leetcode-surrounded regions-ZZ

Problem Statement (link):

Given a 2D board containing ‘X‘ and ‘O‘, capture all regions surrounded by ‘X‘.
A region is captured by flipping all ‘O‘s into ‘X‘s in that surrounded region.
For example,


After running your function, the board should be:


Rather than recording the 2D positions for any scanned ‘O‘, a trick is to substitute any border ‘O‘s with another character - here in the Code I use ‘Y‘. And scan the board again to change any rest ‘O‘s to ‘X‘s, and change ‘Y‘s back to ‘O‘s.

We start searching ‘O‘ from the four borders. I tried DFS first, the OJ gives Runtime error on the 250x250 large board; In the Sol 2 below, I implement BFS instead, and passed all tests.

The time complexity is O(n^2), as in the worst case, we may need to scan the entire board.

1, DFS

 1 class Solution {
 2 public:
 3     // dfs - Runtime error on large board 250x250
 4     void dfs(vector<vector<char>> &board, int r, int c) {
 5         if (r<0||r>board.size()-1||c<0||c>board[0].size()-1||board[r][c]!=‘O‘)
 6             return;
 7         board[r][c]=‘Y‘;
 8         dfs(board, r-1, c);
 9         dfs(board, r+1, c);
10         dfs(board, r, c-1);
11         dfs(board, r, c+1);
12     }
13     void solve(vector<vector<char>> &board) {
14         if (board.empty() || board.size()<3 || board[0].size()<3)
15             return;
16         int r=board.size();
17         int c=board[0].size();
18         // dfs from boundary to inside
19         for (int i=0; i<c; i++) {
20             if (board[0][i]==‘O‘)
21                 dfs(board, 0, i);   // first row
22             if (board[c-1][i]==‘O‘)
23                 dfs(board, c-1, i); // last row
24         }
25         for (int i=0; i<board.size(); i++) {
26             if (board[i][0]==‘O‘)
27                 dfs(board, i, 0);   // first col
28             if (board[i][c-1])
29                 dfs(board, i, c-1); // last col
30         }
31         // scan entire matrix and set values
32         for (int i=0; i<board.size(); i++) {
33             for (int j=0; j<board[0].size(); j++) {
34                 if (board[i][j]==‘O‘)
35                     board[i][j]=‘X‘;
36                 else if (board[i][j]==‘Y‘)
37                     board[i][j]=‘O‘;
38             }
39         }
40     }
41 };

2, BFS

 1 class Solution {
 2 public:
 3     void solve(vector<vector<char>> &board) {
 4         if (board.empty() || board.size()<3 || board[0].size()<3)
 5             return;
 6         int r=board.size();
 7         int c=board[0].size();
 8         // queues to store row and col indices
 9         queue<int> qr;
10         queue<int> qc;
11         // start from boundary
12         for (int i=0; i<c; i++) {
13             if (board[0][i]==‘O‘) { qr.push(0); qc.push(i); }
14             if (board[r-1][i]==‘O‘) { qr.push(r-1); qc.push(i); }
15         }
16         for (int i=0; i<r; i++) {
17             if (board[i][0]==‘O‘) { qr.push(i); qc.push(0); }
18             if (board[i][c-1]==‘O‘) { qr.push(i); qc.push(c-1); }
19         }
20         // BFS
21         while (!qr.empty()) {
22             int rt=qr.front(); qr.pop();
23             int ct=qc.front(); qc.pop();
24             board[rt][ct]=‘Y‘;
25             if (rt-1>=0 && board[rt-1][ct]==‘O‘) { qr.push(rt-1); qc.push(ct); }  //go up
26             if (rt+1<r && board[rt+1][ct]==‘O‘) { qr.push(rt+1); qc.push(ct); } // go down
27             if (ct-1>=0 && board[rt][ct-1]==‘O‘) { qr.push(rt); qc.push(ct-1); } // go left
28             if (ct+1<c && board[rt][ct+1]==‘O‘) { qr.push(rt); qc.push(ct+1); } // go right
29         }
31         // scan entire matrix and set values
32         for (int i=0; i<board.size(); i++) {
33             for (int j=0; j<board[0].size(); j++) {
34                 if (board[i][j]==‘O‘) board[i][j]=‘X‘;
35                 else if (board[i][j]==‘Y‘) board[i][j]=‘O‘;
36             }
37         }
38     }
39 };


时间: 2024-10-05 23:26:56

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