic system-wide clock, updated only on ticks.  */

CLOCK_REALTIME : 这种时钟表示的是绝对时间, 指的是从1970年1月1月0:00到目前经过多少秒, 相当于你的linux系统中显示的时间, 所以这个时间是可以更改的, 当系统的时钟源被改变,或者系统管理员重置了系统时间之后,这种类型的时钟可以得到相应的调整, 对设定为此类型的timer是有影响的.

CLOCK_MONOTONIC : 这种时钟表示的是相对时间, 其值对通过累积时钟节拍(嘀嗒)计算出来的, 不受时钟源等的影响, 从系统启动这一刻起开始计时, 如果你想计算出在一台计算机上不受重启的影响,两个事件发生的间隔时间的话,那么它将是最好的选择。





时间: 2024-08-02 07:03:39

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