[HTML] Creating visual skip links in HTML and CSS

Skip links are an extremely helpful navigation pattern for keyboard and screen reader users, since they let you skip past sections of content. Learn how to create skip links in HTML and CSS that show on focus, and you‘ll benefit all users!

时间: 2024-12-06 03:14:41

[HTML] Creating visual skip links in HTML and CSS的相关文章

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随着越来越多类型的移动设备的普及,网页设计也随之变化,响应式网页设计应用而生,目前已有有很多比较流行的框架解决此问题,无论切换任何设备,都会自动根据设备的大小进行动态变化,无需为每个量身定做不同类别的网页,大大节省了开发工作量,响应式网页设计已经成为一种趋势. 一.流行的前端(from_end)设计框架很多,大概有以下几种: 1. Bootstrap Boostrap绝对是目前最流行用得最广泛的一款框架.它是一套优美,直观并且给力的web设计工具包,可以用来开发跨浏览器兼容并且美观大气的页面.它


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