6.4 Data Types

Table 6-1 lists the size, representation, and range of each scalar data type for the C28x compiler. Many of
the range values are available as standard macros in the header file limits.h.

NOTE: TMS320C28x Byte is 16 Bits

By ANSI/ISO C definition, the sizeof operator yields the number of bytes required to store an
object. ANSI/ISO further stipulates that when sizeof is applied to char, the result is 1. Since
the TMS320C28x char is 16 bits (to make it separately addressable), a byte is also 16 bits.
This yields results you may not expect; for example, size of (int) = = 1 (not 2). TMS320C28x
bytes and words are equivalent (16 bits). To access data in increments of 8 bits, use the
__byte() and __mov_byte() intrinsics described in Section 7.4.5.

时间: 2024-08-08 05:07:37

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