

11.Which two statements are true about Shared SQL Area and Private SQL Area? (Choose two.)
A. Shared SQL Area will be allocated in the shared pool
B. Shared SQL Area will be allocated when a session starts
C. Shared SQL Area will be allocated in the large pool always
D. The whole of Private SQL Area will be allocated in the Program Global Area (PGA) always
E. Shared SQL Area and Private SQL Area will be allocated in the PGA or large pool
F. The number of Private SQL Area allocations is dependent on the OPEN_CURSORS parameter
Answer: AF



12.Which three statements are correct about temporary tables? (Choose three.)
A. Indexes and views can be created on temporary tables
B. Both the data and structure of temporary tables can be exported
C. Temporary tables are always created in a user‘s temporary tablespace
D. The data inserted into a temporary table in a session is available to other sessions
E. Data Manipulation Language (DML) locks are never acquired on the data of temporary tables
Answer: ACE 

Oracle临时表分为 会话级临时表 和 事务级临时表
临时表不需要DML锁.当一个会话结束(用户正常退出 用户不正常退出 ORACLE实例崩溃)或者一个事务结束的时候,Oracle对这个会话的表执行 TRUNCATE 语句清空临时表数据.但不会清空其它会话临时表中的数据.


13.Which two kinds of failures make the Data Recovery Advisor (DRA) generate a manual checklist?
(Choose two.)
A. Failure when no standby database is configured
B. Failure because a data file is renamed accidentally
C. Failure that requires no archive logs to be applied for recovery
D. Failure due to loss of connectivity-for example, an unplugged disk cable
Answer: BD 

DRA是oracle 11g的新特性



14.Which two statements correctly describe the relation between a data file and the logical database
structures? (Choose two)
A. An extent cannot spread across data files.
B. A segment cannot spread across data files.
C. A data file can belong to only one tablespace.
D. A data file can have only one segment created in it.
E. A data block can spread across multiple data files as it can consist of multiple operating system (OS) blocks.
Answer: AC 

位于数据扩展之上的逻辑数据库存储结构是段(segment)。段由一组数据扩展 (extent)构成,这些数据扩展位于同一表空间(tablespace)中,用于存储各种逻辑数据结构。

一个段(segment)以及属于她的所有数据扩展(extent)必须包含在同一表空间(tablespace)中。但在一个表空间内,属于同一个段的数据扩展可以分布 在多个数据文件(datafile)上,即段可以跨文件存储。但是每个数据扩展只能包含于同一个数据文件中。


15.Which two statements are true regarding a tablespace? (Choose two.)
A. It can span multiple databases
B. It can consist of multiple data files
C. It can contain blocks of different files
D. It can contains segments of different sizes
E. It can contains a part of nonpartitioned segment
Answer: BD

数据库空间的分配单位有数据块(Data Block),数据扩展(Extent),和段(Segment)


时间: 2024-12-19 16:11:08



186. 186.You plan to implement the distributed database system in your company. You invoke Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) to create a database on the server. During the installation, DBCA prompts you to specify the Global Database Name. What


191. 191.The database is running in ARCHIVELOG mode. Examine the initialization parameters and their values set to enable archiving on your database server: LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT = arch_%t_%s_%r.arc LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 = 'LOCATION = /disk1/archive' DB_RE


161. 161.Note the following points describing various utilities in Oracle Database 11g: 1. It enables the high-speed transfer of data from one database to another 2. It provides a complete solution for the backup, restoration and recovery needs of th


一.实验目的 掌握黑盒测试用例设计方法 二.实验要求 (1)对被测程序进行黑盒测试用例设计 (2)运用等价类.边界值.决策表.状态图法等进行测试用例设计. (3)对手机上任意一款音乐软件进行黑盒测试实践.(作业若雷同,后上传者判定0分) 三.实验内容 1.对被测程序运用不同的测试技巧进行测试用例设计,并执行测试,撰写测试小结. 要求写出测试用例表.执行情况和测试小结. 2.对手机上任意一款音乐软件进行黑盒测试. 要求:1)使用思维导图 2)根据场景法.状态图法 设计测试用例. 3)附加题:如有可

1107: 零起点学算法14——三位数反转

1107: 零起点学算法14--三位数反转 Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MB   64bit IO Format: %lldSubmitted: 4915  Accepted: 2378[Submit][Status][Web Board] Description 水题 Input 输入1个3位数(题目包含多组测试数据) Output 分离该3位数的百位.十位和个位,反转后输出(每组测试数据一行) Sample Input 250 Sample Out

Qt那点事儿(三) 论父对象与子对象的关系

第三回 父与子 70后的道友都应该看过这么一部片子叫做<<父子情深>>.讲述的是一个小男孩患了绝症,父亲为了满足他的愿望,让已关门的游乐园为他们父子俩重新开放.在游乐园尽情地玩耍后,最后小孩子在父亲的怀中安详地闭上了眼睛.缓缓转动的摩天轮,配着淡淡忧伤的曲调,这一刻哥泪流满面.谁说世上只有妈妈好,父爱也顶半边天.此时台下的众多男道友热泪盈眶,不约而同地起立鼓掌.史上最大的冤屈,终于得以昭雪. 但是人世间这种真挚的父爱也存在于Qt中吗? 对此,从小缺乏父爱的张无忌小友给出了自己的答案


Buffer 类 (public static class) 以下就是 mcs/class/corlib/System/Buffer.cs: 001: // 002: // System.Buffer.cs 003: // 004: // Authors: 005: // Paolo Molaro ([email protected]) 006: // Dan Lewis ([email protected]) 007: // 008: // (C) 2001 Ximian, Inc. http


Buffer 类 (public static class) 下面就是 mcs/class/corlib/System/Buffer.cs: 001: // 002: // System.Buffer.cs 003: // 004: // Authors: 005: // Paolo Molaro ([email protected]) 006: // Dan Lewis ([email protected]) 007: // 008: // (C) 2001 Ximian, Inc. http


在开发中我们通常会遇到一种需求:一个元素在不同的状态需要展现不同的样子. 而在这所谓的样子当然就是改变其css的属性,而实现能动态的改变其属性值,必然只能是更换其class属性 这里有三种方法: 第一种:通过数据的双向绑定(不推荐) 第二种:通过对象数组 第三种:通过key/value 下面简单说下这三种: 第一种:通过数据的双向绑定 实现方式: function changeClass(){   $scope.className = "change2"; } <div clas