hdu 5774 Where Amazing Happens(2016 Multi-University Training Contest 4——打表)


Where Amazing Happens

Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)

Total Submission(s): 443    Accepted Submission(s): 300

Problem Description

As the premier men‘s professional basketball league in the world, the National Basketball Association (NBA) has witnessed many superstars, legendary teams and precious friendships.

Here is a list of every season’s champion from the league‘s inception in 1946 to 2015.

Season Champion

2015-16 Cleveland Cavaliers

2014-15 Golden State Warriors

2013-14 San Antonio Spurs

2012-13 Miami Heat

2011-12 Miami Heat

2010-11 Dallas Mavericks

2009-10 L.A. Lakers

2008-09 L.A. Lakers

2007-08 Boston Celtics

2006-07 San Antonio Spurs

2005-06 Miami Heat

2004-05 San Antonio Spurs

2003-04 Detroit Pistons

2002-03 San Antonio Spurs

2001-02 L.A. Lakers

2000-01 L.A. Lakers

1999-00 L.A. Lakers

1998-99 San Antonio Spurs

1997-98 Chicago Bulls

1996-97 Chicago Bulls

1995-96 Chicago Bulls

1994-95 Houston Rockets

1993-94 Houston Rockets

1992-93 Chicago Bulls

1991-92 Chicago Bulls

1990-91 Chicago Bulls

1989-90 Detroit Pistons

1988-89 Detroit Pistons

1987-88 L.A. Lakers

1986-87 L.A. Lakers

1985-86 Boston Celtics

1984-85 L.A. Lakers

1983-84 Boston Celtics

1982-83 Philadelphia 76ers

1981-82 L.A. Lakers

1980-81 Boston Celtics

1979-80 L.A. Lakers

1978-79 Seattle Sonics

1977-78 Washington Bullets

1976-77 Portland Trail Blazers

1975-76 Boston Celtics

1974-75 Golden State Warriors

1973-74 Boston Celtics

1972-73 New York Knicks

1971-72 L.A. Lakers

1970-71 Milwaukee Bucks

1969-70 New York Knicks

1968-69 Boston Celtics

1967-68 Boston Celtics

1966-67 Philadelphia 76ers

1965-66 Boston Celtics

1964-65 Boston Celtics

1963-64 Boston Celtics

1962-63 Boston Celtics

1961-62 Boston Celtics

1960-61 Boston Celtics

1959-60 Boston Celtics

1958-59 Boston Celtics

1957-58 St. Louis Hawks

1956-57 Boston Celtics

1955-56 Philadelphia Warriors

1954-55 Syracuse Nats

1953-54 Minneapolis Lakers

1952-53 Minneapolis Lakers

1951-52 Minneapolis Lakers

1950-51 Rochester Royals

1949-50 Minneapolis Lakers

1948-49 Minneapolis Lakers

1947-48 Baltimore Bullets

1946-47 Philadelphia Warriors

(quoted from http://www.nba.com/history/nba-season-recaps/)

Given the team name, it won’t be difficult for you to count how many times this team(with exactly the same name) has made amazing happen.


The first line gives the number of test cases. Each case contains one string S representing the team to be queried.

T<=30.S consists of English letters, digits, punctuations and spaces. And 1<=length(S)<=30.


For each test case, output one line containing "Case #x: y", where x is the test case number (starting from 1) and y is the times this team has won the championship according to the list above.

Sample Input

Cleveland Cavaliers
Oklahoma City Thunder

Sample Output

Case #1: 1
Case #2: 0




2016 Multi-University Training Contest 4




const  double INF=0x3fffffff;

const  double eps=1e-10;
const double PI=acos(-1.0);

using namespace std;

int hah[1000]= {1,2,5,3,1,11,17,3,6,2,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,5,1,1};
char s[30][1000]= {{"Cleveland Cavaliers"}
    ,{"Golden State Warriors"}
    ,{"San Antonio Spurs"}
    ,{"Miami Heat"}
    ,{"Dallas Mavericks"}
    ,{"L.A. Lakers"}
    ,{"Boston Celtics"}
    ,{"Detroit Pistons"}
    ,{"Chicago Bulls"}
    ,{"Houston Rockets"}
    ,{"Philadelphia 76ers"}
    ,{"Seattle Sonics"}
    ,{"Washington Bullets"}
    ,{"Portland Trail Blazers"}
    ,{"New York Knicks"}
    ,{"Milwaukee Bucks"}
    ,{"St. Louis Hawks"}
    ,{"Philadelphia Warriors"}
    ,{"Syracuse Nats"}
    ,{"Minneapolis Lakers"}
    ,{"Rochester Royals"}
    ,{"Baltimore Bullets"}

int main()
    int t;
    int tt=1;
        char ch[1000];
        bool flag=false ;
        printf("Case #%d: ",tt++);
        for(int i=0; i<22; i++)
                flag=true ;
        if(!flag) printf("0\n");
    return 0;
时间: 2024-08-05 02:07:11

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