Trouble Shooting -- Commonj任务同一时间多次触发

老系统,使用了commonj做为时间和任务线程池。其中的时间管理之前系统只有单个fixed-rate的时间任务一直都运行的很好,最近系统中加入了健康监控(dropwizard healtch check),需要加多一个时间任务,结果在测试过程中出现了healtch check任务偶尔在触发点执行多次的问题,百思不得其解,读了commonj的源代码 (de.myfoo.commonj.timers.FooTimerManager.java和才大概知道问题可能是怎么回事,从代码里面我们可以看出,如果同时有2个timer task,在第一个task正在执行的时候(timer.getScheduledExecutionTime() 还没被执行到),那么waittime就会是负数,整个while循环会不停的运行,假设这个时候第二个task符合执行条件,就会被加入执行pool,如果第二个task在下一次循环的时候状态还没有改变(因为waittime是0),就会被多次加入pool,我们的系统中最多被加入了7次,都是多线程惹的祸,footimermanager完全无法预料加入pool的task什么时候改变状态,以另外线程的状态来判断任务是否在执行不可取,最后把系统的commonj改成了spring的scheduled task,简单好用。

182 public void run() {
184     // while we are not stopped...
185     while (!stopped) {
187         long nextTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000;
189         synchronized (this) {
190             // iterate all timers and check if the need to be executed
191             for(Iterator<TimerExecutor> iter = timers.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
192                 TimerExecutor timerExecutor =;
193                 FooTimer timer = timerExecutor.getTimer();
195                 // Added by SOSI-DCC
196                 // check if timer is cancelled
197                 if(timer.isCancelled()) {
198                     iter.remove();
199                 }
201                 // check if timer is expired
202                 else if(timer.isExpired() && !timerExecutor.isRunning()) {
203                     // execure timer if not suspended / suppending
204                     if(!suspended && !suspending) {
205                                                    pool.execute(timerExecutor);
206                     }
208                     // remove one shot timers after execution
209                     if(timer instanceof OneShotTimer) {
210                         iter.remove();
211                     }
212                 } else {
213                     // find the soonest execution time
214                     long time = timer.getScheduledExecutionTime();
215                     if(time < nextTime) {
216                         nextTime = time;
217                     }
218                 }
219             }
221             // count running timers that are still running
222             boolean running = false;
223             for(Iterator<TimerExecutor> iter = timers.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
224                 TimerExecutor timerExecutor =;
225                 if(timerExecutor.isRunning()) {
226                     running = true;
227                 }
228             }
230             if(suspending && !running) {
231                 suspended = true;
232             }
234             if(stopping && !running) {
235                 stopped = true;
236             }
238             // wait til next execution is due...
239             long waitTime = nextTime - System.currentTimeMillis();
240             if(waitTime > 0) {
241                 try {
242                     wait(waitTime);
243                 } catch(InterruptedException e) { // ignore
244                 }
245             }
247         }
248     }
250 }
72  public void More {
73      running = true;
74      try {
75          // execute the timer
76          timer.execute();
78          // compute next execution time
79          timer.computeNextExecutionTime();
80      } catch (Exception e) {
81          // ignore
82      } finally {
83          running = false;
84          // timerManager.notifyAll();
85      }
86  }
时间: 2024-10-08 18:13:48

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