闲来学习一下 unity3d 的Demo,记录如下。
官方 Demo,名字为 Roll-A-Ball,如图
场景比较简单,包含地面、玩家精灵、主摄像机、墙壁、可拾取的方块、分数为示 text、平行光源。
预制件:场景中共有12个小方块,所以先做一个 PickUp 的预制件。制作一个预制件,先向场景中创建一个3d对象cube,为该cube对象添加钢体组件、脚本组件,然后把该 cube 对象拖进一个空的预制作,这样便可方批量创建,现在向场景再拖入11个该预制件。
一、Rotator.cs 脚本绑定到小方块预制件:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Rotator : MonoBehaviour {
// Before rendering each frame..
void Update ()
// Rotate the game object that this script is attached to by 15 in the X axis,
// 30 in the Y axis and 45 in the Z axis, multiplied by deltaTime in order to make it per second
// rather than per frame.
transform.Rotate (new Vector3 (15, 30, 45) * Time.deltaTime);
核心就一句代码,绑定该脚本的GameObject每秒 绕指定轴旋转。
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class CameraController : MonoBehaviour {
// store a public reference to the Player game object, so we can refer to it‘s Transform
public GameObject player;
// Store a Vector3 offset from the player (a distance to place the camera from the player at all times)
private Vector3 offset;
// At the start of the game..
void Start ()
// Create an offset by subtracting the Camera‘s position from the player‘s position
offset = transform.position - player.transform.position;
// After the standard ‘Update()‘ loop runs, and just before each frame is rendered..
void LateUpdate ()
// Set the position of the Camera (the game object this script is attached to)
// to the player‘s position, plus the offset amount
transform.position = player.transform.position + offset;
三、PlayerController.cs绑定到 player 对象。
using UnityEngine;
// Include the namespace required to use Unity UI
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;
public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour {
// Create public variables for player speed, and for the Text UI game objects
public float speed; //精灵移动速度
public Text countText;//分数 Text
public Text winText;//胜利 Text
// Create private references to the rigidbody component on the player, and the count of pick up objects picked up so far
private Rigidbody rb;//精灵本身绑定的钢体对像
private int count;//分数记数
// At the start of the game..
void Start ()
// Assign the Rigidbody component to our private rb variable
rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();//钢体对象附值
// Set the count to zero
count = 0;//初始化分数
// Run the SetCountText function to update the UI (see below)
SetCountText ();//设置初始化文本
// Set the text property of our Win Text UI to an empty string, making the ‘You Win‘ (game over message) blank
winText.text = "";
// Each physics step.. 处理输入
void FixedUpdate ()
// Set some local float variables equal to the value of our Horizontal and Vertical Inputs
//取得键盘输入的 x 方向、y方向
float moveHorizontal = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal");
float moveVertical = Input.GetAxis ("Vertical");
//x 方向、y 方向组成方向向量
// Create a Vector3 variable, and assign X and Z to feature our horizontal and vertical float variables above
Vector3 movement = new Vector3 (moveHorizontal, 0.0f, moveVertical);
// Add a physical force to our Player rigidbody using our ‘movement‘ Vector3 above,
// multiplying it by ‘speed‘ - our public player speed that appears in the inspector
//给精灵的钢体对象一个该方向向量上的、大小为 speed 的力
rb.AddForce (movement * speed);
// When this game object intersects a collider with ‘is trigger‘ checked,
// store a reference to that collider in a variable named ‘other‘..
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
// ..and if the game object we intersect has the tag ‘Pick Up‘ assigned to it..
//与精灵碰撞的对象,如果 tag 是 Pick Up,那么隐藏,同时记数+1,更新文本显示
if (other.gameObject.CompareTag ("Pick Up"))
// Make the other game object (the pick up) inactive, to make it disappear
other.gameObject.SetActive (false);
// Add one to the score variable ‘count‘
count = count + 1;
// Run the ‘SetCountText()‘ function (see below)
SetCountText ();
// Create a standalone function that can update the ‘countText‘ UI and check if the required amount to win has been achieved
// 文本更新方法,胜利判定逻辑
void SetCountText()
// Update the text field of our ‘countText‘ variable
countText.text = "Count: " + count.ToString ();
// Check if our ‘count‘ is equal to or exceeded 12
if (count >= 12)
// Set the text value of our ‘winText‘
winText.text = "You Win!";