

Fabric is an extensible framework for managing farms of MySQL Servers. Two
features have been implemented - High Availability (HA) and scaling out using
data sharding. These features can be used in isolation or in combination.

MySQL Fabric - High Availability & Automated Sharding ?

features are implemented in two layers:

  • The
    mysqlfabric process which processes any management requests. When using the HA
    feature, this process can also be made responsible for monitoring the master
    server and initiating failover to promote a slave to be the new master should
    it fail.

  • MySQL
    Fabric-aware connectors store a cache of the routing information that it has
    fetched from MySQL Fabric and then uses that information to send transactions
    or queries to the correct MySQL Server.

Fabric provides high availability and database sharding for MySQL


Groups are formed from pools of two or more MySQL Servers; at any point in time,
one of those servers is the Primary (MySQL Replication master) and the others
are Secondaries (MySQL Replication slaves). The role of a HA Group is to ensure
that access to the data held within that group is always available.

MySQL Replication allows the data to be made safe by duplicating it, for a HA
solution two extra components are needed and MySQL Fabric provides these:

  • Failure
    detection and promotion
     - MySQL Fabric monitors the Primary
    within the HA group and should that server fail then it selects one of the
    Secondaries and promotes it to be the Primary

  • Routing
    of database requests
     - The routing of writes to the
    Primary and load balancing reads across the slaves is transparent to the
    application, even when the topology changes during failover

- Scaling out

nearing the capacity or write performance limit of a single MySQL Server (or HA
group), MySQL Fabric can be used to scale-out the database servers by
partitioning the data across multiple MySQL Server "groups". Note that a group
could contain a single MySQL Server or it could be a HA group.

administrator defines how data should be sharded between these servers;
indicating which table columns should be used as shard keys and whether HASH or
RANGE mappings should be used to map from those keys to the correct shard.

further shards are needed then MySQL Fabric can split existing shards; it is
also possible to relocate shards.

Fabric-Aware Connectors

Fabric-Aware connectors are currently available for Java, PHP and Python. These
connectors automatically fetch routing information from MySQL Fabric and then
cache it in order to route queries and transactions directly to the correct
MySQL Server. The application simply provides the sharding key - with no
knowledge of the topology of the server farm or the state of any server.


transactions and queries are routed directly to the correct MySQL Server, there
is no need for a proxy function - saving latency and complexity. In addition,
there is no need for agents to be run on any of the target machines.


时间: 2024-12-18 23:10:20


如何从MYSQL官方YUM仓库安装MYSQL5.x 原理一样只要获取对的仓库依赖安装对的仓库依赖就ok了,我就是用这种安装的5.7

如何从MYSQL官方YUM仓库安装MYSQL5.6 2013年10月,MySQL开发团队正式宣布支持Yum仓库,这就意味着我们现在可以从这个Yum库中获得最新和最优版的MySQL安装包.本文将在一台全新安装的CentOS6上安装MySQL5.6,如果你不熟悉MySQL5.6的新特性,我建议从MySQL 5.6的新特性开始,其中有很多非常有用的特性. 首先我们需要从MySQL开发者网站下载Yum仓库文件,导入Yum库后,一个简单的yumupdate命令将确保你运行在MySQL5.6的最新发布版上,


1.1.1. HA: GTID_MODE配置不一致 [环境描述] msyql5.6.14 [报错信息] 初始状态Master和Slave都开启了enforce-gtid-consistency和gtid-mode,然后在Master上把它俩都修改成了off关闭状态,这时,Slave发生报错: Last_IO_Error: The slave IO thread stopsbecause the master has @@GLOBAL.GTID_MODE OFF and this server [


2013年10月,MySQL开发团队正式宣布支持Yum仓库,这就意味着我们现在可以从这个Yum库中获得最新和最优版的MySQL安装包.本文将在一台全新安装的CentOS6上安装MySQL5.6,如果你不熟悉MySQL5.6的新特性,我建议从MySQL 5.6的新特性开始,其中有很多非常有用的特性. 首先我们需要从MySQL开发者网站下载Yum仓库文件,导入Yum库后,一个简单的yumupdate命令将确保你运行在MySQL5.6的最新发布版上,包括一些安全特性的更新.Yum同时也将确保导入相关依

给MySQL官方提交的bug report备忘

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Cobar是阿里巴巴研发的关系型数据的分布式处理系统,是提供关系型数据库(MySQL)分布式服务的中间件,该产品成功替代了原先基于Oracle的数据存储方案,它可以让传统的数据库得到良好的线性扩展,并看上去还是一个数据库,对应用保持透明. 产品在阿里巴巴稳定运行3年以上. 接管了3000+个MySQL数据库的schema. 集群日处理在线SQL请求50亿次以上. 集群日处理在线数据流量TB级别以上. Cobar的核心功能: 分布式: Cobar的分布式主要是通过将表放入不同的库来实现: Coba


前两天安装MySQL,用的是官方的yum源安装,安装好后发现 5.7版本内存占用还蛮高的,默认5.6版安装完成后启动占用内存大概400M+ ,5.7版本默认安装完成后内存占用竟然占到800M+  简直翻了一倍. 可能5.7上有很多新功能和新特性,但是现阶段我觉得我还远用不到,那么就降级安装5.6版本的吧. 由于系统上已经有了官方 yum源的配置,那么就通过yum来安装5.6版本的MySQL吧. 这是官方mysql源的配置信息,可见已经有了5.5/5.6/5.7版本的源. 因为默认使用yum安装m


操作系统: CentOS 6.6 x64,本文采用rpm方式安装corosync+pacemaker+drbd,采用二进制版本安装mysql-5.6.29.本文是在Corosync+Pacemaker+DRBD+NFS高可用实例配置基础上进行配置修改,然后进行测试的安装过程. 一.双机配置 1. app1,app2配置hosts文件,以及主机名. [[email protected] soft]# vi /etc/hosts   localhost localhost.l

MySQL 官方 Docker 镜像的使用

转载: 首先是pull image,这里我拉取的是5.6.35: 1 $ sudo docker pull mysql:5.6.35 拉下来以后大可以按照官方的说明无脑启动,但是外部无法访问,所以绑定端口: 1 $ sudo docker run --name mysql -p 12345:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -d mysql:5.6.35 试着用

MySql 官方存储引擎

存储引擎是为不同的表类型处理 SQL 操作的 MySql 组件.InnoDB 是默认的.最通用的存储引擎,也是官方推荐使用的存储引擎,除非一些特定案例.MySql 5.6 中的 CREATE TABLE 语句创建的表的存储引擎默认就是 InnoDB. MySql 服务器使用的是一个可插拔存储引擎架构,它能够在运行的时候动态加载或者卸载这些存储引擎. 可以使用 SHOW ENGINES 语句来查看你的 MySql 服务器所支持的存储引擎.Support 列里的值指示出是否一个引擎可以被你使用:YE