COMP6239 Mobile App Development Assignment

COMP6239 Mobile App Development Assignment
Assignment: Tutor Finder App Lecturer: [email protected] Weighting: 30%
Deadline: 17/05/2019 @ 16:00 Feedback: 14/06/2019 Effort: 45 hours per
Relevant Learning Outcomes (LOs)
This assignment assesses your ability to design, build and test a mobile application using
professional mobile app development tools.
Pair Development
You are expected to work on this assignment with a partner. Please choose another student
with comparable skills and background, and a compatible working style. You will submit your
work jointly and receive the same mark. If you prefer to work on your own, or there is a
problem with your partner, please contact me as soon as possible so I can advise you on how
to proceed.
Mobile App Requirements

A Personal tutor finder app is required to demonstrate your technical abilities in building a
functional yet attractive and elegant application using your framework of choice (primarily
Android, unless we have discussed and I agreed with another platform). For this assignment,
two sets of features, namely basic and advanced are devised. All of you must implement the
basic features, but advanced features are reserved for students that they want to achieve
high marks. following features:
The Personal tutor finder app features:
Your app should provide 3 panels for the solution. One for students, one for tutors
and the final one for an admin.
Students should be able to register using an email and a password (registration and
login using social media accounts also is acceptable and can be counted as an
advanced feature). Registered users of the app can create their profile and filling up
their learning needs. They can also select different subjects (such as Physics tutors,
Maths tutor, Music tutor etc.) and then search for tutors based on the subjects. The
search normally should return a list of matched tutors, and the student should be
able to tap on any tutor to see further details. If a student chose a matched tutor
they can privately send them messages. Then they can also schedule the time to take
their sessions, provided that their request is accepted by a potential tutor.
o Advanced features: searching based on location and displaying tutors
location on the google map are considered as advanced features.
Searching based on timing (morning, afternoon, weekdays, weekends and so
on) or displaying a calendar with the ability to pick up time from it are also
considered as advanced features.
? The tutor panel allows tutors from everywhere to register themselves and after being
approved by the admin they can accept/decline tutoring request, notify students and
arrange tutoring sessions with them.
o Advanced features: sending emails from within the app or Real-time
notifications to the students are considered as advanced features.
The admin panel will allow the admin person to manage tutoring categories by adding
a new category of tutoring (such as Maths, Chemistry, Biology and so on) or amending
or deleting existing lists. Also, he should be able to approve a new tutor profile.
o Advanced features: Any functionality such as tracking tutors’ appointments,
student requests, notification, and so on can be counted as advanced/extra
You should design a suitable database structure (local database is a basic feature but
supporting a back-end database such as Firebase can be counted as an advanced feature) and
user interface to support these features. Note that you are implementing only a prototype or
first iteration rather than a complete e-business solution. The majority of marks for this
assignment are available for your correct and efficient use of the technologies and
techniques, and implementing the basic functionality.
Required Platform/Technologies and Frameworks?
You are required to implement this app using recent versions of your choice (primarily
Android unless I have agreed with you on another choice) of platform/libraries/frameworks.
Your app must provide multiple screens with professional layout and navigation, including
appropriate UI and UX. Authentication must use “individual user accounts” and you must
demonstrate validation of user-entered data.
Documentation ?
You should produce a PDF document describing your app’s development. This must be no
more than 2,500 words. Allowing for diagrams and other figures, this approximately will be
up 12 A4 pages. The document must include:
§ A clear statement of your implemented requirement with proper formatting and
suitable labelling for traceability purposes.
§ Design diagrams showing the structure of your user interface, database, and the
mobile app.
§ Appropriately clipped and labelled screenshots illustrating the implemented features.
§ Samples of code, using appropriate formatting and colour, to demonstrate the
technologies and techniques you have used, and identifying which source code file the
fragment is extracted from.
§ Samples of mark-up you have written yourself, each identifying which mark-up file it
is extracted from. You should present these samples as figures so that they do not
count toward the word limit given above. This is also applicable to the previous bullet
§ Clear and concise explanations of these diagrams, screenshots, and code/mark-up
§ Evidence of how the mobile app has been tested. For example, how error messages
appear appropriately, error reporting does not lose previous user input and that the
back and up navigations function correctly.
§ Evidence of how you have tested your business logic, for example, to ensure that all
inputs are valid.
§ Clarification of which technologies or frameworks/libraries you have used, including
design diagrams, code fragments, other figures, and explanations as appropriate.
§ A short evaluation of the tools, technologies and techniques you have used and
effective in achieving their intended goals.
§ A bibliography of all tutorials and textbooks you used to support your development,
noting that your bibliography will not contribute toward the word limit given above.
Your App Demo
During week 12 you will be asked to demo your app. The exact time and venue for each
team will be announced on the module website later on in the semester.
Submission Instructions
Submit your report in PDF format, and all of your project files as a single archive in ZIP
format to the electronic hand-in system by 4 pm on the due date shown above.
Relevant Learning Outcomes (LOs)
1. Design and develop mobile applications using a chosen application development
2. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the techniques used for developing
and testing mobile applications, and enhancing their usability, and performance.
3. Evaluate your chosen mobile frameworks, and explain the advantages and
limitations of your development frameworks.
Marking Scheme ?
There are three assessment criteria, each weighted as the following:
Criterion Description LOs Total
Effective implementation of required features,
good use of technology (platform and
frameworks), usefulness, innovation, packaging
techniques, ease of use and UX.
1,2 60
Additional and advanced features and
techniques. Other design and implementation
consideration such as robustness, security and
2,3 20
Clear discussion on application development
and testing, showing appropriate evidence of
these aspects. A critical evaluation discussing
reliability of your app and its effectiveness in
achieving the intended goals.
2,3 20
Late submissions will be penalised at 10% per working day. No work can be accepted after feedback has been given. Please note the
University regulations regarding academic integrity. The marking scheme is indicative and all marks returned to students are for feedback
purposes. These marks will be prior to moderation and before late penalties are applied.

因为专业,所以值得信赖。如有需要,请加QQ:99515681 或邮箱:[email protected]



时间: 2024-08-10 11:18:16

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