<template> <div class="hello"> <h1>{{ msg }}</h1> <p>Element UI简单Cascader级联选择器使用</p> <el-cascader :options=‘options‘ v-model="selectedOptions" @change="handleChange"> </el-cascader> <div class="select_box"> <p>mockjs的数据Element UI的select组件做的二级联动效果</p> <el-select v-model="shopRegoin" placeholder="请选择" @change="selectShopRegoin"> <el-option v-for="item in shopList" :key="item.type" :label="item.shop" :value="item.type"> </el-option> </el-select> <el-select v-model="shopName" placeholder="请选择"> <el-option v-for="item in shopNameList" :key="item.type" :label="item.shop" :value="item.type"> </el-option> </el-select> </div> <!-- 去下一个页面 --> <div class="btn_box select_box"> <el-button type="primary" @click="goNextPage">去下一个页面看看</el-button> </div> </div> </template> <script> import { cityList } from ‘../netconnet/api‘ export default { name: ‘HelloWorld‘, data() { return { msg: ‘hello,vuejs‘, selectedOptions: [], options: [], //级联数据 shopRegoin: ‘‘, shopName: ‘‘, shopList: [], //门店区域 shopNameList: [], //门店名字 } }, created() { this.getList() this.getMockData() this.postMockData() }, methods: { //es6写法 async getList() { try { let res = await cityList(null) console.log(res) this.$eleMessage(‘数据成功返回‘, ‘success‘, 500) } catch (e) { console.log(e) } //原始写法 // cityList(null).then(res=>{ // console.log(res,‘res‘) // }).catch(err=>{ // console.log(err,‘err‘) // }) }, //change事件 selectShopRegoin(val) { console.log(val, ‘val‘) let vIndex = this.shopList.findIndex(e => { return e.type == val }) this.shopNameList = this.shopList[vIndex].shopNameList; //二级联动的数组; this.shopName = this.shopNameList[0].type; console.log(this.shopNameList, ‘this.shopNameList‘) }, //模拟mock get请求 getMockData() { this.$http.get(‘/getshop/list‘).then(res => { this.shopList = res.data.data.shopList; console.log(res, ‘getMock数据‘) this.$eleMessage(‘get的mock数据成功返回‘, ‘success‘, 1500) }) }, //模拟mock post请求 postMockData() { let data = { type: ‘see‘, key: ‘123456789‘ } this.$http.post(‘/postshop/list‘, data).then(res => { // 级联选择 this.options = res.data.data.shopList.map(e => { return { value: e.type, label: e.shop, children: e.shopNameList.map(i => { return { value: i.type, label: i.shop } }) } }) console.log(res.data, ‘postMock数据‘) this.$eleMessage(‘post的mock数据成功返回‘, ‘success‘, 3000) }) }, handleChange(val) { console.log(val, ‘值‘); }, //vue 跳转 goNextPage() { //1.push方式可以产生历史记录 this.$router.push({ name: ‘test‘, query: { age: 20, sex: ‘男‘, goodName: encodeURI(encodeURI(‘中文参数转码套两层encodeURI,同理解码decodeURI也套两层‘)) } }) //2.用replace的方式不会产生历史记录 // this.$router.replace({ // name:‘test‘, // query:{ // age:20, // sex:‘男‘, // goodName:encodeURI(encodeURI(‘中文参数转码套两层encodeURI‘)) // } // }) } } } </script> <style scoped> .select_box { margin-top: 30px; } </style>
2.mockjs使用方法 npm/cnpm install mockjs -S 具体参照官网(我这里给出的是快捷使用快捷配置方法)新建一个文件夹mock新建一个mockjs文件如下:
// 使用 Mock import Mock from ‘mockjs‘; // 配置 Mock 路径 require.config({ paths: { mock: ‘http://mockjs.com/dist/mock‘ } }) // mock一组数据 const shopData = { "code": 0, "data": { "mockObj":{ "tip":‘hello,我教你手把手玩mockjs‘, "date":‘2018-11-30‘ }, "shopList": [{ "type": 1, "shopNameList": [{ "type": 1, "shopNameList": [], "shop": "母婴店1" }, { "type": 2, "shopNameList": [], "shop": "母婴店2" }, { "type": 3, "shopNameList": [], "shop": "母婴店3" }, { "type": 4, "shopNameList": [], "shop": "母婴店4" }, { "type": 5, "shopNameList": [], "shop": "母婴店5" }, { "type": 6, "shopNameList": [], "shop": "母婴店6" }, { "type": 7, "shopNameList": [], "shop": "母婴店7" }, { "type": 8, "shopNameList": [], "shop": "母婴店8" }, { "type": 9, "shopNameList": [], "shop": "母婴店9" }, ], "shop": "南山分店" }, { "type": 2, "shopNameList": [{ "type": 10, "shopNameList": [], "shop": "烧烤店1" }, { "type": 11, "shopNameList": [], "shop": "烧烤店2" }, { "type": 12, "shopNameList": [], "shop": "烧烤店3" }, { "type": 13, "shopNameList": [], "shop": "烧烤店4" } ], "shop": "宝安分店" }, { "type": 3, "shopNameList": [{ "type": 14, "shopNameList": [], "shop": "酒店1" }, { "type": 15, "shopNameList": [], "shop": "酒店2" } ], "shop": "罗湖分店" }, { "type": 4, "shopNameList": [{ "type": 16, "shopNameList": [], "shop": "按摩店1" },{ "type": 17, "shopNameList": [], "shop": "按摩店2" }], "shop": "福田分店" } ] }, "msg": "请求成功" } // Mock.mock( url, post/get , 返回的数据);此处可以模拟post和get 请求 Mock.mock(‘/postshop/list‘, ‘post‘, shopData); Mock.mock(‘/getshop/list‘, ‘get‘, shopData);
// The Vue build version to load with the `import` command // (runtime-only or standalone) has been set in webpack.base.conf with an alias. import Vue from ‘vue‘ import App from ‘./App‘ import router from ‘./router‘ import ElementUI from ‘element-ui‘ import ‘element-ui/lib/theme-chalk/index.css‘ import axios from ‘axios‘ Vue.prototype.$http = axios; require(‘./mock/mock.js‘) Vue.use(ElementUI); //element Message全局配置组件调用 this.$eleMessage(‘内容‘,‘消息类型‘,‘持续时间‘) Vue.prototype.$eleMessage = function (msg,tip,time) { this.$message({ message: msg, type: tip, duration:time }) } Vue.config.productionTip = false /* eslint-disable no-new */ new Vue({ el: ‘#app‘, router, //store, render: h => h(App) })
<template> <div class="test_box"> <p>hell,你好</p> <p>encodeURI编码后转码的路由参数内容----<span style="color: red">({{routerParmas}})</span></p> </div> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { routerParmas:decodeURI(decodeURI(this.$route.query.goodName)), } }, created(){ }, methods:{ } } </script>
import Vue from ‘vue‘ import Router from ‘vue-router‘ //方式一:最简单直接的使用组件 //import HelloWorld from ‘@/components/HelloWorld‘ //import Test from ‘@/components/test‘ //方式二:webpack自带的模块按需加载 r就是resolve //const HelloWorld = r => require.ensure([], () => r(require(‘@/components/HelloWorld‘)), ‘HelloWorld‘); Vue.use(Router) const router = new Router({ routes: [ { path: ‘/‘, name: ‘HelloWorld‘, component: resolve => require([‘@/components/HelloWorld‘], resolve)//方式三:懒加载方式 },{ path: ‘/test‘, name: ‘test‘, component: resolve => require([‘@/components/test‘], resolve) } ] }) export default router;
时间: 2024-10-23 04:41:11