hivesql 迁移spark3.0 sparksql报错如Cannot safely cast '字段':StringType to IntegerType的问题

一 问题


spark3.0配置 查看源码新增一个

      .doc("When inserting a value into a column with different data type, Spark will perform " +
        "type coercion. Currently, we support 3 policies for the type coercion rules: ANSI, " +
        "legacy and strict. With ANSI policy, Spark performs the type coercion as per ANSI SQL. " +
        "In practice, the behavior is mostly the same as PostgreSQL. " +
        "It disallows certain unreasonable type conversions such as converting " +
        "`string` to `int` or `double` to `boolean`. " +
        "With legacy policy, Spark allows the type coercion as long as it is a valid `Cast`, " +
        "which is very loose. e.g. converting `string` to `int` or `double` to `boolean` is " +
        "allowed. It is also the only behavior in Spark 2.x and it is compatible with Hive. " +
        "With strict policy, Spark doesn‘t allow any possible precision loss or data truncation " +
        "in type coercion, e.g. converting `double` to `int` or `decimal` to `double` is " +
        "not allowed."


  object StoreAssignmentPolicy extends Enumeration {
    val ANSI, LEGACY, STRICT = Value

对于ANSI策略,Spark根据ANSI SQL执行类型强制。这种行为基本上与PostgreSQL相同

它不允许某些不合理的类型转换,如转换“`string`to`int`或`double` to`boolean`

对于LEGACY策略 Spark允许类型强制,只要它是有效的‘Cast‘ 这也是Spark 2.x中的唯一行为,它与Hive兼容。

对于STRICT策略 Spark不允许任何可能的精度损失或数据截断




hivesql 迁移spark3.0 sparksql报错如Cannot safely cast '字段':StringType to IntegerType的问题


时间: 2024-09-29 21:31:03

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