[Genymotion] [Fatal] Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (version 0x40806) with this library (version


[Genymotion] [Fatal] Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (version 0x40806) with this library (version 0x40804)



When starting Genymotion on Linux, why does an error message state that Qt library versions are incompatible?

Under Linux, when starting Genymotion, you may read the following error message: [Genymotion] [Fatal] Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (version XXXXXXX) with this library (version XXXXXXX)

Indeed, Genymotion provides its own Qt library files. Those files may be incompatible with the version of libraries that already exist on your system. To solve this issue, you can remove Genymotion Qt library files so that the application uses the ones of your system.

To remove Genymotion Qt library files, in the Genymotion directory, run the following command: rm libQt*



作者:Dream Fly

时间: 2024-08-28 11:36:48

[Genymotion] [Fatal] Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (version 0x40806) with this library (version的相关文章

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