Timberwolves forward Kevin Garnett to retire _洛杉矶时报


kevin Garnett,the best player in Minnesota Timberwolves history,is expected  to announce his retirement soon after reaching a buyout aggreement with the club,multiple sources have confirmed.

Minnesota:明尼苏达州(美国);is expected to :预计;announce: v,宣布,宣告,

kevin Garnett,明尼苏达州,森林狼队历史上最好的球员,具多方消息证实,预计在与俱乐部达成收购协议后不久将宣告退休.

kevin Garnett,the best player in Minnesota Timberwolves history  is expected to announce his retirement soon after reaching a buyout agreement with the club,multiple sources have confirmed.

Garnett led the down-trodden Timberwolves to eight consecutive playoff appearance ,starting in 1997 after becoing the first player in 20 years to jump from high school to the NBA

down-trodden: 受压迫的,被践踏的;consecutive:adj,连续的,playoff: n,季后赛;appearance:n,露脸,露出,

Garnett 继成为20年来第一个从高中生直接到 NBA的球员后, 从1997年开始, 领导被压迫的 森林狼队 出场了连续八场季后赛,

Garnett led the down-trodden Timberwolves to eight consecutive playoff appearance,starting in 1997 ,after becoming the first player in 20 years to jump from high shcool to the NBA.

Garnett ,who wavied his no-trade clause in order to reunite with the Timberwolves in February 2015 ,will not play out the second year of his two-year,$16.5-million contract.


时间: 2025-01-01 14:36:23

Timberwolves forward Kevin Garnett to retire _洛杉矶时报的相关文章


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