Java 集合系列16之 Spring Boot 配置文件 选项配置(一)




This sample file is provided as a guideline

. Do NOT copy it in its

entirety to your own application. ^^^




banner.charset=UTF-8 # Banner file encoding.

banner.location=classpath:banner.txt # Banner file location.

banner.image.location=classpath:banner.gif # Banner image file location (jpg/png can also be used).

banner.image.width= # Width of the banner image in chars (default 76)

banner.image.height= # Height of the banner image in chars (default based on image height)

banner.image.margin= # Left hand image margin in chars (default 2)

banner.image.invert= # If images should be inverted for dark terminal themes (default false)


logging.config= # Location of the logging configuration file. For instance classpath:logback.xml for Logback

logging.exception-conversion-word=%wEx # Conversion word used when logging exceptions.

logging.file= # Log file name. For instance myapp.log

logging.level.*= # Log levels severity mapping. For instance

logging.path= # Location of the log file. For instance /var/log

logging.pattern.console= # Appender pattern for output to the console. Only supported with the default logback setup.

logging.pattern.file= # Appender pattern for output to the file. Only supported with the default logback setup.

logging.pattern.level= # Appender pattern for log level (default %5p). Only supported with the default logback setup.

logging.register-shutdown-hook=false # Register a shutdown hook for the logging system when it is initialized.

AOP # Add @EnableAspectJAutoProxy.

spring.aop.proxy-target-class=false # Whether subclass-based (CGLIB) proxies are to be created (true) as opposed to standard Java interface-based proxies (false).

IDENTITY (ContextIdApplicationContextInitializer)

spring.application.index= # Application index. # Application name.

ADMIN (SpringApplicationAdminJmxAutoConfiguration)

spring.application.admin.enabled=false # Enable admin features for the application.

spring.application.admin.jmx-name=org.springframework.boot:type=Admin,name=SpringApplication # JMX name of the application admin MBean.


spring.autoconfigure.exclude= # Auto-configuration classes to exclude.


spring.beaninfo.ignore=true # Skip search of BeanInfo classes.

SPRING CACHE (CacheProperties)

spring.cache.cache-names= # Comma-separated list of cache names to create if supported by the underlying cache manager.

spring.cache.caffeine.spec= # The spec to use to create caches. Check CaffeineSpec for more details on the spec format.

spring.cache.couchbase.expiration=0 # Entry expiration in milliseconds. By default the entries never expire.

spring.cache.ehcache.config= # The location of the configuration file to use to initialize EhCache.

spring.cache.guava.spec= # The spec to use to create caches. Check CacheBuilderSpec for more details on the spec format.

spring.cache.infinispan.config= # The location of the configuration file to use to initialize Infinispan.

spring.cache.jcache.config= # The location of the configuration file to use to initialize the cache manager.

spring.cache.jcache.provider= # Fully qualified name of the CachingProvider implementation to use to retrieve the JSR-107 compliant cache manager. Only needed if more than one JSR-107 implementation is available on the classpath.

spring.cache.type= # Cache type, auto-detected according to the environment by default.

SPRING CONFIG - using environment property only (ConfigFileApplicationListener)

spring.config.location= # Config file locations. # Config file name.

HAZELCAST (HazelcastProperties)

spring.hazelcast.config= # The location of the configuration file to use to initialize Hazelcast.

PROJECT INFORMATION (ProjectInfoProperties) # Location of the generated file. # Location of the generated file.


spring.jmx.default-domain= # JMX domain name.

spring.jmx.enabled=true # Expose management beans to the JMX domain.

spring.jmx.server=mbeanServer # MBeanServer bean name.

Email (MailProperties)

spring.mail.default-encoding=UTF-8 # Default MimeMessage encoding. # SMTP server host. For instance

spring.mail.jndi-name= # Session JNDI name. When set, takes precedence to others mail settings.

spring.mail.password= # Login password of the SMTP server.

spring.mail.port= # SMTP server port.*= # Additional JavaMail session properties.

spring.mail.protocol=smtp # Protocol used by the SMTP server.

spring.mail.test-connection=false # Test that the mail server is available on startup.

spring.mail.username= # Login user of the SMTP server.


spring.main.banner-mode=console # Mode used to display the banner when the application runs.

spring.main.sources= # Sources (class name, package name or XML resource location) to include in the ApplicationContext.

spring.main.web-environment= # Run the application in a web environment (auto-detected by default).

FILE ENCODING (FileEncodingApplicationListener)

spring.mandatory-file-encoding= # Expected character encoding the application must use.

INTERNATIONALIZATION (MessageSourceAutoConfiguration)

spring.messages.always-use-message-format=false # Set whether to always apply the MessageFormat rules, parsing even messages without arguments.

spring.messages.basename=messages # Comma-separated list of basenames, each following the ResourceBundle convention.

spring.messages.cache-seconds=-1 # Loaded resource bundle files cache expiration, in seconds. When set to -1, bundles are cached forever.

spring.messages.encoding=UTF-8 # Message bundles encoding.

spring.messages.fallback-to-system-locale=true # Set whether to fall back to the system Locale if no files for a specific Locale have been found.


spring.output.ansi.enabled=detect # Configure the ANSI output.

PID FILE (ApplicationPidFileWriter) # Fail if ApplicationPidFileWriter is used but it cannot write the PID file. # Location of the PID file to write (if ApplicationPidFileWriter is used).

PROFILES # Comma-separated list (or list if using YAML) of active profiles.

spring.profiles.include= # Unconditionally activate the specified comma separated profiles (or list of profiles if using YAML).

SENDGRID (SendGridAutoConfiguration)

spring.sendgrid.api-key= # SendGrid api key (alternative to username/password)

spring.sendgrid.username= # SendGrid account username

spring.sendgrid.password= # SendGrid account password # SendGrid proxy host

spring.sendgrid.proxy.port= # SendGrid proxy port



server.address= # Network address to which the server should bind to.

server.compression.enabled=false # If response compression is enabled.

server.compression.excluded-user-agents= # List of user-agents to exclude from compression.

server.compression.mime-types= # Comma-separated list of MIME types that should be compressed. For instance text/html,text/css,application/json

server.compression.min-response-size= # Minimum response size that is required for compression to be performed. For instance 2048

server.connection-timeout= # Time in milliseconds that connectors will wait for another HTTP request before closing the connection. When not set, the connector‘s container-specific default will be used. Use a value of -1 to indicate no (i.e. infinite) timeout.

server.context-parameters.= # Servlet context init parameters. For instance server.context-parameters.a=alpha

server.context-path= # Context path of the application.

server.display-name=application # Display name of the application.

server.max-http-header-size=0 # Maximum size in bytes of the HTTP message header.

server.error.include-stacktrace=never # When to include a "stacktrace" attribute.

server.error.path=/error # Path of the error controller.

server.error.whitelabel.enabled=true # Enable the default error page displayed in browsers in case of a server error.

server.jetty.acceptors= # Number of acceptor threads to use.

server.jetty.max-http-post-size=0 # Maximum size in bytes of the HTTP post or put content.

server.jetty.selectors= # Number of selector threads to use.

server.jsp-servlet.class-name=org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet # The class name of the JSP servlet.

server.jsp-servlet.init-parameters.= # Init parameters used to configure the JSP servlet

server.jsp-servlet.registered=true # Whether or not the JSP servlet is registered

server.port=8080 # Server HTTP port.

server.server-header= # Value to use for the Server response header (no header is sent if empty)

server.servlet-path=/ # Path of the main dispatcher servlet.

server.use-forward-headers= # If X-Forwarded-* headers should be applied to the HttpRequest.

server.session.cookie.comment= # Comment for the session cookie.

server.session.cookie.domain= # Domain for the session cookie.

server.session.cookie.http-only= # "HttpOnly" flag for the session cookie.

server.session.cookie.max-age= # Maximum age of the session cookie in seconds. # Session cookie name.

server.session.cookie.path= # Path of the session cookie. # "Secure" flag for the session cookie.

server.session.persistent=false # Persist session data between restarts. # Directory used to store session data.

server.session.timeout= # Session timeout in seconds.

server.session.tracking-modes= # Session tracking modes (one or more of the following: "cookie", "url", "ssl").

server.ssl.ciphers= # Supported SSL ciphers.

server.ssl.client-auth= # Whether client authentication is wanted ("want") or needed ("need"). Requires a trust store.

server.ssl.enabled= # Enable SSL support.

server.ssl.enabled-protocols= # Enabled SSL protocols.

server.ssl.key-alias= # Alias that identifies the key in the key store.

server.ssl.key-password= # Password used to access the key in the key store.

server.ssl.key-store= # Path to the key store that holds the SSL certificate (typically a jks file).

server.ssl.key-store-password= # Password used to access the key store.

server.ssl.key-store-provider= # Provider for the key store.

server.ssl.key-store-type= # Type of the key store.

server.ssl.protocol=TLS # SSL protocol to use. # Trust store that holds SSL certificates. # Password used to access the trust store. # Provider for the trust store. # Type of the trust store.

server.tomcat.accept-count= # Maximum queue length for incoming connection requests when all possible request processing threads are in use.

server.tomcat.accesslog.buffered=true # Buffer output such that it is only flushed periodically. # Directory in which log files are created. Can be relative to the tomcat base dir or absolute.

server.tomcat.accesslog.enabled=false # Enable access log.

server.tomcat.accesslog.file-date-format=.yyyy-MM-dd # Date format to place in log file name.

server.tomcat.accesslog.pattern=common # Format pattern for access logs.

server.tomcat.accesslog.prefix=access_log # Log file name prefix.

server.tomcat.accesslog.rename-on-rotate=false # Defer inclusion of the date stamp in the file name until rotate time.

server.tomcat.accesslog.request-attributes-enabled=false # Set request attributes for IP address, Hostname, protocol and port used for the request.

server.tomcat.accesslog.rotate=true # Enable access log rotation.

server.tomcat.accesslog.suffix=.log # Log file name suffix.

server.tomcat.additional-tld-skip-patterns= # Comma-separated list of additional patterns that match jars to ignore for TLD scanning.

server.tomcat.background-processor-delay=30 # Delay in seconds between the invocation of backgroundProcess methods.

server.tomcat.basedir= # Tomcat base directory. If not specified a temporary directory will be used.







172.3[0-1]{1}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3} # regular expression matching trusted IP addresses.

server.tomcat.max-connections= # Maximum number of connections that the server will accept and process at any given time.

server.tomcat.max-http-post-size=0 # Maximum size in bytes of the HTTP post content.

server.tomcat.max-threads=0 # Maximum amount of worker threads.

server.tomcat.min-spare-threads=0 # Minimum amount of worker threads.

server.tomcat.port-header=X-Forwarded-Port # Name of the HTTP header used to override the original port value.

server.tomcat.protocol-header= # Header that holds the incoming protocol, usually named "X-Forwarded-Proto".

server.tomcat.protocol-header-https-value=https # Value of the protocol header that indicates that the incoming request uses SSL.

server.tomcat.redirect-context-root= # Whether requests to the context root should be redirected by appending a / to the path.

server.tomcat.remote-ip-header= # Name of the http header from which the remote ip is extracted. For instance X-FORWARDED-FOR

server.tomcat.uri-encoding=UTF-8 # Character encoding to use to decode the URI.

server.undertow.accesslog.dir= # Undertow access log directory.

server.undertow.accesslog.enabled=false # Enable access log.

server.undertow.accesslog.pattern=common # Format pattern for access logs.

server.undertow.accesslog.prefix=access_log. # Log file name prefix.

server.undertow.accesslog.rotate=true # Enable access log rotation.

server.undertow.accesslog.suffix=log # Log file name suffix.

server.undertow.buffer-size= # Size of each buffer in bytes. # Allocate buffers outside the Java heap. # Number of I/O threads to create for the worker.

server.undertow.max-http-post-size=0 # Maximum size in bytes of the HTTP post content.

server.undertow.worker-threads= # Number of worker threads.

FREEMARKER (FreeMarkerAutoConfiguration)

spring.freemarker.allow-request-override=false # Set whether HttpServletRequest attributes are allowed to override (hide) controller generated model attributes of the same name.

spring.freemarker.allow-session-override=false # Set whether HttpSession attributes are allowed to override (hide) controller generated model attributes of the same name.

spring.freemarker.cache=false # Enable template caching.

spring.freemarker.charset=UTF-8 # Template encoding.

spring.freemarker.check-template-location=true # Check that the templates location exists.

spring.freemarker.content-type=text/html # Content-Type value.

spring.freemarker.enabled=true # Enable MVC view resolution for this technology.

spring.freemarker.expose-request-attributes=false # Set whether all request attributes should be added to the model prior to merging with the template.

spring.freemarker.expose-session-attributes=false # Set whether all HttpSession attributes should be added to the model prior to merging with the template.

spring.freemarker.expose-spring-macro-helpers=true # Set whether to expose a RequestContext for use by Spring‘s macro library, under the name "springMacroRequestContext".

spring.freemarker.prefer-file-system-access=true # Prefer file system access for template loading. File system access enables hot detection of template changes.

spring.freemarker.prefix= # Prefix that gets prepended to view names when building a URL.

spring.freemarker.request-context-attribute= # Name of the RequestContext attribute for all views.

spring.freemarker.settings.*= # Well-known FreeMarker keys which will be passed to FreeMarker‘s Configuration.

spring.freemarker.suffix= # Suffix that gets appended to view names when building a URL.

spring.freemarker.template-loader-path=classpath:/templates/ # Comma-separated list of template paths.

spring.freemarker.view-names= # White list of view names that can be resolved.

GROOVY TEMPLATES (GroovyTemplateAutoConfiguration)

spring.groovy.template.allow-request-override=false # Set whether HttpServletRequest attributes are allowed to override (hide) controller generated model attributes of the same name.

spring.groovy.template.allow-session-override=false # Set whether HttpSession attributes are allowed to override (hide) controller generated model attributes of the same name.

spring.groovy.template.cache= # Enable template caching.

spring.groovy.template.charset=UTF-8 # Template encoding.

spring.groovy.template.check-template-location=true # Check that the templates location exists.

spring.groovy.template.configuration.*= # See GroovyMarkupConfigurer

spring.groovy.template.content-type=test/html # Content-Type value.

spring.groovy.template.enabled=true # Enable MVC view resolution for this technology.

spring.groovy.template.expose-request-attributes=false # Set whether all request attributes should be added to the model prior to merging with the template.

spring.groovy.template.expose-session-attributes=false # Set whether all HttpSession attributes should be added to the model prior to merging with the template.

spring.groovy.template.expose-spring-macro-helpers=true # Set whether to expose a RequestContext for use by Spring‘s macro library, under the name "springMacroRequestContext".

spring.groovy.template.prefix= # Prefix that gets prepended to view names when building a URL.

spring.groovy.template.request-context-attribute= # Name of the RequestContext attribute for all views.

spring.groovy.template.resource-loader-path=classpath:/templates/ # Template path.

spring.groovy.template.suffix=.tpl # Suffix that gets appended to view names when building a URL.

spring.groovy.template.view-names= # White list of view names that can be resolved.

SPRING HATEOAS (HateoasProperties)

spring.hateoas.use-hal-as-default-json-media-type=true # Specify if application/hal+json responses should be sent to requests that accept application/json.

HTTP message conversion

spring.http.converters.preferred-json-mapper=jackson # Preferred JSON mapper to use for HTTP message conversion. Set to "gson" to force the use of Gson when both it and Jackson are on the classpath.

HTTP encoding (HttpEncodingProperties)

spring.http.encoding.charset=UTF-8 # Charset of HTTP requests and responses. Added to the "Content-Type" header if not set explicitly.

spring.http.encoding.enabled=true # Enable http encoding support.

spring.http.encoding.force= # Force the encoding to the configured charset on HTTP requests and responses.

spring.http.encoding.force-request= # Force the encoding to the configured charset on HTTP requests. Defaults to true when "force" has not been specified.

spring.http.encoding.force-response= # Force the encoding to the configured charset on HTTP responses.

spring.http.encoding.mapping= # Locale to Encoding mapping.

MULTIPART (MultipartProperties)

spring.http.multipart.enabled=true # Enable support of multi-part uploads.

spring.http.multipart.file-size-threshold=0 # Threshold after which files will be written to disk. Values can use the suffixed "MB" or "KB" to indicate a Megabyte or Kilobyte size.

spring.http.multipart.location= # Intermediate location of uploaded files.

spring.http.multipart.max-file-size=1MB # Max file size. Values can use the suffixed "MB" or "KB" to indicate a Megabyte or Kilobyte size.

spring.http.multipart.max-request-size=10MB # Max request size. Values can use the suffixed "MB" or "KB" to indicate a Megabyte or Kilobyte size.

spring.http.multipart.resolve-lazily=false # Whether to resolve the multipart request lazily at the time of file or parameter access.

JACKSON (JacksonProperties) # Date format string or a fully-qualified date format class name. For instance yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.

spring.jackson.default-property-inclusion= # Controls the inclusion of properties during serialization.

spring.jackson.deserialization.= # Jackson on/off features that affect the way Java objects are deserialized.

spring.jackson.generator.= # Jackson on/off features for generators.

spring.jackson.joda-date-time-format= # Joda date time format string. If not configured, "date-format" will be used as a fallback if it is configured with a format string.

spring.jackson.locale= # Locale used for formatting.

spring.jackson.mapper.= # Jackson general purpose on/off features.

spring.jackson.parser.= # Jackson on/off features for parsers. # One of the constants on Jackson‘s PropertyNamingStrategy. Can also be a fully-qualified class name of a PropertyNamingStrategy subclass.

spring.jackson.serialization.*= # Jackson on/off features that affect the way Java objects are serialized.

spring.jackson.time-zone= # Time zone used when formatting dates. For instance America/Los_Angeles

JERSEY (JerseyProperties)

spring.jersey.application-path= # Path that serves as the base URI for the application. Overrides the value of "@ApplicationPath" if specified.

spring.jersey.filter.order=0 # Jersey filter chain order.

spring.jersey.init.*= # Init parameters to pass to Jersey via the servlet or filter.

spring.jersey.servlet.load-on-startup=-1 # Load on startup priority of the Jersey servlet.

spring.jersey.type=servlet # Jersey integration type.

SPRING LDAP (LdapProperties)

spring.ldap.urls= # LDAP URLs of the server.

spring.ldap.base= # Base suffix from which all operations should originate.

spring.ldap.username= # Login user of the server.

spring.ldap.password= # Login password of the server.

spring.ldap.base-environment.*= # LDAP specification settings.

EMBEDDED LDAP (EmbeddedLdapProperties)

spring.ldap.embedded.base-dn= # The base DN

spring.ldap.embedded.credential.username= # Embedded LDAP username.

spring.ldap.embedded.credential.password= # Embedded LDAP password.

spring.ldap.embedded.ldif=classpath:schema.ldif # Schema (LDIF) script resource reference.

spring.ldap.embedded.port= # Embedded LDAP port.

spring.ldap.embedded.validation.enabled=true # Enable LDAP schema validation.

spring.ldap.embedded.validation.schema= # Path to the custom schema.

SPRING MOBILE DEVICE VIEWS (DeviceDelegatingViewResolverAutoConfiguration) # Enable support for fallback resolution. # Enable device view resolver. # Prefix that gets prepended to view names for mobile devices. # Suffix that gets appended to view names for mobile devices. # Prefix that gets prepended to view names for normal devices. # Suffix that gets appended to view names for normal devices. # Prefix that gets prepended to view names for tablet devices. # Suffix that gets appended to view names for tablet devices.

SPRING MOBILE SITE PREFERENCE (SitePreferenceAutoConfiguration) # Enable SitePreferenceHandler.

MUSTACHE TEMPLATES (MustacheAutoConfiguration)

spring.mustache.allow-request-override= # Set whether HttpServletRequest attributes are allowed to override (hide) controller generated model attributes of the same name.

spring.mustache.allow-session-override= # Set whether HttpSession attributes are allowed to override (hide) controller generated model attributes of the same name.

spring.mustache.cache= # Enable template caching.

spring.mustache.charset= # Template encoding.

spring.mustache.check-template-location= # Check that the templates location exists.

spring.mustache.content-type= # Content-Type value.

spring.mustache.enabled= # Enable MVC view resolution for this technology.

spring.mustache.expose-request-attributes= # Set whether all request attributes should be added to the model prior to merging with the template.

spring.mustache.expose-session-attributes= # Set whether all HttpSession attributes should be added to the model prior to merging with the template.

spring.mustache.expose-spring-macro-helpers= # Set whether to expose a RequestContext for use by Spring‘s macro library, under the name "springMacroRequestContext".

spring.mustache.prefix=classpath:/templates/ # Prefix to apply to template names.

spring.mustache.request-context-attribute= # Name of the RequestContext attribute for all views.

spring.mustache.suffix=.html # Suffix to apply to template names.

spring.mustache.view-names= # White list of view names that can be resolved.

SPRING MVC (WebMvcProperties)

spring.mvc.async.request-timeout= # Amount of time (in milliseconds) before asynchronous request handling times out. # Date format to use. For instance dd/MM/yyyy.

spring.mvc.dispatch-trace-request=false # Dispatch TRACE requests to the FrameworkServlet doService method.

spring.mvc.dispatch-options-request=true # Dispatch OPTIONS requests to the FrameworkServlet doService method.

spring.mvc.favicon.enabled=true # Enable resolution of favicon.ico.

spring.mvc.formcontent.putfilter.enabled=true # Enable Spring‘s HttpPutFormContentFilter.

spring.mvc.ignore-default-model-on-redirect=true # If the content of the "default" model should be ignored during redirect scenarios.

spring.mvc.locale= # Locale to use. By default, this locale is overridden by the "Accept-Language" header.

spring.mvc.locale-resolver=accept-header # Define how the locale should be resolved.

spring.mvc.log-resolved-exception=false # Enable warn logging of exceptions resolved by a "HandlerExceptionResolver". # Maps file extensions to media types for content negotiation.

spring.mvc.message-codes-resolver-format= # Formatting strategy for message codes. For instance PREFIX_ERROR_CODE.

spring.mvc.servlet.load-on-startup=-1 # Load on startup priority of the Spring Web Services servlet.

spring.mvc.static-path-pattern=/* # Path pattern used for static resources.

spring.mvc.throw-exception-if-no-handler-found=false # If a "NoHandlerFoundException" should be thrown if no Handler was found to process a request.

spring.mvc.view.prefix= # Spring MVC view prefix.

spring.mvc.view.suffix= # Spring MVC view suffix.


spring.resources.add-mappings=true # Enable default resource handling.

spring.resources.cache-period= # Cache period for the resources served by the resource handler, in seconds.

spring.resources.chain.cache=true # Enable caching in the Resource chain.

spring.resources.chain.enabled= # Enable the Spring Resource Handling chain. Disabled by default unless at least one strategy has been enabled.

spring.resources.chain.gzipped=false # Enable resolution of already gzipped resources.

spring.resources.chain.html-application-cache=false # Enable HTML5 application cache manifest rewriting.

spring.resources.chain.strategy.content.enabled=false # Enable the content Version Strategy.

spring.resources.chain.strategy.content.paths=/** # Comma-separated list of patterns to apply to the Version Strategy.

spring.resources.chain.strategy.fixed.enabled=false # Enable the fixed Version Strategy.

spring.resources.chain.strategy.fixed.paths=/** # Comma-separated list of patterns to apply to the Version Strategy.

spring.resources.chain.strategy.fixed.version= # Version string to use for the Version Strategy.

spring.resources.static-locations=classpath:/META-INF/resources/,classpath:/resources/,classpath:/static/,classpath:/public/ # Locations of static resources.

SPRING SESSION (SessionProperties)

spring.session.hazelcast.flush-mode=on-save # Sessions flush mode. # Name of the map used to store sessions.

spring.session.jdbc.initializer.enabled= # Create the required session tables on startup if necessary. Enabled automatically if the default table name is set or a custom schema is configured.

spring.session.jdbc.schema=classpath:org/springframework/session/jdbc/[email protected]@[email protected]@.sql # Path to the SQL file to use to initialize the database schema.

spring.session.jdbc.table-name=SPRING_SESSION # Name of database table used to store sessions.

spring.session.mongo.collection-name=sessions # Collection name used to store sessions.

spring.session.redis.flush-mode=on-save # Sessions flush mode.

spring.session.redis.namespace= # Namespace for keys used to store sessions. # Session store type.

SPRING SOCIAL (SocialWebAutoConfiguration) # Enable the connection status view for supported providers.

SPRING SOCIAL FACEBOOK (FacebookAutoConfiguration) # your application‘s Facebook App ID # your application‘s Facebook App Secret

SPRING SOCIAL LINKEDIN (LinkedInAutoConfiguration) # your application‘s LinkedIn App ID # your application‘s LinkedIn App Secret

SPRING SOCIAL TWITTER (TwitterAutoConfiguration) # your application‘s Twitter App ID # your application‘s Twitter App Secret

THYMELEAF (ThymeleafAutoConfiguration)

spring.thymeleaf.cache=true # Enable template caching.

spring.thymeleaf.check-template=true # Check that the template exists before rendering it.

spring.thymeleaf.check-template-location=true # Check that the templates location exists.

spring.thymeleaf.content-type=text/html # Content-Type value.

spring.thymeleaf.enabled=true # Enable MVC Thymeleaf view resolution.

spring.thymeleaf.encoding=UTF-8 # Template encoding.

spring.thymeleaf.excluded-view-names= # Comma-separated list of view names that should be excluded from resolution.

spring.thymeleaf.mode=HTML5 # Template mode to be applied to templates. See also StandardTemplateModeHandlers.

spring.thymeleaf.prefix=classpath:/templates/ # Prefix that gets prepended to view names when building a URL.

spring.thymeleaf.suffix=.html # Suffix that gets appended to view names when building a URL.

spring.thymeleaf.template-resolver-order= # Order of the template resolver in the chain.

spring.thymeleaf.view-names= # Comma-separated list of view names that can be resolved.

SPRING WEB SERVICES (WebServicesProperties)

spring.webservices.path=/services # Path that serves as the base URI for the services.

spring.webservices.servlet.init= # Servlet init parameters to pass to Spring Web Services.

spring.webservices.servlet.load-on-startup=-1 # Load on startup priority of the Spring Web Services servlet.


SECURITY (SecurityProperties)

security.basic.authorize-mode=role # Security authorize mode to apply.

security.basic.enabled=true # Enable basic authentication.

security.basic.path=/** # Comma-separated list of paths to secure.

security.basic.realm=Spring # HTTP basic realm name.

security.enable-csrf=false # Enable Cross Site Request Forgery support.

security.filter-order=0 # Security filter chain order.

security.filter-dispatcher-types=ASYNC, FORWARD, INCLUDE, REQUEST # Security filter chain dispatcher types.

security.headers.cache=true # Enable cache control HTTP headers.

security.headers.content-security-policy= # Value for content security policy header.

security.headers.content-security-policy-mode=default # Content security policy mode.

security.headers.content-type=true # Enable "X-Content-Type-Options" header.

security.headers.frame=true # Enable "X-Frame-Options" header.

security.headers.hsts=all # HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) mode (none, domain, all).

security.headers.xss=true # Enable cross site scripting (XSS) protection.

security.ignored= # Comma-separated list of paths to exclude from the default secured paths.

security.require-ssl=false # Enable secure channel for all requests.

security.sessions=stateless # Session creation policy (always, never, if_required, stateless). # Default user name.

security.user.password= # Password for the default user name. A random password is logged on startup by default.

security.user.role=USER # Granted roles for the default user name.

SECURITY OAUTH2 CLIENT (OAuth2ClientProperties)

security.oauth2.client.client-id= # OAuth2 client id.

security.oauth2.client.client-secret= # OAuth2 client secret. A random secret is generated by default

SECURITY OAUTH2 RESOURCES (ResourceServerProperties)

security.oauth2.resource.filter-order= # The order of the filter chain used to authenticate tokens. # Identifier of the resource.

security.oauth2.resource.jwt.key-uri= # The URI of the JWT token. Can be set if the value is not available and the key is public.

security.oauth2.resource.jwt.key-value= # The verification key of the JWT token. Can either be a symmetric secret or PEM-encoded RSA public key.

security.oauth2.resource.prefer-token-info=true # Use the token info, can be set to false to use the user info.

security.oauth2.resource.service-id=resource #

security.oauth2.resource.token-info-uri= # URI of the token decoding endpoint.

security.oauth2.resource.token-type= # The token type to send when using the userInfoUri.

security.oauth2.resource.user-info-uri= # URI of the user endpoint.

SECURITY OAUTH2 SSO (OAuth2SsoProperties)

security.oauth2.sso.filter-order= # Filter order to apply if not providing an explicit WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter

security.oauth2.sso.login-path=/login # Path to the login page, i.e. the one that triggers the redirect to the OAuth2 Authorization Server


FLYWAY (FlywayProperties)

flyway.baseline-description= #

flyway.baseline-version=1 # version to start migration

flyway.baseline-on-migrate= #

flyway.check-location=false # Check that migration scripts location exists.

flyway.clean-on-validation-error= #

flyway.enabled=true # Enable flyway.

flyway.encoding= #

flyway.ignore-failed-future-migration= #

flyway.init-sqls= # SQL statements to execute to initialize a connection immediately after obtaining it.

flyway.locations=classpath:db/migration # locations of migrations scripts

flyway.out-of-order= #

flyway.password= # JDBC password if you want Flyway to create its own DataSource

flyway.placeholder-prefix= #

flyway.placeholder-replacement= #

flyway.placeholder-suffix= #

flyway.placeholders.*= #

flyway.schemas= # schemas to update

flyway.sql-migration-prefix=V #

flyway.sql-migration-separator= #

flyway.sql-migration-suffix=.sql #

flyway.table= #

flyway.url= # JDBC url of the database to migrate. If not set, the primary configured data source is used.

flyway.user= # Login user of the database to migrate.

flyway.validate-on-migrate= #

LIQUIBASE (LiquibaseProperties)

liquibase.change-log=classpath:/db/changelog/db.changelog-master.yaml # Change log configuration path.

liquibase.check-change-log-location=true # Check the change log location exists.

liquibase.contexts= # Comma-separated list of runtime contexts to use.

liquibase.default-schema= # Default database schema.

liquibase.drop-first=false # Drop the database schema first.

liquibase.enabled=true # Enable liquibase support.

liquibase.labels= # Comma-separated list of runtime labels to use.

liquibase.parameters.*= # Change log parameters.

liquibase.password= # Login password of the database to migrate.

liquibase.rollback-file= # File to which rollback SQL will be written when an update is performed.

liquibase.url= # JDBC url of the database to migrate. If not set, the primary configured data source is used.

liquibase.user= # Login user of the database to migrate.

COUCHBASE (CouchbaseProperties)

spring.couchbase.bootstrap-hosts= # Couchbase nodes (host or IP address) to bootstrap from. # Name of the bucket to connect to.

spring.couchbase.bucket.password= # Password of the bucket.

spring.couchbase.env.endpoints.key-value=1 # Number of sockets per node against the Key/value service.

spring.couchbase.env.endpoints.query=1 # Number of sockets per node against the Query (N1QL) service.

spring.couchbase.env.endpoints.view=1 # Number of sockets per node against the view service.

spring.couchbase.env.ssl.enabled= # Enable SSL support. Enabled automatically if a "keyStore" is provided unless specified otherwise.

spring.couchbase.env.ssl.key-store= # Path to the JVM key store that holds the certificates.

spring.couchbase.env.ssl.key-store-password= # Password used to access the key store.

spring.couchbase.env.timeouts.connect=5000 # Bucket connections timeout in milliseconds.

spring.couchbase.env.timeouts.key-value=2500 # Blocking operations performed on a specific key timeout in milliseconds.

spring.couchbase.env.timeouts.query=7500 # N1QL query operations timeout in milliseconds.

spring.couchbase.env.timeouts.socket-connect=1000 # Socket connect connections timeout in milliseconds.

spring.couchbase.env.timeouts.view=7500 # Regular and geospatial view operations timeout in milliseconds.

DAO (PersistenceExceptionTranslationAutoConfiguration)

spring.dao.exceptiontranslation.enabled=true # Enable the PersistenceExceptionTranslationPostProcessor.

CASSANDRA (CassandraProperties) # Name of the Cassandra cluster. # Compression supported by the Cassandra binary protocol. # Socket option: connection time out. # Queries consistency level. # Comma-separated list of cluster node addresses. # Queries default fetch size. # Keyspace name to use. # Class name of the load balancing policy. # Port of the Cassandra server. # Login password of the server. # Socket option: read time out. # Reconnection policy class. # Enable Cassandra repositories. # Class name of the retry policy. # Queries serial consistency level. # Schema action to take at startup. # Enable SSL support. # Login user of the server.

DATA COUCHBASE (CouchbaseDataProperties) # Automatically create views and indexes. # Consistency to apply by default on generated queries. # Enable Couchbase repositories.

ELASTICSEARCH (ElasticsearchProperties) # Elasticsearch cluster name. # Comma-separated list of cluster node addresses. If not specified, starts a client node.*= # Additional properties used to configure the client. # Enable Elasticsearch repositories.

DATA LDAP # Enable LDAP repositories.

MONGODB (MongoProperties) # Authentication database name. # Database name. # Fully qualified name of the FieldNamingStrategy to use. # GridFS database name. # Mongo server host. Cannot be set with uri. # Login password of the mongo server. Cannot be set with uri. # Mongo server port. Cannot be set with uri. # Enable Mongo repositories. # Mongo database URI. Cannot be set with host, port and credentials. # Login user of the mongo server. Cannot be set with uri.

DATA REDIS # Enable Redis repositories.

NEO4J (Neo4jProperties) # Compiler to use. # Enable embedded mode if the embedded driver is available. # Register OpenSessionInViewInterceptor. Binds a Neo4j Session to the thread for the entire processing of the request. # Login password of the server. # Enable Neo4j repositories. # URI used by the driver. Auto-detected by default. # Login user of the server.

DATA REST (RepositoryRestProperties) # Base path to be used by Spring Data REST to expose repository resources. # Default size of pages. # Strategy to use to determine which repositories get exposed. # Enable enum value translation via the Spring Data REST default resource bundle. # Name of the URL query string parameter that indicates how many results to return at once. # Maximum size of pages. # Name of the URL query string parameter that indicates what page to return. # Return a response body after creating an entity. # Return a response body after updating an entity. # Name of the URL query string parameter that indicates what direction to sort results.




时间: 2024-12-14 07:58:36

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