vlfeat SIFT Tutorials

The Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) bundles(捆绑) a feature detector and a feature descriptor.

The detector extracts from an image a number of frames (attributed regions) in a way which is consistent with (some) variations of the illumination, viewpoint and other viewing conditions.

The descriptor associates to the regions a signature(标志) which identifies their appearance compactly(紧密) and robustly. For a more in-depth description of the algorithm, see our API reference for SIFT.




Extracting frames and descriptors

Both the detector and descriptor are accessible by the vl_sift MATLAB command (there is a similar command line utility). Open MATLAB and load a test image

I = vl_impattern(‘roofs1‘) ;
image(I) ;
时间: 2024-08-08 05:17:43

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[转自]http://cnyubin.com/?p=85 在VLFeat官网上是这么介绍VLFeat的:VLFeat开源库实现了很多著名的机器视觉算法,如HOG, SIFT, MSER, k-means, hierarchical k-means, agglomerative information bottleneck, SLIC superpixels, 和 quick shift.VLFeat开源库是用C语言写的,以确保其效率和兼容性,同时VLFeat还提供了MATLAB接口和详细的文档.

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