
《生命的幻象》作者Ollie Johnston的动画笔记30条(全)

(Ollie Johnston 和 Frank Thomas 合著了著名动画书籍《Illusion of Life》,译者注)

作者:John Lasseter, Pixar公司



“当我在Disney公司作一名动画师的时候,我有一份复印的列表,是来自于Disney最伟大的动画师之一,Ollie Johnston的一些简单的笔记,我把它订在我的绘图桌上。这份列表最初是由另一位伟大的Disney动画师,Glen Keane制订的,此前他给Ollie作过很多年的助手。”


  1. 不要阐释言语或机械呆板的运动,用态度和行为去阐释念头或思考。






7.肢体的态度要在对话之前4帧到位(但是要使用与X sheet同样的口型节奏)。
























(原文)Animation Notes from Ollie Johnston

Reference: These notes come from Course 1 at SIGGRAPH 94, "Animation Tricks".

When I was an animator at the Disney Studios, I had a xeroxed list of simple notes from one of the great Disney animators, Ollie Johnston, pinned to my drawing table.

The list was originally written down by another great Disney animator, Glen Keane, after working as Ollie’s assistant for a few years.

These notes have been an inspiration to me for years. Even though they were meant for hand-drawn animation, I believe that they still apply to computer animation.

1. Don’t illustrate words or mechanical movements. Illustrate ideas or thoughts, with the attitudes and actions.

2. Squash and stretch entire body for attitudes.

3. If possible, make definite changes from one attitude to another in timing and expression.

4. What is the character thinking?

5. It is the thought and circumstances behind the action that will make the action interesting.

Example: A man walks up to a mailbox, drops in his letter and walks away.

A man desperately in love with a girl far away carefully mails a letter in which he has poured his heart out.

6. When drawing dialogue, go for phrasing. (Simplify the dialogue into pictures of the dominating vowel and consonant sounds, especially in fast dialogue.

7. Lift the body attitude 4 frames before dialogue modulation (but use identical timing on mouth as on X sheet).

8. Change of expression and major dialogue sounds are a point of interest. Do them, if at all possible, within a pose. If the head moves too much you won’t see the changes.

9. Don’t move anything unless it’s for a purpose.

10. Concentrate on drawing clear, not clean.

11. Don’t be careless.

12. Everything has a function. Don’t draw without knowing why.

13. Let the body attitude echo the facial.

14. Get the best picture in your drawing by thumbnails and exploring all avenues.

15. Analyze a character in a specific pose for the best areas to show stretch and squash. Keep these areas simple.

16. Picture in your head what it is you’re drawing.

17. Think in terms of drawing the whole character, not just the head or eyes, etc. Keep a balanced relation of one part of the drawing to the other.

18. Stage for most effective drawing.

19. Draw a profile of the drawing you’re working on every once in a while. A profile is easier on which to show the proper proportions of the face.

20. Usually the break in the eyebrow relates to the highpoint of the eye.

21. The eye is pulled by the eyebrow muscles.

22. Get a plastic quality in face — cheeks, mouth and eyes.

23. Attain a flow thru the body rhythm in your drawing.

24. Simple animated shapes.

25. The audience has a difficult time reading the first 6-8 frames in a scene.

26. Does the added action in a scene contribute to the main idea in that scene? Will it help sell it or confuse it?

27. Don’t animate for the sake of animation but think what the character is thinking and what the scene needs to fit into the sequence.

28. Actions can be eliminated and staging "cheated" if it simplifies the picture you are trying to show and is not disturbing to the audience.

29. Spend half your time planning your scene and the other half animating.

30. How to animate a scene of a four-legged character acting and walking: Work out the acting patterns first with the stretch and squash in the body, neck and head; then go back in and animate the legs. Finally, adjust the up and down motion on the body according to the legs.

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时间: 2025-01-12 11:05:27



30岁之后,我觉得梦想离我越来越近了.我从事自己热爱的工作,有许多时间陪伴家人和朋友.我找到了生命的另一半,因为他的存在,我有勇气面对生活的任何艰难困苦.我走向了财富自由的道路,不再为薪水收入的多少而烦恼. 财富自由,是实现梦想最重要的基础,财富自由意味着你有足够的时间去做你想做的事,不必再熬夜加班,不必再看老板的脸色."踏上财富自由之路"这一部分,讲述投资理财最基础的观念和技能,希望能帮助你作出改变. 梦想要好高骛远,行动要脚踏实地,这就是记事本存在的意义.很多人都用记事本,可是很多


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @keyframes animation                    所有动画属性的简写属性,除了 animation-play-state 属性. animation-name              规定 @keyframes 动画的名称.    animation-duration            规定动


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