代写C++Object-Oriented Programming 程序作业、World Health Organization (WHO) 作业代写

代写C++Object-Oriented Programming 程序作业、World Health Organization (WHO) 作业代写
Project for Object-Oriented Programming
Project Deliverables
The source code for this project are the following files:
ProjPartA.cpp – your source code program for Part A
ProjPartB.cpp – your source code program for Part B
The grade of your project is determined by the followings:
– Design with class diagrams (20%)
– Programming Style (20%): Style and efficiency of your program (comments are expected in
the source code).
– Correctness (30%): We will verify the correctness of your program by testing it through
– Final Report (30%): The report includes the features of your system, a brief user manual of
your system as well as the source codes of your system.
1. The World Health Organization (WHO) compiles data about immunization levels around the
world. The file named “measles.txt” contains data about the level of measles vaccinations
in various countries over time.
Each line of the file contains the following fields, where there is one space between fields:
Country (50 characters)
Income Level (6 characters)
Percent Vaccinated (3 characters)
Region (25 characters)
Year (4 characters)
The “Country” field contains the name of the country.
The “Income Level” field identifies the category assigned to that country by the World Bank:
WB_LI low income
WB_LMI lower middle income
WB_UMI upper middle income
WB_HI high income
The “Percent Vaccinated” field contains an integer number representing the percentage of
children in that country who have received measles vaccine by the age of one.
The “Region” field identifies the region assigned to that country by WHO.
The “Year” field contains the year for which the data was compiled.
2. You will develop the two programs described below. Each program will be in a separate
source code file (the names are given under “Project Deliverables”).
Part A
1. The program in “ProjPartA.cpp” will copy selected lines from “measles.txt” into a
file selected by the user.
a) The program will always read from “measles.txt” (it will not prompt the user for the
name of the input file). If it is unable to open that file, the program will halt.
b) The program will prompt the user for the name of the output file. If that file does not exist,
the program will create it and continue. If that file does exist, the program will discard the
current contents of the file and continue.
c) The program will prompt the user to enter a year, and will copy all lines of “measles.txt”
selected by the user’s response. A line is selected if the user’s response matches the Year field
or any of its prefixes. All lines are selected if the user’s response is any of the values in the set
{“”, “all”, “ALL”}. Note that “” is the empty string.
For example, a line whose Year field contains “1987” would be selected by any of the following
user responses: {“1”, “19”, “198”, “1987”, “”, “all”, “”ALL”}.
2. The output file created by the program will have the same format as the input file (same field
widths and spacing). Note that when the user selects all lines, the output file will be identical to
the input file.
3. The program will display appropriate messages to inform the user about any unusual
Part B
1. The program in “ProjPartB.cpp” will display one summary report to the user.
a) The program will prompt the user to enter the name of the input file. If it is unable to open
that file, the program will prompt the user again until the user enters a valid file name.
b) The program will prompt the user to enter a year, and will then prompt the user to enter an
income level. The income level must be one of the characters in the set {1, 2, 3, 4}, where 1
corresponds to “low income”, 2 corresponds to “lower middle income”, 3 corresponds to “upper
middle income” and 4 corresponds to “high income”.
c) The program will identify all records (lines) in the input file which match the user’s criteria
for year and income level, and the program will display a report with the following information:
The count of records in the input file which match the user’s criteria
The average percentage for those records (displayed with one fractional digit)
The country with the lowest percentage for those records
The country with the highest percentage for those records
The name of the country and the percent of children vaccinated will be displayed for the last two
items (lowest percentage and highest percentage).
2. The program will display appropriate messages to inform the user about any unusual
3. The program will contain the following functions (you may develop additional functions):
open_file() ? file object
process_file( file object ) ? None
The notation above gives the name of each function, the number and type of its argument(s), and
the type of its return value.
a) The function names will be spelled exactly as shown (for example, open_file).
b) Function open_file has no parameters. It returns a file object after prompting the user to
enter the name of the input file (see above).
c) Function process_file has one parameter (a file object). It performs the processing to
read the input file and display the report.


我们的方向领域:window编程 数值算法 AI人工智能 金融统计 计量分析 大数据 网络编程 WEB编程 通讯编程 游戏编程多媒体linux 外挂编程 程序API图像处理 嵌入式/单片机 数据库编程 控制台 进程与线程 网络安全  汇编语言 硬件编程 软件设计 工程标准规等。其中代写代做编程语言或工具包括但不限于以下范围:











Data Structure Assginment 数据结构代写


Machine Learning 作业 代写

Oracle/SQL/PostgreSQL/Pig 数据库代写/代做/辅导



Finance Insurace Statistics统计、回归、迭代


Computer Computational method代做

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时间: 2024-10-08 15:52:23

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