Python 3.x HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

The Fobidden error often raised when using to open some urls.

such as:

url_1 = ‘‘
url_2 = ‘‘

request.urlopen(url_1) # ** no error raised

request.urlopen(url_2) # ** Fobidden error raised

Here is the reason:

When using urllib.request.urlopen to visit a URL, the server will only receive a simple request for this webpage without knowing the hidden infos about exploer,operating system,platform, which are abnormal.

Some websited will vefify the UserAgent info to prevent the abnoraml visisting.

So the solution : Add these infos to the UserAgent to acts as using exploer to visit

req = request.Request(url,headers={‘User-Agent‘: ‘Mozilla/5.0‘}) # ** this would fix, also you can add other infos to User-Agent

时间: 2025-01-11 03:32:10

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[Python] urllib2.HTTPError: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

搬运自,感谢原作. 之所以出现上面的异常,是因为如果用 urllib.request.urlopen 方式打开一个URL,服务器端只会收到一个单纯的对于该页面访问的请求.但是服务器并不知道发送这个请求使用的浏览器,操作系统,硬件平台等信息,而缺失这些信息的请求往往都是非正常的访问,例如爬虫.有些网站为了防止这种非正常的访问,会验证请求信息中的UserAgent(它的信息包括硬件平台.系统软件.应用软件和用户个人偏好

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错误原因:主要是由于该网站禁止爬虫导致的,可以在请求加上头信息,伪装成浏览器访问User-Agent. 新增user-agent信息: headers = {'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.80 Safari/537.36'} req = request.Request(Spider.url, header

HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

在写网页爬虫的时候,有的网站会有反爬取措施,所以有可能出现上面所示bug 出现bug的地方可能有两处: 1. requests请求时 requests.get(url),返回结果是403. 解决方法: headers= { 'User-Ageent':'一些字符', 'Cookie':'一些字符' } requests.get(url, headers=headers), 此时返回结果应该就是200,正常.加入headers的目的是,模拟人的行为,让服务器认为是人在操作, User-Agent,