Goldengate Checkpoint Table Is Corrupted

Replicat maintains checkpoints that provide a known position in the trail from which to

start after an expected or unexpected shutdown. By default, a record of these checkpoints

is maintained in a file on disk in the Oracle GoldenGate directory. Optionally, the

checkpoint record can also be maintained in a checkpoint table in the target database.

Using database checkpointing is recommended because it enables the checkpoint to be

included within Replicat‘s transaction, which improves recovery in certain situations.



My Checkpoint Table Is Corrupted.
What Do I Do? (文档 ID 965703.1)

In this Document



Oracle GoldenGate – Version 4.0.0 and later

Information in this document applies to any platform.

***Checked for relevance on 14-12-2012***



How do I restore the checkpoint table so Replicat can use it again?

Typical error

Depending on the problem, these errors can appear as "No data found" or "Table does not exist".

Such as:

GGS ERROR 516 Extract read, No data found selecting position from checkpoint table HR.REPCHECK for group REPORA, key 1181389907 (0×4669453).


2005-10-25 13:22:16 GGS ERROR 516 Extract read, Checkpoint table HR.REPCHECK does not exist. Please create the table or recreate the REPORA group using the correct table.


The table is probably corrupt, was deleted, or is missing a row(s).


1. Issue the INFO REPLICAT <group> command in GGSCI to verify that the checkpoint FILE on disk is intact. If it errors, the file is missing or corrupt, and you should contact GoldenGate technical support. If the file is intact, continue with these steps.

2. If the table was deleted, recreate it with same schema and name as before … or, if it is corrupt or missing a row, truncate it.

3. From the GoldenGate home location, run the convchk utility with the following command, specifying the checkpoint table as shown:

convchk <group name> <schema>.<table>

4. Restart Replicat.

5. SELECT from the checkpoint table to verify that checkpoints are being added again.

Running convchk causes the checkpoint FILE to become the master source for the group‘s checkpoints. On restart, Replicat will populate the new or truncated checkpoint table with the data from the checkpoint file, in effect resynchronizing them.

***Checked for relevance on 19-May-2011*** 

时间: 2024-10-12 14:57:57

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GoldenGate 异常处理预案

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一.GoldenGate实施环境 source database:oracle target  database:oracle 需要配置的进程如下: source pump target database:replicat 说明如下: 1.主提取进程首先将trail生成在本地,然后datapump读取本地trail再发送到目标服务器,即便网络故障,主提取进程仍然能随着事务生成trail文件,而datapump则会暂时


goldengate从11.2升级到12.1.2 1.停止抽取进程 GGSCI ( 286> stop EXTSJ01 2. 停止投递和复制进程 等待投递进程传输完和复制进程加载完毕.当投递进程的Write Checkpoint #1的Sequence和RBA和复制进程的 Current CHECKPOINT的Sequence和RBA相同时表示已同步完毕 2.1检查投递进程: GGSCI ( 202> in


环境: Item Source System Target System Platform Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.4 Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.4 Hostname gc1 gc2 Database Oracle Oracle Character Set ZHS16GBK ZHS16GBK ORACLE_SID PROD EMREP List

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准备:两个已经有数据库的虚拟机,现在关闭状态 --源端数据库的操作[[email protected] ~]# su - oracle[[email protected] ~]$ sqlplus "/as sysdba" SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sat Sep 19 13:54:26 2015 Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle.  All rights reserved. Connected

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