unity3d questions!

UnityVS: Web Target with Web Security enabled will prevent opening files and communication with UnityVS.


直接在  unity中  File-》build setting -> 更换一个平台就行,不要选择web的

just go to File->Build Settings then select something other than web player and then press Switch Platform.



using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class SetupVerification : MonoBehaviour
 public string message = "";
 private bool badSetup = false;
 void Awake ()
  Application.RegisterLogCallback (OnLog);
 void OnLog (string message, string stacktrace, LogType type)
  if (message.IndexOf ("UnityException: Input Axis") == 0 ||
   message.IndexOf ("UnityException: Input Button") == 0


InternalGetGameObject can only be called from the main thread.


“Unity chose to limit API calls to main-thread, to make a simple and solid threading model that everyone can understand and use.”

时间: 2025-01-22 22:48:53

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Welcome to Unity. 欢迎使用Unity. Unity is made to empower users to create the best interactive entertainment or multimedia experience that they can. This manual is designed to help you learn how to use Unity, from basic to advanced techniques. It can be

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Unity中的coroutine是通过yield expression;来实现的.官方脚本中到处会看到这样的代码. 疑问: yield是什么? Coroutine是什么? unity的coroutine程序执行流程怎么那么奇怪? unity中的coroutine原理是什么,怎么实现的? 使用unity的coroutine需要注意什么问题? 一.yield的在几种语言中的程序执行特性: Lua中的yield是使得协同函数运行->挂起并且传递参数给resume.resume使得协同函数挂起->运行