python idle 错误 subprocess didn't make connection

今天打开python idle不反应,然后通过网上搜索让我在安装目录下点击 弹出如图所示的错误,进行了很多尝试,任然没有得到解决,但是在尝试过程中发现了大家所说问题所在都是因为新建了一个.py脚本跟系统的.py文件冲突导致出现错误。

I had this same problem today. I found another stack overflow post where someone had a tkinter.pyfile
in the same directory as python,
and they fixed it by removing that file.
When I looked in my python directory,
I realized I had created a script called and
put it there. I suspect that it conflicted with the normal random module in python. When I removed this file, python started working again.

So I would suggest you look in your main python directory and see if there are any .py files
that you could move to different places.

Yes, I also had named a program ‘‘ lol. Something in Stackoverflow clued me in so I renamed my program. By that time I‘d already lost "edit with IDLE" so I added the registry entry: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SystemFileAssociations\.py\shell\edit
with IDLE (py3)\command setting the value to: c:\python33\pythonw.exe c:\python33\lib\idlelib\idle.pyw -e %1 Then edit with IDLE was back and I ran the program from IDLE and it WORKED! I can‘t thank you enough for responding to my question and nailing it,
I really appreciate it. Wish would let me vote UP




python idle 错误 subprocess didn't make connection

时间: 2024-12-29 06:47:14

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