如何在QML中设计一个expandable ListView


首先我们可以使用Ubuntu SDK来创建一个最简单的“QML App with Simple UI (qmlproject)”项目。我们的Main.qml非常简单:


import QtQuick 2.4
import Ubuntu.Components 1.2

    \brief MainView with a Label and Button elements.

MainView {
    // objectName for functional testing purposes (autopilot-qt5)
    objectName: "mainView"

    // Note! applicationName needs to match the "name" field of the click manifest
    applicationName: "expandinglist.liu-xiao-guo"

     This property enables the application to change orientation
     when the device is rotated. The default is false.
    //automaticOrientation: true

    // Removes the old toolbar and enables new features of the new header.
//    useDeprecatedToolbar: false

    width: units.gu(60)
    height: units.gu(85)

    Page {
        id: mainpage
        title: i18n.tr("expandinglist")
        flickable: null

        ListView {
            id: listView
            anchors.fill: parent
            clip: true
            model: RecipesModel {}
            delegate: RecipesDelegate {}



import QtQuick 2.0
import Ubuntu.Components 1.2

// Delegate for the recipes.  This delegate has two modes:
    // 1. List mode (default), which just shows the picture and title of the recipe.
    // 2. Details mode, which also shows the ingredients and method.
//Component {
//    id: recipeDelegate
//! [0]
    Item {
        id: recipe

        // Create a property to contain the visibility of the details.
        // We can bind multiple element's opacity to this one property,
        // rather than having a "PropertyChanges" line for each element we
        // want to fade.
        property real detailsOpacity : 0
//! [0]
        width: ListView.view.width
        height: units.gu(10)

        // A simple rounded rectangle for the background
        Rectangle {
            id: background
            x: 2; y: 2; width: parent.width - x*2; height: parent.height - y*2
            color: "ivory"
            border.color: "orange"
            radius: 5

        // This mouse region covers the entire delegate.
        // When clicked it changes mode to 'Details'.  If we are already
        // in Details mode, then no change will happen.
//! [1]
        MouseArea {
            anchors.fill: parent
            onClicked: {
                console.log("recipe.y: " + recipe.y );
                console.log("origin.y: " + listView.originY );
                recipe.state = 'Details';

        // Lay out the page: picture, title and ingredients at the top, and method at the
        // bottom.  Note that elements that should not be visible in the list
        // mode have their opacity set to recipe.detailsOpacity.

        Row {
            id: topLayout
            x: 10; y: 10; height: recipeImage.height; width: parent.width
            spacing: 10

            Image {
                id: recipeImage
                width: units.gu(8); height: units.gu(8)
                source: picture
//! [1]
            Column {
                width: background.width - recipeImage.width - 20; height: recipeImage.height
                spacing: 5

                Text {
                    text: title
                    font.bold: true; font.pointSize: units.gu(2)

                SmallText {
                    text: "Ingredients"
                    font.bold: true
                    opacity: recipe.detailsOpacity

                SmallText {
                    text: ingredients
                    wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
                    width: parent.width
                    opacity: recipe.detailsOpacity

//! [2]
        Item {
            id: details
            x: 10; width: parent.width - 20

            anchors { top: topLayout.bottom; topMargin: 10; bottom: parent.bottom; bottomMargin: 10 }
            opacity: recipe.detailsOpacity
//! [2]
            SmallText {
                id: methodTitle
                anchors.top: parent.top
                text: "Method"
                font.pointSize: 12; font.bold: true

            Flickable {
                id: flick
                width: parent.width
                anchors { top: methodTitle.bottom; bottom: parent.bottom }
                contentHeight: methodText.height
                clip: true

                Text { id: methodText; text: method; wrapMode: Text.WordWrap; width: details.width }

            Image {
                anchors { right: flick.right; top: flick.top }
                source: "content/pics/moreUp.png"
                opacity: flick.atYBeginning ? 0 : 1

            Image {
                anchors { right: flick.right; bottom: flick.bottom }
                source: "content/pics/moreDown.png"
                opacity: flick.atYEnd ? 0 : 1
//! [3]

        // A button to close the detailed view, i.e. set the state back to default ('').
        TextButton {
            y: 10
            anchors { right: background.right; rightMargin: 10 }
            opacity: recipe.detailsOpacity
            text: "Close"

            onClicked: recipe.state = '';

        states: State {
            name: "Details"

            PropertyChanges { target: background; color: "white" }
            PropertyChanges { target: recipeImage; width: 130; height: 130 } // Make picture bigger
            PropertyChanges { target: recipe; detailsOpacity: 1; x: 0 } // Make details visible
            PropertyChanges { target: recipe; height: listView.height } // Fill the entire list area with the detailed view

            // Move the list so that this item is at the top.
            PropertyChanges { target: recipe.ListView.view; explicit: true;
                contentY: {
                    console.log("listView.contentY: " + listView.contentY);
                    return recipe.y + listView.contentY;

            // Disallow flicking while we're in detailed view
            PropertyChanges { target: recipe.ListView.view; interactive: false }

        transitions: Transition {
            // Make the state changes smooth
            ParallelAnimation {
                ColorAnimation { property: "color"; duration: 500 }
                NumberAnimation { duration: 300; properties: "detailsOpacity,x,contentY,height,width" }
//    }
//! [3]




import QtQuick 2.0
import Ubuntu.Components 1.2

// Delegate for the recipes.  This delegate has two modes:
    // 1. List mode (default), which just shows the picture and title of the recipe.
    // 2. Details mode, which also shows the ingredients and method.
//Component {
//    id: recipeDelegate
//! [0]
    Item {
        id: recipe

        // Create a property to contain the visibility of the details.
        // We can bind multiple element's opacity to this one property,
        // rather than having a "PropertyChanges" line for each element we
        // want to fade.
        property real detailsOpacity : 0
//! [0]
        width: ListView.view.width
        height: units.gu(10)

        // A simple rounded rectangle for the background
        Rectangle {
            id: background
            x: 2; y: 2; width: parent.width - x*2; height: parent.height - y*2
            color: "ivory"
            border.color: "orange"
            radius: 5

        // This mouse region covers the entire delegate.
        // When clicked it changes mode to 'Details'.  If we are already
        // in Details mode, then no change will happen.
//! [1]
        MouseArea {
            anchors.fill: parent
            onClicked: {
                console.log("recipe.y: " + recipe.y );
                console.log("origin.y: " + listView.originY );
                recipe.state = 'Details';

        // Lay out the page: picture, title and ingredients at the top, and method at the
        // bottom.  Note that elements that should not be visible in the list
        // mode have their opacity set to recipe.detailsOpacity.

        Row {
            id: topLayout
            x: 10; y: 10; height: recipeImage.height; width: parent.width
            spacing: 10

            Image {
                id: recipeImage
                width: units.gu(8); height: units.gu(8)
                source: picture
//! [1]
            Column {
                width: background.width - recipeImage.width - 20; height: recipeImage.height
                spacing: 5

                Text {
                    text: title
                    font.bold: true; font.pointSize: units.gu(2)

                SmallText {
                    text: "Ingredients"
                    font.bold: true
                    opacity: recipe.detailsOpacity

                SmallText {
                    text: ingredients
                    wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
                    width: parent.width
                    opacity: recipe.detailsOpacity

//! [2]
        Item {
            id: details
            x: 10; width: parent.width - 20

            anchors { top: topLayout.bottom; topMargin: 10; bottom: parent.bottom; bottomMargin: 10 }
            opacity: recipe.detailsOpacity
//! [2]
            SmallText {
                id: methodTitle
                anchors.top: parent.top
                text: "Method"
                font.pointSize: 12; font.bold: true

            Flickable {
                id: flick
                width: parent.width
                anchors { top: methodTitle.bottom; bottom: parent.bottom }
                contentHeight: methodText.height
                clip: true

                Text { id: methodText; text: method; wrapMode: Text.WordWrap; width: details.width }

            Image {
                anchors { right: flick.right; top: flick.top }
                source: "content/pics/moreUp.png"
                opacity: flick.atYBeginning ? 0 : 1

            Image {
                anchors { right: flick.right; bottom: flick.bottom }
                source: "content/pics/moreDown.png"
                opacity: flick.atYEnd ? 0 : 1
//! [3]

        // A button to close the detailed view, i.e. set the state back to default ('').
        TextButton {
            y: 10
            anchors { right: background.right; rightMargin: 10 }
            opacity: recipe.detailsOpacity
            text: "Close"

            onClicked: recipe.state = '';

        states: State {
            name: "Details"

            PropertyChanges { target: background; color: "white" }
            PropertyChanges { target: recipeImage; width: 130; height: 130 } // Make picture bigger
            PropertyChanges { target: recipe; detailsOpacity: 1; x: 0 } // Make details visible
            PropertyChanges { target: recipe; height: listView.height } // Fill the entire list area with the detailed view

            // Move the list so that this item is at the top.
            PropertyChanges { target: recipe.ListView.view; explicit: true;
                contentY: {
                    console.log("listView.contentY: " + listView.contentY);
                    return recipe.y + listView.contentY;

            // Disallow flicking while we're in detailed view
            PropertyChanges { target: recipe.ListView.view; interactive: false }

        transitions: Transition {
            // Make the state changes smooth
            ParallelAnimation {
                ColorAnimation { property: "color"; duration: 500 }
                NumberAnimation { duration: 300; properties: "detailsOpacity,x,contentY,height,width" }
//    }
//! [3]


  • 默认的List模式。在这种模式下,它只显示一个图片及title
  • 详细模式。在这种模式下,除了显示上面的图片和title以外,还显示model中的ingredients及method


       states: State {
            name: "Details"

            PropertyChanges { target: background; color: "white" }
            PropertyChanges { target: recipeImage; width: 130; height: 130 } // Make picture bigger
            PropertyChanges { target: recipe; detailsOpacity: 1; x: 0 } // Make details visible
            PropertyChanges { target: recipe; height: listView.height } // Fill the entire list area with the detailed view

            // Move the list so that this item is at the top.
            PropertyChanges { target: recipe.ListView.view; explicit: true;
                contentY: {
                    console.log("listView.contentY: " + listView.contentY);
                    return recipe.y + listView.contentY;

            // Disallow flicking while we're in detailed view
            PropertyChanges { target: recipe.ListView.view; interactive: false }


            PropertyChanges { target: recipe.ListView.view; explicit: true;
                contentY: {
                    console.log("listView.contentY: " + listView.contentY);
                    return recipe.y + listView.contentY;





整个项目的代码在:git clone https://gitcafe.com/ubuntu/expandinglist.git

时间: 2024-07-29 04:35:32

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