最近编译newline的版本的时候..同事修改了andoid默认输入法为百度.这是系统自动提供的API,所以每次编译会提示 此时在编译源码生成SDK的过程中会出现这个问题:******************************You have tried to change the API from what has been previously approved.To make these errors go away, you have two choices: 1) You c
tiny4412学习者,在ubuntu12.04下编译android4.1.2添加JNI层出现问题: (虚心请教解决方法) trouble writing output: Too many methods: 65540; max is 65536. By package: 26 android 145 android.accessibilityservice 702 android.accounts 436 android.animation 8 android.annotation 3793
问题描写叙述: vc6.0程序,点击编译时提示对话框,内容为: Cannot complile the file 'D:\souce-code\vc-workspace\对话框\MainFrm.h'; no compile tool is associated with the file extension. 解决方式: