经过查找资料,原来delphi可以通过{$Z+} {$Z-} {$Z1} {$Z4} 等宏设置枚举类型的长度,小至1个字节,大至4个字节。
The $Z directive controls the minimum storage size of Delphi enumerated types.
An enumerated type is stored as an unsigned byte if the enumeration has no more than 256 values, and if the type was declared in the {$Z1} state (the default). If an enumerated type has more than 256 values, or if the type was declared in the {$Z2} state, it is stored as an unsigned word. Finally, if an enumerated type is declared in the {$Z4} state, it is stored as an unsigned double word.
The {$Z2} and {$Z4} states are useful for interfacing with C and C++ libraries, which usually represent enumerated types as words or double words.
Note: Note: For backwards compatibility with early versions of Delphi and CodeGear Pascal, the directives {$Z-} and {$Z+} are also supported. They correspond to {$Z1} and {$Z4}, respectively.
Example code : Various enum type sizes
TCars1 = (Rover, Jaguar, Honda); // Will fit into 1 byte
TFruit1 = (Banana=255, Apple, Pear); // Will exceed one byte
TCars2 = (Ford, Nissan, Vauxhall); // Now uses 4 bytes
TFruit2 = (Orange=255, Plum, Grape); // Now uses 4 bytes
ShowMessage(‘TCars1 size = ‘+IntToStr(SizeOf(TCars1)));
ShowMessage(‘TFruit1 size = ‘+IntToStr(SizeOf(TFruit1)));
ShowMessage(‘TCars2 size = ‘+IntToStr(SizeOf(TCars2)));
ShowMessage(‘TFruit2 size = ‘+IntToStr(SizeOf(TFruit2)));
TCars1 size = 1
TFruit1 size = 2
TCars2 size = 4
TFruit2 size = 4