打开工程后--show in finder 找到xx.xcodeproj 右键 选择如图所示用终端机打开 然后依次输入如图红线标记所示的命令 如果成功则会有如下字样提示: 最后需要压缩一个zip文件以上传到fb进行审核 compress the simulator build into a zip file. The build that was generated was placed into: {base directory}/build/Release-iphonesimulator/
编者语 : 本系列文章已经被Perfect官方引用了,这样的感觉非常好.感恩!Thx all ! Visual Studio Code是一个轻量级的编辑器,但也功能丰富,通过插件你能够完毕如Cordova,ReactNative,NodeJS,PHP,ASP.NET Core 的开发.上文通过Visual Studio Code对Perfect文件进行编辑,但编译过程还是在终端中完毕. 事实上通过对Visual Studio Code 加入tasks.json就能够完毕对Perfect项目的编译
Recently I was puzzled by some behavior Solr was showing me. I scratched my head and called over a colleague. We couldn't quite figure out what was going on. Well Solr is open source so- next stop – Debuggersville! Running Solr in the Eclipse debugge
Setting up a Deep Learning Machine from Scratch (Software) A detailed guide to setting up your machine for deep learning research. Includes instructions to install drivers, tools and various deep learning frameworks. This was tested on a 64 bit machi