select * from zan where uid not in(select uid from zan where zhongjiang !=0) group by uid order by rand() limit 40 不过这个执行效率比较低,正在找更好用的方法 我觉得还是不如两条语句分开来写,先查出所有的uid,然后再用not in 这样查询速度快很多 $sql="select uid from zan where zhongjiang !='0'";$res=$dbs-
MySQL replace into 用法(insert into 的增强版) 在向表中插入数据的时候,经常遇到这样的情况:1. 首先判断数据是否存在: 2. 如果不存在,则插入:3.如果存在,则更新. 在 SQL Server 中可以这样处理: if not exists (select 1 from t where id = 1) insert into t(id, update_time) values(1, getdate()) else update t set update_time
``Accordian'' Patience You are to simulate the playing of games of ``Accordian'' patience, the rules for which are as follows: Deal cards one by one in a row from left to right, not overlapping. Whenever the card matches its immediate neighbour on t