xv6-----lazy page allocation


第一问:Turn off page allocation in xv6


 1 int sys_sbrk(void)
 2 {
 3       int addr;
 4       int n;
 5       if(argint(0, &n) < 0)
 6         return -1;
 7       addr = proc->sz;
 8       proc->sz += n;
 9       //if(growproc(n) < 0)
10       //  return -1;
11       return addr;
12 }


第二问:Implement lazy page allocation

1.由于我们需要在trp.c中调用vm.c中的int mappages(pde_t pgdir, voidva, uint size, uint pa, int perm)函数,所以要去除原本的static!!!

2..在trp.c中声明int mappages(pde_t pgdir, voidva, uint size, uint pa, int perm)函数,注意要在调用之前声明!

3.在trap.c中的void trap(struct trapframe *tf)的defaut部分添加以下代码,注意要在放在原本就存在的if模块后!

 1 char *mem;
 2 uint a;
 3 a = PGROUNDDOWN(rcr2());   //rcr2() is the call to get the start memory address of this process
 4 uint newsz = proc->sz;   //newsz is the cheated memory address (the amount of memory needed by the process)
 5 for(; a < newsz; a += PGSIZE){
 6     mem = kalloc();
 7     memset(mem, 0, PGSIZE);
 8     mappages(proc->pgdir, (char*)a, PGSIZE, v2p(mem), PTE_W|PTE_U);
 9 }
10 return;


时间: 2024-10-03 21:53:31

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