National Library of Medicine


NLM Tutorial

What is the NLM?

The National Library of Medicine (NLM), which is a division of the National Institutes of Health, is the world‘s largest biomedical library. The NLM has many web-based resources to help you become educated about your health and to help you make informed decisions. Start the tutorial.

The NLM has information that can be especially helpful to those affected by hepatitis B, including information about prevention, clinical trials, and health insurance resources. The Hepatitis B Foundation has partnered with the NLM to help you navigate their searchable websites: - Provides regularly updated information about federally and privately supported clinical research. This site offers information about the purpose of a clinical trial, who may participate, locations of current clinical trials, and contact information for those who are running each trial.?

MEDLINEPlus - Offers comprehensive information on hundreds of health topics including hepatitis B. You can search for health topics alphabetically, view interactive slide shows or find links to other health resources and health care providers.

MEDLINE - Offers references to more than 11 million published journal articles. Search by author or keyword to locate the results of scientific research that has been conducted on a number of health topics, medical procedures and treatments. Most of the articles listed in MEDLINE are written for health professionals.

Take our easy, interactive tutorial and learn to search the NLM databases.

时间: 2024-12-22 03:00:11

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