
一、type and members

1. inspect.getmembers(object[, predicate])



inspect.ismodule(object): 是否为模块
inspect.ismethod(object):是否为方法(bound method written in python)
inspect.isfunction(object):是否为函数(python function, including lambda expression)
inspect.istraceback(object): 是否为traceback
inspect.isdatadescriptor(object):是否为数字标识符,数字标识符有__get__ 和__set__属性; 通常也有__name__和__doc__属性
inspect.isgetsetdescriptor(object):是否为getset descriptor
inspect.ismemberdescriptor(object):是否为member descriptor


Type Attribute Description Notes
module __doc__ documentation string  
  __file__ filename (missing for built-in modules)  
class __doc__ documentation string  
  __module__ name of module in which this class was defined  
method __doc__ documentation string  
  __name__ name with which this method was defined  
  im_class class object that asked for this method (1)
  im_func or __func__ function object containing implementation of method  
  im_self or __self__ instance to which this method is bound, or None  
function __doc__ documentation string  
  __name__ name with which this function was defined  
  func_code code object containing compiled function bytecode  
  func_defaults tuple of any default values for arguments  
  func_doc (same as __doc__)  
  func_globals global namespace in which this function was defined  
  func_name (same as __name__)  
generator __iter__ defined to support iteration over container  
  close raises new GeneratorExit exception inside the generator to terminate the iteration  
  gi_code code object  
  gi_frame frame object or possibly None once the generator has been exhausted  
  gi_running set to 1 when generator is executing, 0 otherwise  
  next return the next item from the container  
  send resumes the generator and “sends” a value that becomes the result of the current yield-expression  
  throw used to raise an exception inside the generator  
traceback tb_frame frame object at this level  
  tb_lasti index of last attempted instruction in bytecode  
  tb_lineno current line number in Python source code  
  tb_next next inner traceback object (called by this level)  
frame f_back next outer frame object (this frame’s caller)  
  f_builtins builtins namespace seen by this frame  
  f_code code object being executed in this frame  
  f_exc_traceback traceback if raised in this frame, or None  
  f_exc_type exception type if raised in this frame, or None  
  f_exc_value exception value if raised in this frame, or None  
  f_globals global namespace seen by this frame  
  f_lasti index of last attempted instruction in bytecode  
  f_lineno current line number in Python source code  
  f_locals local namespace seen by this frame  
  f_restricted 0 or 1 if frame is in restricted execution mode  
  f_trace tracing function for this frame, or None  
code co_argcount number of arguments (not including * or ** args)  
  co_code string of raw compiled bytecode  
  co_consts tuple of constants used in the bytecode  
  co_filename name of file in which this code object was created  
  co_firstlineno number of first line in Python source code  
  co_flags bitmap: 1=optimized | 2=newlocals | 4=*arg |8=**arg  
  co_lnotab encoded mapping of line numbers to bytecode indices  
  co_name name with which this code object was defined  
  co_names tuple of names of local variables  
  co_nlocals number of local variables  
  co_stacksize virtual machine stack space required  
  co_varnames tuple of names of arguments and local variables  
builtin __doc__ documentation string  
  __name__ original name of this function or method  
  __self__ instance to which a method is bound, or None  

2. inspect.getmoduleinfo(path): 返回一个命名元组<named tuple>(name, suffix, mode, module_type)



mode:open()方法的模式,如:‘r‘, ‘a‘等

module_type: 整数,代表了模块的类型

3. inspect.getmodulename(path):根据path返回模块名(不包括其所在的package)

二、Retrieving source code

1. inspect.getdoc(object): 获取object的documentation信息

2. inspect.getcomments(object)

3. inspect.getfile(object): 返回对象的文件名

4. inspect.getmodule(object):返回object所属的模块名

5. inspect.getsourcefile(object): 返回object的python源文件名;object不能使built-in的module, class, mothod

6. inspect.getsourcelines(object):返回object的python源文件代码的内容,行号+代码行

7. inspect.getsource(object):以string形式返回object的源代码

8. inspect.cleandoc(doc):

三、class and functions

1. inspect.getclasstree(classes[, unique])

2. inspect.getargspec(func)

3. inspect.getargvalues(frame)

4. inspect.formatargspec(args[, varargsvarkwdefaultsformatargformatvarargsformatvarkwformatvaluejoin])

5. inspect.formatargvalues(args[, varargsvarkwlocalsformatargformatvarargsformatvarkwformatvaluejoin])

6. inspect.getmro(cls): 元组形式返回cls类的基类(包括cls类),以method resolution顺序;通常cls类为元素的第一个元素

7. inspect.getcallargs(func[, *args][, **kwds]):将args和kwds参数到绑定到为func的参数名;对bound方法,也绑定第一个参数(通常为self)到相应的实例;返回字典,对应参数名及其值;

>>> from inspect import getcallargs
>>> def f(a, b=1, *pos, **named):
...     pass
>>> getcallargs(f, 1, 2, 3)
{‘a‘: 1, ‘named‘: {}, ‘b‘: 2, ‘pos‘: (3,)}
>>> getcallargs(f, a=2, x=4)
{‘a‘: 2, ‘named‘: {‘x‘: 4}, ‘b‘: 1, ‘pos‘: ()}
>>> getcallargs(f)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: f() takes at least 1 argument (0 given)

四、The interpreter stack

1. inspect.getframeinfo(frame[, context])

2. inspect.getouterframes(frame[, context])

3. inspect.getinnerframes(traceback[, context])

4. inspect.currentframe()

5. inspect.stack([context])

6. inspect.trace([context])



时间: 2024-08-30 03:36:45



转自: 一.inspect模块主要提供了四种用处: (1).对是否是模块,框架,函数等进行类型检查. (2).获取源码 (3).获取类或函数的参数的信息 (4).解析堆栈 使用inspect模块可以提供自省功能,下面是关于自省的一些介绍, 首先通过一个例子来看一下本文中可能用到的对象和相关概念. import sys                  # 模块,sys指向这个模块对象 def fo


转载自: 前言 我在学习到实战Day5 - python教程 - 廖雪峰的官方网站时,遇到了inspect模块,之前对这个inspect模块一无所知啊,所以本着打破砂锅问到底的精神,决定对inspect模块做一些探究. 根据度娘搜到的,inspect模块主要提供了四种用处: (1). 对是否是模块,框架,函数等进行类型检查. (2). 获取源码 (3). 获取类或函数的参数

Python inspect模块学习

今天发现Python inspect模块中一个有趣的功能, 可以让我们方便地检视Python库中的源代码, 知道模块具体是怎样实现的, 满足了像我这样有偷窥欲的人-.- 那就是inspect中的getsource 它的用法如下: 例如要检视Python的The Zen of Python 我们可以: In [1]: import inspect In [2]: import this The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters Beautiful is better tha


函数定义的弊端 Python是动态语言,变量随时可以被赋值,且能赋值为不同的类型,同时Python不是静态编译型语言,变量类型是在运行器决定的,动态语言很灵活,但是这种特性也是弊端. def add(x, y): return x + y print(add(4, 5)) print(add('hello', 'world')) add(4, 'hello') # 结果为: 9 helloworld ------------------------------------------------


inspect模块主要提供了四种用处: (1).对是否是模块,框架,函数等进行类型检查. (2).获取源码 (3).获取类或函数的参数的信息 (4).解析堆栈 使用inspect模块可以提供自省功能,下面是关于自省的一些介绍: 首先通过一个例子来看一下本文中可能用到的对象和相关概念. #coding: UTF-8 import sys # 模块,sys指向这个模块对象 import inspect def foo(): pass # 函数,foo指向这个函数对象 class Cat(object


inspect模块提供了一些有用的函数来帮助获取有关活动对象(如模块,类,方法,函数,跟踪,框架对象和代码对象)的信息.例如,它可以帮助您检查类的内容,检索方法的源代码,提取和格式化函数的参数列表,或获取显示详细追溯所需的所有信息. 这个模块提供了四种主要的服务: 类型检查, 获取源代码, 检查类和函数, 以及检查解释器堆栈 一.type and members 1. inspect.getmembers(object[, predicate]) 第二个参数通常可以根据需要调用如下16个方法:

Python中subprocess 模块 创建并运行一个进程

python的subprocess模块,看到官方声明里说要尽力避免使用shell=True这个参数,于是测试了一下: from subprocess import call import shlex cmd = "cat test.txt; rm test.txt" call(cmd, shell=True) 运行之后: 1:打开并浏览了test.txt文件 2:删除了test.txt文件 from subprocess import call import shlex cmd = &

python时间处理模块 datetime time模块 deltetime模块

1 首先介绍time模块,因为简单 python 自带模块 本人使用time模块,只使用两个函数 time函数和sleep函数 import time a.     time.time()   函数 返回unix时间  常用作两个时间差的计算 b.     time.sleep()  休眠多久,精度为子秒(subsecond) In [90]: t1 = time.time() In [91]: t1 Out[91]: 1461400225.877932 In [92]: time.sleep(


今天在阿里云一台新的服务器部署程序后台,发现上面的python缺少MySQLDB 模块,记录安装过程. 首先django程序,运行 python sycdb 报错: ImproperlyConfigured: Error loading MySQLdb module: No module named MySQLdb MySQLdb模块的包名字叫mysql-python,于是pip安装之,(关于pip,可以参考这篇文章) 运行: pip install mysql-python