How to add alias on Mac(It's common for most system)

Since these files are hidden you will have to do an ls -a to list them. If you don‘t have one you can create one.


If I remember correctly, when I had bought my mac, .bash_login file wasn‘t there. I had to create it for myself so that I could put prompt infoaliasfunctions etc in it. Here are the steps if you would like to create one -

  1. Start up Terminal
  2. Type cd ~/ to go to your home folder
  3. Type touch .bash_profile to create your new file.
  4. Edit .bash_profile with your favorite editor (or you can just type open -e .bash_profile to open it in TextEdit.
  5. Type . .bash_profile to reload .bash_profile and update any alias you add.

Another covenient way:

The config file for scripts and programs is ~/.bashrc and the config file that gets loaded when you use Terminal is ~/.bash_login.

I think the best way is to just have everything in ~/.bashrc.

For your specific question just enter (this will overwrite any existing ~/.bashrc):

echo "alias blah=\"/usr/bin/blah\"" >~/.bashrc

into the Terminal and a ~/.bashrc file will be created with your new alises. After that just edit the file to add new aliases, functions, settings etc.

How to add alias on Mac(It's common for most system)

时间: 2024-12-19 18:35:57

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