我的xampp版本是xampp-linux-x64-5.6.15-2-installer.run, 浏览器输入“我的ip/phpmyadmin”出现如下问题: Access forbidden! New XAMPP security concept: Access to the requested directory is only available from the local network. This setting can be configured in the file "http
Ubuntu中xampp一般安装在/opt/lampp/目录下,用[ip]/phpmyadmin访问若出现访问禁止,则可以通过修改一下配置文件解决 打开/opt/lampp/etc/extra/httpd-xampp.conf,找到 # since XAMPP 1.4.3<Directory "/opt/lampp/phpmyadmin"> AllowOverride AuthConfig Limit Require local Require all granted Er
找到httpd服务的phpmyadmin的配置文件,我的在目录/etc/httpd/conf.d下,然后打开后 原来配置: <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c> # Apache 2.2 Order Deny,Allow Deny from All Allow from Allow from ::1 </IfModule> 改后配置: <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c> # Apache 2.2 Order