C# Extension Methods

In C#, extension methods enable you to add methods to existing class without creating a new derived class.

Extension methods 要求:

  1. Define a static class to contain extension method. This class must be visible to client code.
  2. Implement the extension method like a static method, but add "this" modifier before the first parameter.
  3. The first parameter specifies the type that this extension method operates on.
 1 using System.Globalization;
 2 using System.Threading;
 4 namespace Library
 5 {
 6     public static class StringExtensions
 7     {
 8         //static method
 9         //public static string ConvertToTitleCase(this string source)
10         //extension method
11         public static string ConvertToTitleCase(this string source)
12         {
13             CultureInfo cultureInfo = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
14             TextInfo textInfo = cultureInfo.TextInfo;
16             return textInfo.ToTitleCase(source);
17         }
18     }
19 }

Extension methods call:

Call extension method  like extension method is an instance method on the type.

 1 namespace Library_Simple
 2 {
 3     //Import extension method namespace
 4     using Library;
 5     class Program
 6     {
 7         static void Main(String[] args)
 8         {
 9             string source = "the return of the king";
10             string extected = "The Return Of The King";
12             //static method
13             //string result = StringExtensions.ConvertToTitleCase(source);
14             //extension method
15             string result = source.ConvertToTitleCase();
17             Assert.IsNotNull(result);
18             Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
19         }
20     }
21 }
时间: 2024-12-05 04:02:44

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4.Operator Overload Methods allow a type to define how operators should manipulate instances of the type. 1.The CLR doesn’t know anything about operator overloading because it doesn’t even know what an operator is. programming language defines what e