【瑜伽520】开源虚拟机 VirtualBox 5.0 Beta 3 发布

开源虚拟机的VirtualBox团队于本周四正式释放出了第三个VirtualBox 5.0测试版本。

VirtualBox 4.0的最后一个主要版本在2010年12月发布,它采用了新的图形化用户界面,新的虚拟化硬件和重组的项目设计,进行了重大的改版。但项目主要版本的发布步伐缓慢,上一次重要版本(版本4.3)在2013年底才发布。从那时起,一切都被正式称为“维护”发布。

时隔五年之后的今年四月,VirtualBox,由Sun公司创建,现在由甲骨文管理的开源虚拟化系统,获得了近5年来第一次的主版本更新发布,还是有新的东西加入:Windows/Linux等客户虚拟机支持PV、XHCI控制器支持USB 3.0设备、双向复制和粘贴。

在VirtualBox 5.0 Beta 3中也带来了很多Bug修复,客户机可获得XSAVE/AVX/AVX2等扩展、改进GUI加密、改进音量控制、修复SB16播放等改进。

VirtualBox 5.0 Beta 3下载地址:http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/5.0.0_BETA3

VirtualBox 5.0 Beta 3发行说明:https://www.virtualbox.org/pipermail/vbox-announce/2015-May/000122.html

而相比于VirtualBox 5.0 Beta 2的改变主要有:

  • VMM: XSAVE, AVX and AVX-2 are now exposed to the guest (bug #11347)
  • VMM: fixed a Guru Meditation when rebooting certain guests (for example Solaris doing fast reboot) by fixing the implementation for INIT IPI)
  • GUI: Encryption progress reflection (see here)
  • GUI: Encryption errors handling (see here)
  • GUI: Properly disable unavailable menu actions (see here)
  • GUI: properly report errors when trying to save the VM settings instead instead of dead-locking (seehere)
  • API: allow to hotplug SATA optical devices (see here)
  • VRDP: fixed listening for IPv6 on some systems (bug #14038)
  • USB: fixed attaching of high speed USB devices if xHCI is not present (they always ended up on the OHCI controller)
  • Audio: improved volume control
  • Audio: fixed SB16 playback
  • Drag and drop: Transfers can be canceled properly, bug fixes
  • Guest Control: Major overhaul, for example fixing wrong parameter quoting (bug #13157)
  • Shared Folders: fixed a crash when removing (in some cases also when creating) a shared folder when the VM is running (see here)
  • OVA: fixed importing of appliances without attached hard disks (see here)
  • Snapshots: fixed a bug in handling a saved state when taking an offline snapshot
  • Snapshots: fixed a sporadic bug when restoring a snapshot which left unused diff images behind
  • VirtualKD: re-added device which was omitted by accident (see here)
  • Windows hosts: more hardening fixes (e.g. bugs #14051#14052)
  • Additions/X.Org: fixed guest-to-host mouse mapping for Solaris and Linux Mint/Ubuntu 12.04.0 guests.
  • Additions/X.Org: fixed resizing problem in openSUSE 10.3 and guests of a similar generation (see here)
  • documented the Guest Additions heartbeat service
时间: 2024-12-20 00:15:29

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