在集成网易 即时通讯IM时报如下错误: [!] The 'Pods-Yepu' target has frameworks with conflicting names: nimsdk.framework. 具体错误如图所示: 原因为:NIMKit依赖于轻量版的NIMSDK_LITE,如果安装NIMKit,就必须要安装NIMSDK_LITE,而安装NIMKit/Full,才会安装NIMSDK,两对相匹配,否则会报上面的错.且Podfile文件中要加#use_frameworks! 文件展示如图:
在真机上測试时用一会就出现例如以下信息,且应用挂掉. Restore the connection to ""XXX"的 iPod" and run "XXX" again, or if "XXX" is still running, you can attach to it by selecting Debug > Attach to Process > XXX. 这是由于应用程序突然消耗了大量内存,然后再分配调
//Situation System prompts "xxx is not in the sudoers file"(xxx equals the user name) while executing command "sudo": sudo -i Password: xxx is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported. //Analysis The current accoun
Local declaration of 'XXX' hides instance variable Local declaration of 'XXX' hides instance variable 遇到这种原因,是因为本地变量跟函数参数变量同名.要注意变量的命名! Local declaration of 'XXX' hides instance variable