错误:Column 'Id' in field list is ambiguous

SELECT `渠道名称` , SUM(`当日其他`) AS 当月其他
FROM `渠道信息` as A , `一线数据汇总` AS B
WHERE A.`渠道名称` = B.`渠道名称`
GROUP BY `渠道名称`


SELECT A.`渠道名称` , SUM(`当日其他`) AS 当月其他
FROM `渠道信息` as A , `一线数据汇总` AS B
WHERE A.`渠道名称` = B.`渠道名称`
GROUP BY `渠道名称`



错误:Column 'Id' in field list is ambiguous


时间: 2024-08-10 05:35:41

错误:Column 'Id' in field list is ambiguous的相关文章

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错误代码: 1052 Column 'stu_id' in field list is ambiguous

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